The meaning of the word "safe" is highly relative, qualified, and subjective.
Is the electricity which powers our modern world safe ?
Is the fire under the teakettle safe ?
A little knowledge, too little knowledge, is often a very dangerous thing.
We do all live in a universe where the laws of probability generally apply.
Great safety is enjoyed in the presumption that everyone will do their
own "risk assessments" with regards to their own conduct and choices.
That safe presumption extends to include that some who would assert
their fitness to govern others will then seek to impose upon others the effect
of their own risk assessments, whether those assessments be "reasonable"
or right or wrong.
It is also of significant doubt that the "safest" world is a thing desirable.
Where is challenge met and any real accomplishment found for risk free enterprise, where all is done in "safety" ? Do not misunderstand that I
mean by the question to advocate recklessness. |