Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Non-English DIY users

vwinstead - 22-9-2010 at 12:51

I have a DIY website ( Get Up and DIY ) and I am trying to think of a way to reach out to non-English speakers or people who have a low proficiency in English who would like to create a DIY project page. I am sure a lot of these people don't bother creating a project description because they wouldn't have the correct way of describing the project in English. It seems like a great un-tapped source of knowledge.

So here's my idea and please give me some input on this. Does anyone know of anyone who might benefit from this? Is it even a good idea to work on adding this application to my site?

Project Description:
The intent is to create an interactive application for helping non-native English speakers who need help developing their project ideas in the English language. Not all non-native speakers have trouble verbally communicating in English but may have trouble writing down their thoughts or ideas. Many speak at a native level, but many do not. These two groups of people will work together in an environment which facilitates interaction between the two parties using the following methods:
• Text chat using language translation software,
• Voice-chat option,
• Web-based white-board for sketching out ideas,
• Conversion tool for switching between their familiar units of measurement,
• File transfer tool for trading information.