Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Possible nitric acid production

opfromthestart - 20-2-2019 at 06:09

I would like to have a bit of concentrated nitric acid on hand, but am having some trouble getting it.

I thought of a process that could work to produce nearly pure nitric acid given low water content in the reagents of the final reaction.
Some of the steps here may be unnecessary.

Filter off Ca(OH)2 and dry(or not), uses precipitation
Ca(OH)2+2NH4NO3->Ca(NO3)2+NH3+H2O (This is the step I am unsure about)
CaSO4 should precipitate from the solution leaving some nitric acid and sodium nitrate(if this could be done with nearly no water I suspect it could produce concentrated nitric acid)

All of these use equilibrium to move them(precipitation for the first and third, evaporation of the ammonia for the second)

However, sometimes plans don't work the way they are expected to. I am asking if this process would work, specifically the second step. Since this would result in the slow dissolving of the calcium, I don't know how practical this would be.

And no, I do not have any sulfuric acid for the last step.

Chem Science - 20-2-2019 at 08:24

Hy opfromthestart
The reaction Ca(NO3)2+NaHSO4->HNO3+NaNO3+CaSO4 works but it has some bad points you react them in solid phase and in a distillation apparatus,Dry distillation are risky and i admit i did these only a fey times because i dont have the money to replenish Distillation apparatus.At the end it forms a solid Rock of sulfates that is possible to remove with hot water but i did break a flask once !!I recommend check these method !!

phlogiston - 20-2-2019 at 09:03


Ca(OH)2+2NH4NO3->Ca(NO3)2+NH3+H2O (This is the step I am unsure about)

Should work . Boil to drive off the ammonia. I've used it to prepare Barium nitrate from its carbonate. Ca(OH)2 is much more soluble, which helps to speed up the reaction (barium carbonate took many hours of refluxing).

I did use an excess of ammonium nitrate, which you may not want to do.

opfromthestart - 20-2-2019 at 09:38

Thank you for the link but I don't have oxalic acid and was hoping to make it just using the supplies I currently have.

Would doing the last reaction with all of the reagents dissolved work, if I filtered it afterward. I'm not sure how sensitive coffee filters are to nitric acid. I don't especially want concentrated nitric acid for safety reasons, but having nitric acid has been one of my goals as an amateur chemist.