Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Preperation of Iodine compounds from Tincture of Iodine

mewrox99 - 30-7-2010 at 21:52


I know it is possible to make Iodine from Tincture of Iodine.

But is it possible to make Sodium Iodide, Iodate, and Metaperiodate from tincture of iodine.


Random - 31-7-2010 at 01:26

You can add first HCl and then H2O2 to the tincture until iodine appears (grey stuff). After that you need to filter it and you can wash it with something or purify with sublimation. Sodium iodide could be made from HI acid, that acid could be made from elemental iodine I think.

Sedit - 31-7-2010 at 10:01

Free the I2 and add NaOH should yeild NaOI which on reduction with Carbon or heating should yeild NaI.

MagicJigPipe - 31-7-2010 at 18:25

Or, alternatively, you could buy NaI for around 60-$100 a kg. I once got lucky and got a kg of KI for around $40.

This would be SO MUCH easier and less costly than freeing I2 from EtOH/KI solution and then reacting with NaOH and then reducing to yield NaI!! Jesus! If, however, this is for experimentation purposes, more power to you.