I was going to try and obtain methylamine from ethyl mustard oil. I heard this can be done by adding H2SO4
assuming the product would be let out as a gas I could collect it in the recieving flask situated in an ice bath. I was wondering if anyone has any
experience with this reaction. Yields extguaguanco - 26-1-2004 at 09:27
Originally posted by daydreamer
I was going to try and obtain methylamine from ethyl mustard oil. I heard this can be done by adding H2SO4
I've heard of 'mustard oil' (allyl isothiocyanate), but not 'ethyl mustard oil'. I know of no way to produce methyamine from
allyl isothiocyanate. What chemical is 'ethyl mustard oil'?daydreamer - 28-1-2004 at 07:29
ETHYL ISOTHIOCYANATE. I was just looking through the chemical abstracts and it said that when ethyl isothiocyanate reacts with H2so4 methylamine gas
was generated. I don't remember what the abstract was but ill get it at the library today.guaguanco - 28-1-2004 at 14:01
The structure of ethyl isothiocyanate is
I can see how you could produce ethylamine from this, but not methylamine.