Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Heat generation

headrx - 25-1-2019 at 15:33

Im looking for a chemical composition similar to a hot hands, but more along the lines of quarter to half strength thermite. Ideas ?

Basically, im trying to find a exothermic mixture i could utilize in combonation with a small fire. Goal is to keep my 4 legged friend warm on these very cold nights. He has arthritis and gets unnecessarily stiff. Bringing him inside isn't an option. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

[Edited on 26-1-2019 by headrx]

Sulaiman - 25-1-2019 at 23:42

I'm sure that there are many sources of heat by chemical reaction
but the cost and complications will be much more than 'conventional' heat sources such as;
. kerosene lamp
. methane/ethane/propane/butane gas burner
. candles
. electric heater

(e.g. I use three IKEA Glimma candles per night to keep my plastic (c8m3) greenhouse above freezing temperature)

Providing a ventilated yet draughtless space,
with a roof that shields against the cold night sky
will help to keep your pet warm at night outdoors.
Also insulate your pet from the cold ground.

XeonTheMGPony - 26-1-2019 at 06:59

A good straw bed is great insulation that they can make a nest in, if enough the dogs like to borrow into the pile, getting them back out can be a challenge at times.

Amos - 26-1-2019 at 09:05

Waterproof extension cord and an electric blanket? Sounds safer than asking your dog to cuddle up next to a violently exothermic chemical reaction.

headrx - 26-1-2019 at 13:27

Thanks everyone, will give some of these a shot. Appreciated.