Electro magnetic motor with alternator case and control panel.
300kw output per hour, designed for constant running. 400volt 3 phase 451 amp total
The 300kw generator has the ability to produce 290kw per hour constantly.
The units comes complete with alternator control panel and case .
Alternator: Hitachi, Bosch or AEG are used, depending on the type, volt and amp rating vary.
European standard : 400 volt 3 phase 541 amps depending on type of alternator.
3 x 240 volt outlet sockets.
1x 400 volt outlet socket.
Direct mains connectable
EMM Motor: output 300kw continuous through a 2x1 ratio gearbox.
Weight: 1350kg + depending on configuration.
Dimensions: 1.6m Long x 1.2m Wide x 1.4m High
Continuous power 50Hz European standard or 60Hz American Std
No blackouts
No fuel
5 years guarantee conditional