Sciencemadness Discussion Board

My Home Lab

Kmenex - 17-12-2009 at 10:20


My name is Kyle. Since October i have been setting up my home lab which will focus on the preparation of inorganic and organic reagents and also upon cell culture growth.

I have obtained quite a bit of equipment but have not yet begun to do work, labor. There is still quite a bit of equipment i need to obtain.

I am all about open source science and citizen science, and my lab is my attempt to add to this growing trend.

If you want to check out my blog you can visit,

Thank you.

Also, this site is awesome. I look forward to sharing ideas (and possible work) with others.

bogmonkey - 9-1-2010 at 12:14

Nice! I'm all about open source and citizen science myself too. Your websites gone into my bookmarks. Off topic but I came across this
a while ago. OpenEEG, a DIY EEG machine. Thats a project well worth putting time and money into in my opinion. As soon as I have a bit of money to spare thats where its going. Have you ever considered building an EEG machine yourself?

BTW I saw your DIY lab article on scribd a while ago
Pissed me off when I saw it couldn't be downloaded because its a brilliant article. Why don't you make it downloadable?

[Edited on 9-1-2010 by bogmonkey]

[Edited on 9-1-2010 by bogmonkey]

Kmenex - 15-1-2010 at 14:11

THats not my Lab on Scribd.

My lab has recently been torn down because the police came and surrounded the house... Some paranoid freak said i was growing marijuana plants.... and i wasn't... THe police were a bit paranoid about the lab but nothing was illegal... but the lawyer suggested that i stop for now..

we are looking for a new home for the lab...

Paddywhacker - 15-1-2010 at 15:26

The police will always be interested. Your best bet is to work with them. Invite them in and let them take samples. Never make illegal substances, because you simply won't get away with it.

The police will also inform the local health and building agencies, and you might run foul of regulations about the storage of flammable materials and poisons.

But work with them. Find out from them what you need to do to become legally registered to do what you want to do.

Don't be scared off by the necessity to fill out a bit of paperwork. Most importantly, don't let the bastards grind you down.

JohnWW - 15-1-2010 at 16:46

Hey, what sort of police state are you in, Knemex, in which the corrupt Pigs, with nothing better to do, go and raid someone's private laboratory just on the uncorroborated say-so of some self-styled nark, with a grudge against you and who alleges that you are growing pot plants and making drugs in it? If they are like that there, you would do best to find another country or another state in which to have a laboratory.

crazyboy - 15-1-2010 at 16:53

Don't give in. If you aren't doing anything illegal you have nothing to hide and there is no reason why you can't practice chemistry. The cops have better things to do than watch your house until they see something unusual and raid it. Paddywacker, that sounds a bit paranoid. There is no reason why you would have to contact them or let them take samples any more than you would have to let the police take samples of your ingredients when you bake a cake. If you are raided again (I can't imagine why) then nothing will really happen. In fact you might even sue if they raided your house with a warrant obtained with probable cause.

Paddywhacker - 15-1-2010 at 20:56

You can do it the hard way, or you can do it the easy way. Think about it... what would a private professional laboratory manager do?

crazyboy - 15-1-2010 at 22:14

Quote: Originally posted by Paddywhacker  
You can do it the hard way, or you can do it the easy way. Think about it... what would a private professional laboratory manager do?

A private professional laboratory manager wouldn't be subject to unsubstantiated police harassment. There is no reason why he can't do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't break any laws. The bottom line is I highly doubt the police even remember you, if you live in a reasonably sized town or city they certainly have bigger fish to fry. If you live in a one horse town, chances are better that they remember you but that doesn't mean they can intimidate you.

blogfast25 - 16-1-2010 at 09:34

By your own description, your 'home lab' is quite an operation. That is inevitably going to attract some attention: never mind narcs, you may be suspected of setting up a business (in which case you still need to abide by laws) or of storing illegal substances or of not complying with storage regulations. The closer you are to population centres, the more these concerns are valid: they apply also to commercial operators. Chemistry is risky business...

Kmenex - 16-1-2010 at 14:26

Thank you all for your response. For now the lab is being disassembled and packed to move. The new location will be much better. I helps to note that at this point i do not have any reagents, simply a LOT of equipment, so i am not yet subject to any types of legal action in that regard.

However, any lab which is worth it's weight in salt needs it's reagents, by default, thus the storage and saftey regulations should always be taken into account. I dont think that i will be invite the police to view my lab once i move it, however i do want to take all efforts necessary to insure that i am "up to code". There are SO many things to consider though, and in studying nano-science we have come to appropriate things such as the exhaust of a lab, the vapor-pressure of all substances, and particularly the storage and disposal of chemicals. Any lab, home or not, should be high quality for the safety of human beings who will be in proximity of the lab.

I want to put an effort towards making sure that my lab is safe. In truth i do not intend to work with creating explosive compounds or anything of real danger. The most dangerous chemical in my lab will be HCl. Nevertheless, the lab equiptment and furnishings are going to be moved to a new location, a better location, a location which has larger area and is not multi-functional (for example, my "current lab" is both the lab space + my office / study space). The lab will be the lab room... with much more area then currently.

Magpie - 16-1-2010 at 15:05

Quote: Originally posted by Kmenex  

Some paranoid freak said i was growing marijuana plants.... and i wasn't...

If you don't mind, how did this person learn of your lab? Did you show him your equipment?

Kmenex - 16-1-2010 at 22:44

The person was a female, and they learned of my lab because they were a neighbor and i had a ventilation pipe that they could see.. They watched me construct it.

Basically, the person was intentionally lying to the police to try to cause problems. She probably thought that because i had the ventilation pipe that "i must be growing pot"... Funny thing is that the person never was rude to me before... The fact that she would try to cause problems for me really pissed me off and surprised me.

Basically she was willing to mess my whole life up, all my education and everything that i am doing... Glad i don't grow marijuana... lol..

Vogelzang - 17-1-2010 at 08:32

I let a tree grow next to my house so it hides the fan in my window.