Mothman - 11-1-2019 at 22:00
So I've been looking for any literature related to the reaction of aluminum with polyol compounds such as ethylene glycol and propylene glycol and
surprisingly I cannot seem to locate anything using the google box or TFSE.
I'm trying to think through how the reaction between aluminum and ethylene (or propylene) glycol would go, like would there be some sort of polymeric
aluminum alkoxide (glycoxide?) or would there be some dimeric compound formed? What sort of chemistry could be done with such compounds?
I want to experiment but I don't know how I would determine the molecular structure of the final product (suggestions?). I would go about producing
the product via aluminum/gallium alloy used in place of an aluminum amalgam, combined with an anhydrous polyol in a well ventilated area, but I don't
know if that would actually work or anything.
Any information on these compounds would be much appreciated, thank you!