Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Anyone in East texas need HNO3 and/or H2SO4?

gnitseretni - 6-8-2009 at 12:25

i'm quitting my hobby and no longer need the 2 liter (approx.) of 98% H2SO4 and 6.5l (approx.) of 70% HNO3 that i still have left.

PM me if interested.

hissingnoise - 6-8-2009 at 12:42

Gnitseretni, you may be forgetting that chemistry as a hobby is addictive. . .
You know you'll need those acids at some unspecified time in the future.
Store them in a cool, dry place---one day you'll be glad you did!

gnitseretni - 6-8-2009 at 13:46

Actually this isn't the first time I'm quitting, it's the second time.. and this time I'm quitting for real.

hissingnoise - 6-8-2009 at 13:59

Why try to fight it?---You're hooked!

Sedit - 6-8-2009 at 14:16

Yeh its as easy to quit as smoking is I know i'v quite many times.

basstabone - 6-8-2009 at 16:39

Im in Texas but as you know Texas is a big ass place. Where exactly are ya?

gnitseretni - 6-8-2009 at 18:49

not to disclose the exact whereabouts of my location, let's just say i'm in the longview area.

Sedit - 6-8-2009 at 20:57 Ya gonna have to when you mail the stuff. Why the shadyness?

gnitseretni - 7-8-2009 at 06:04

Just my preference, Sedit. I have no problem telling you where I live in a PM.

Rich_Insane - 7-8-2009 at 13:46

................can you drive over to Oregon?

gnitseretni - 8-8-2009 at 06:04

@Rich_Insane - Why not come to texas? It's nice and warm here :P

hissingnoise - 8-8-2009 at 06:16

Seems like no one wants to go near Crawford, let alone through it. . .

pantone159 - 8-8-2009 at 07:46

Quote: Originally posted by gnitseretni  
Why not come to texas? It's nice and warm here :P

For some particularly masochistic definition of 'nice' :)
Now I am off for a run in this nice heat. Aaaaahhhhh.

Rich_Insane - 8-8-2009 at 11:19


@Rich_Insane - Why not come to texas? It's nice and warm here :P

Ha ha, well about a week ago, the temperature was constantly in the 100s. That's torture man. I don't want that every day :P

Now its cloudy and cold all of a sudden :o

gnitseretni - 8-8-2009 at 12:51

Quote: Originally posted by Rich_Insane  

Now its cloudy and cold all of a sudden :o

Sweet! Put it in a mason jar, drive to texas and open it. Aaaaahhhhh :P

Formatik - 8-8-2009 at 15:53

Conc. H2SO4 is an excellent drain and toilet cleaner (the best actually). If you don't want to experiment with it, also consider other uses.

basstabone - 9-8-2009 at 10:19

Sorry you live a little too far away for me to drive to ya...

Rich_Insane - 9-8-2009 at 10:28


Sweet! Put it in a mason jar, drive to texas and open it. Aaaaahhhhh :P

Then what would we have left? :o

Keep some H2SO4 handy. it can be quite useful. You never know when a burglar may break in through the back door.......

As for HNO3, you could just synthesize a whole bunch of fertilizer from it.

gnitseretni - 9-8-2009 at 11:50

Quote: Originally posted by Rich_Insane  
Keep some H2SO4 handy. it can be quite useful. You never know when a burglar may break in through the back door.......


where do you live? So i know which house NOT to break into :P

gnitseretni - 9-8-2009 at 12:03

Ok, there are some folks interested in the acids, but they live too far away. I prefer not to ship because i'm pretty sure it's illegal for me to sell, let alone ship. Notice i said "pretty sure".. it is illegal for me to sell, right? Can anyone confirm this for me? I googled it but i must be using the wrong keywords because i can't find it.

pantone159 - 9-8-2009 at 13:31

My guess is that it would be legal to sell, but perhaps illegal to ship, especially if it isn't done per hazmat regulations, but probably legal if you comply with all that. I don't really know though.

grndpndr - 15-8-2009 at 22:34

Its only sulfuric acid/nitric its not a controlled substance or even watched that Im aware of unless substantial quantities are involved.I would GUESS as long as hazmat shipping regs are followed and $25 paid
its legal but not likely in the same hazmat package.Not to discourage a sale I bought 5gallons of new unopened battery electrolyte w/o question from a auto supply fella i know.over 2gallons of 93%-98% very clean H2SO4 with a bit of work for $30 +6% tax.With what ive saved i can buy a #50 sack of NaNO3 chilean nitrate 'fertilizer' for $80 shipping included use the expensive $9 liter H2SO4?? drain cleaner ive bought use to distill
HNO3.personally Ive found no 93%-98% H2SO4 gallons @much less than $100 a gallon on that first gallon.cheapest was a local chem and cleaning supply sold and deliverd by thier personal truck
for free if on thier reg routes $150/5gallons 93% tech grade H2SO4.I sure cant use the 5gallons and havent another nearby buyer.Well i could but..
Brings up another question prilled 98-99% NaNO3 nitrate of soda fertillizers have no hazmat but when listed as an oxidizer crystaline/granular Oxdizers
not under the name of fertilizers but chemically identical are charged the $25
for the smallest amounts.E-Bay is some other type of story whether some of the offers are legal may be dabateable as I was under the impression a certain amount of german dark flake AL or equivalents 1-2lbs a year was allowed through pyro supplys while e-bays sellers make no such distinction? even H2sor often is listed w/o a hazmat and ive checked and no hazmat is added later but shipping charges could easily include hazmat!

[Edited on 16-8-2009 by grndpndr]

jgourlay - 18-8-2009 at 07:01

Gnit: I'm in houston and could take some of that off your hands!

gnitseretni - 18-8-2009 at 09:34

Some folks PMed me thinking i was giving the acid away for free. After re-reading my original post i can see why. So to make things clear.. i'm selling it, not giving it away - PM me if interested. Half a year ago i would have had no problem giving it away, but nowadays i need every penny i can get :(