Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Mandatory Home Inspections Under Climate Bill

Vogelzang - 6-7-2009 at 15:17

So are we going to have to hide all of our lab equipment, chemicals and other suspicious things if this happens?

[Edited on 6-7-2009 by Vogelzang]

Vogelzang - 6-7-2009 at 15:21

This disappeared for some reason. tp://

[Edited on 6-7-2009 by Vogelzang]

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 16:37

There when I just tried.

"Early reports of denying audits carry a misdemeanor charge and a $2000 fine for each count. The more you deny, the more you pay."

Will this be added to the over $1,000 fine for refusing the marxist bastards health care?

roamingnome - 6-7-2009 at 17:21

Surely they wont look in boxes labeled "knitting supplies"
with a little piece of yarn slipping out for effect.

S.C. Wack - 6-7-2009 at 17:34

Yeah well the House passes stuff all the time that never becomes law.

Funny how this widely quoted random dude from the internet does not give a source for this, i.e. where, EXACTLY in

UnintentionalChaos - 6-7-2009 at 17:57

Quote: Originally posted by roamingnome  
Surely they wont look in boxes labeled "knitting supplies"
with a little piece of yarn slipping out for effect.

I'd have a LOT of knitting supplies in that case. ;)

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 18:27

Quote: Originally posted by S.C. Wack  
Yeah well the House passes stuff all the time that never becomes law.

Funny how this widely quoted random dude from the internet does not give a source for this, i.e. where, EXACTLY in

Probably 1200 pages in the bill so who knows. 300 tacked on in the middle of the night with no possibility of it being read before the vote. You forget the senate is filibuster proof and the dems are in total control so it will likely pass no contest. Who is going to stop it with obama and his brown shirts strong arming the dems. There was a much greater chance of stopping it in the house. In a few years much being called conspiracy theories will be old history. Of this I do not doubt.

I imagine voting in laws which cost us money without even reading them is no different than taxation without representation.

setback - 6-7-2009 at 19:11

Wow you need to stop listening to rush, you sound insane.

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 19:25

Quote: Originally posted by setback  
Wow you need to stop listening to rush, you sound insane.

Never listened to rush one time ever. Not even in the 80's when there were rush bars abounding, never really cared for the guy. I just pay attention to what is going on everywhere and this does not include listening to the mindless crap spewed out universally in the so called places of "higher learning". The reality of existence is insane. So any retelling of it will also sound insane. At least I do not sound like an un/mis-informed idiot. Your over reaction to my previous post leaves room for doubt.

setback - 6-7-2009 at 19:34

You're calling me an idiot? That hurts coming from someone who sounds as if he lives in a shack in the woods and designs tinfoil hats to keep the CIA from reading his mind.

basstabone - 6-7-2009 at 19:37

Quote: Originally posted by UnintentionalChaos  
Quote: Originally posted by roamingnome  
Surely they wont look in boxes labeled "knitting supplies"
with a little piece of yarn slipping out for effect.

I'd have a LOT of knitting supplies in that case. ;)

Pretty sure 10 boxes of "knitting supplies" will be a little suspicious :P

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 19:39

Quote: Originally posted by setback  
You're calling me an idiot? That hurts coming from someone who sounds as if he lives in a shack in the woods and designs tinfoil hats to keep the CIA from reading his mind.

People who make judgments of others without knowledge or wisdom do not have to be called idiots any more than pots have to call kettles black. Some things (and some people) manifest themselves into the light of truth with zero outside help.

In fact it is you calling names and creating deranged persona references to others here. All I said was there is room for doubt. Keep the attack up and you will succeed in removing all room. Enough of this thread sidetracking attack you have interjected here.

S.C. Wack your search has already expired so the link is useless. What keywords were you using? "cap and trade maybe"

[Edited on 7-7-2009 by IrC]

[Edited on 7-7-2009 by IrC]

setback - 6-7-2009 at 19:45


Some things (and some people) manifest themselves into the light of truth with zero outside help.

Exactly, people such as yourself. You sound like you're absolutely out of your mind. Sort of like the guy who made this comment on that article:


So USA will become a dictatorship. Obama is the forerunner of the One coming from the Abyss who will be the world Dictator in the End Time years.

As far as I'm concerned that article has zero credibility. It sounds a lot like those neocon bloggers, and we know how credible they are.

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 19:50

"Exactly, people such as yourself. You sound like you're absolutely out of your mind. Sort of like the guy who made this comment on that article:"

What I do know is I really wish you would shut the hell up with your thread hijacking personal attack against me so the thread can move on as it is a very interesting topic.

I could point out that since I have no doubt you have read none of the over 1,000 page bill you are in no way qualified to make any assessment of the validity of the article quoted by the originator of this thread.

[Edited on 7-7-2009 by IrC]

not_important - 6-7-2009 at 20:01

It seems that people who do home inspections for a job are unaware of this "requirement" in the legislation. Several U.S. cities do have energy inspection requirements for homes being sold, similar to inspections for various defects.

I think that this can be ranked along side the claims that your President is going to take away all guns, use the FEMA camps built during the terms of G.W. Bush as concentration camps for "real Americans" (and how farsighted of Obama to get Bush to build those camps, expand wiretapping, and create the unitary executive), or make Islam the official religion of the U.S., or force citizens to eat broccoli. The web site referenced is hardly a home of well documented claims and solid reporting, almost every other mention of this uses prisonplanet as their source.

Do note that Switzerland, hardly the most leftwing country in Europe, has universal health coverage, plans to reduce energy consumption per capita by over 60% in the next 50 years, and has you take your weapon from military service home when you finish serving your stint.

setback - 6-7-2009 at 20:33

Yeah not-important, it's just funny how these people think everything is just peachy when GW was in office: the patriot act, gitmo, an optional war in Iraq, haliburton, all of Cheney's other escapades, etc.

Yet, as soon as Obama is in office: LOOK OUT!

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 20:36

I knew there was a reason I always liked Switzerland. Reading [H.R.2454.EH] it makes you wonder as mainly they require individual states to figure out enforcement. Mostly mentioning HUD housing and new construction. But there is so much to study it could take weeks to figure out where the news reporter got his article about owners of existing homes.

"Yet, as soon as Obama is in office: LOOK OUT!"

Obama is an idiot. Bush was an idiot. How then can you use one to defend the other. The only thing they have going for them is the fact that congress is a bunch of even bigger idiots.

[Edited on 7-7-2009 by IrC]

Polverone - 6-7-2009 at 21:02

Here's the one sentence that makes a claim germane to the headline: "The bill states every home owner will receive an energy audit."

Here is the full text of the bill the House passed, courtesy of the Government Printing Office by way of THOMAS. If you want to say something about the bill please refer to it by page number so nobody's confused.

The closest thing to the author's claims is the description of the REEP program, Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Performance, beginning on page 348. I read the REEP section and scanned the whole document for other instances of 'audit.'

I suppose if the article author had taken similar pains of a half-hour there wouldn't be anything exciting to report.

The bill does not say anything about audits being mandatory. It mentions incentives for retrofitting but nothing about retrofits or audits being required. Unless someone with sharper eyes finds a mandatory audit clause I missed, I'm filing this author's article with news of reptilians, leprechauns, and faked moon landings.

As always, this thread shouldn't be used to air political feelings in general.

IrC - 6-7-2009 at 22:08

"The bill does not say anything about audits being mandatory."

This is where I was at after hours of study, except for the vague comments about states figuring out enforcement. This would leave a lot open. Is he extrapolating? As example: assume my conspiracy theory is they want to take away my older car. They pass emissions standards but do not mention taking away my car. Yet these standards can only be met by electric golf carts meaning I cannot get a license renewal. So before the fact I write an article about taking away cars. Since I actually went through this in 1974 in Oregon there is no way this can be called a conspiracy. This was decades before all this current stuff.

"Here's the one sentence that makes a claim germane to the headline: "The bill states every home owner will receive an energy audit.""

This one line seems however to back up the reporter. If this is written in a law then it will be mandatory as not doing so violates the law.

I must point out your error.

"I'm filing this author's article with news of reptilians, leprechauns, and faked moon landings."

We all know they came back with rocks. Had they instead come back with cheese then we would have proof they did get there since everyone knows what the moon is made of.

All right, but it sounded funny in my head before I wrote it.

I can't figure out 704.1.2.3 which he lists in his article. Looking at the bill this section is different. When you do a search at S.C. Wack's link there are a confusing number of slightly different versions. Makes it hard to figure out but one thing I know is it seems the reporter is pulling rabbits out of his hat.

[Edited on 7-7-2009 by IrC]

Polverone - 7-7-2009 at 07:41

I'm not sure I have correctly parsed what you are saying, but the author of the article that started this thread wrote "The bill states every home owner will receive an energy audit." As far as I can tell the bill does not actually state that.

IrC - 7-7-2009 at 10:43

"I'm not sure I have correctly parsed what you are saying,"

Me neither then, I thought you meant this was the one thing you found in the bill which applied to his article, not this was what should be in it. Glad we cleared that up as I searched my ass off and I thought I was going blind. So far I can't find any of the important points as it applies to our homes being looked at. I wonder if any editors ever bother to check their reporters work.

I knew the news was turning into a reality show, glad we proved that to ourselves. So maybe we dodged a bullet on that one? Time will tell. There are as you all know bills tacked onto bills and the cap+trade search comes up with over 1,100. It will take time to look at all those other bills to see if this is where the search comes in. What was the number on the 300 pages tacked on at 3 AM? I think I will do some searching though as I would like to know where we stand.

If the inspection (which by default is a search when they see the lab) clause is correct, I think the reporter should have clearly specified where. In fact they all should always show us where to go find the truth when they make a sensational claim.

[Edited on 7-7-2009 by IrC]