itchyfruit - 17-6-2009 at 15:28
I've just purchased a few bits form a guy near me, and he said he has a hot plate for sale. It's a STUART SCIENTIFIC SH1. It's not really something
that i would use, i think it's a organic/biochemistry item really, he said it's new and he's looking for offers!! I'm going to be seeing him sunday if
anyones interested i could probably get a photo.
itchyfruit - 18-6-2009 at 13:14
Apparently it's a hot plate not a hot plate/stirrer
panziandi - 18-6-2009 at 13:28
It would be helpfull if you put your location down - that way people in different countries don't ask for items that are too heavy for shipping etc.
itchyfruit - 18-6-2009 at 14:01
Oops, sorry about that. i'm in west london but the item is in se london/kent.
I keep forgetting these things are international!!