Douchermann - 26-4-2009 at 00:10
Hey guys, I spent some time searching around, and all I could find was the biosynthesis, or people telling other people that they're stupid for
asking. All for curiosities sake, I want to know how they make synthetic epinephrine. I, of course, wont be attempting to make any, as I have no use
for it, but I just can't seem to find any literature or patents on it. The more I search, the more curious I become. Does anyone have any idea, or
any literature on how they make this?
Vogelzang - 26-4-2009 at 08:29
Douchermann - 26-4-2009 at 09:22
Ah, okay, that makes sense. Well thank you very much
Barium - 27-4-2009 at 04:38
Although I'm not one hundred percent sure, I belive epinephrine is synthesized by reaction between alpha-bromo(or chloro)-3,4-dihydroxyacetophenone
and metylamine followed by reduction of the aminoketone to the amino alcohol.