froot - 3-7-2008 at 06:47
Lately we havn't been able to source a certain type of toluene based fast drying paint thinner here at our company and I would like to explore the
viability of opening an account with a major supplier and sourcing the ingredients to mix it myself. (You see with this account open I could also
acquire any chemical I want at better prices! nudge nudge wink wink)
In the industry the thinner is known as 'Solumix' but I cannot seem to acquire it's composition. Maybe with a stroke of luck someone may know exactly
what I'm talking about, or would there be a way to take a sample and determine it's composition by chemistry?
ProChem - 3-7-2008 at 06:51
Found this on the web. need acrobat for pdf file
Hope this helps
froot - 3-7-2008 at 06:57
Thanks Prochem, feel like an idiot now, google didn't produce much for me.
Klute - 3-7-2008 at 07:03
Well, your company should be able to ask for a MSDS to the distributor/manufacturor, they are compelled to indicate the major ingriendts to companies
IIRC. Indeed, it would surely come out cheaper, depending on the volume used by your company, to aquire technical solvnets at very low price and do
the mix yourself, even adapt it to your specific needs. I guess there might be other things than just solvent sin there too.