If you are looking at steam distillation to extract a small amount of limonene (5-10ml), you will need a flask or apparatus that can accommodate more
than 2L of plant matter. So basically a 5L flask.
If you are looking for a more reasonable amount (say, 50ml), you'd better start looking outside of glass, because you are not going to find glassware
that size (20L+) for cheap.
Also, if you are trying to really get limonene for the limonene, I wouldn't do it by steam distillation (though I have done it before), because it is
not efficient and is certainly not extracted this way commercially (despite what you may have read somewhere). I would extract it with a solvent
(since I don't have equipment to mechanically extract it, atm), dry over sodium sulfate, remove solvent, distill under vacuum.
This can be done for under $200.