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Thoughts On Anodes

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watson.fawkes - 23-12-2008 at 08:01

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
After you have baked your spinel interface and MMO coating , maybe dip the anode into a Bi / Sn Pytlewski polymer and then simply dry it, or only dry the final coat
if earlier coats of the polymer have been baked. Then put the anode into the plating bath and apply the PbO2.
This seems certainly worth an experiment. The trick is going to be to scavenge oxygen out of the Ti passivization layer and clear it out. An ionic conductor seems ideal for that, since it gives the oxygen somewhere to go instead of being trapped under a layer of coating. This leads to the following suggestion: electrostatic firing. Put a negative electrostatic potential on the Ti. This creates an electric field in a direction away from the surface so that O<sup>2-</sup> ions can migrate away from the surface.

Rosco Bodine - 23-12-2008 at 10:26

If you are talking again about cerium, I really think that angle is something which would have to be explored on only the outermost working layer, nowhere near the substrate.
There really need be no worry about the oxygen bound to the oxide at the interface, where that compound is a spinel
and is basically desired to be impervious to ionic oxygen.
The dopant is what provides conductivity there, not by any
ion flow or exchange, but pure electron flow, just like those
little desk toys with the array of metal balls which are allowed to swing, and one impacting the array from one side
causes another to leap away from the opposite end of the array.....that is how the quantum jump and electron flow
would likely occur, the metal balls of course being analogous to the outer orbital electron of the doped conducting layer molecules.

The adhesion principle is something I thought could likely be useful even between subsequently applied layers of MMO, using the Pytlewski polymer for a dip and dry wetting agent.

A simplistic example of the adhesion principle is illustrated
by what happens if you lay one polished glass microscope
slide on top of another. With only air between them, it is
easy to lift one from the other. Now try putting a drop of water between them. Now suppose instead of water, sodium silicate or sodium hydroxide, and heat the sandwich. There can be a kind of diffusion bonding effect
with the solvent effect of oxides at pyrolytic temperatures,
where there is a sort of transition from one bonding scheme to another, like solvent welding plastic laminates.
This is a parallel sort of adhesion scenario which could
be of usefulness in anode coating schemes. But it hasn't really been reported or described in the literature I know about, so I'm not certain it will just seems like
a good chance that it would.

[Edited on 23-12-2008 by Rosco Bodine]

watson.fawkes - 23-12-2008 at 14:14

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
If you are talking again about cerium
No, I wasn't. Bi-doped tin dioxide is also an ionic conductor, as I recall.

Rosco Bodine - 23-12-2008 at 15:07

It's a conductor, but an ionic barrier to oxygen, I'm pretty sure. That is what made me think you were advocating cerium there. There are other things which would work
probably besides Bismuth, whatever fills the SnO2 lattice
in a way that leaves no room for ionic oxygen to slip through the open areas. It is good if it will do the same thing with TiO2 also. Basically what you are wanting is to create an electron conductive "sub-molecular (ionic) sieve" which has a mesh opening too small for an oxygen ion to get through, so oxygen ions hit a wall there at
the enginereed barrier.

Swede - 23-12-2008 at 15:07

While waiting for a break in the WX (it is COLD) so I can actually plate, I began a reference document mainly for my own use. It combines the knowledge of several patents into a methodology that will hopefully work. I'd be pleased if guys here might comment on it, especially if they find something in error. It is about 80% done:

The remainder of it will have a "recipe" for a hopefully successful plating.

[Edited on 23-12-2008 by Swede]

Rosco Bodine - 23-12-2008 at 15:18

Aren't you planning to use some sort of interface coating on the substrate before you plate on the PbO2 ?

Swede - 24-12-2008 at 08:35

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
Aren't you planning to use some sort of interface coating on the substrate before you plate on the PbO2 ?

Yes, initially it will be some of the MMO mesh I have on hand. But there's been nothing that I've read that should prevent plating over any number of substrates, unless all these patents are bogus.

The nice Alumina guy is going to send me some samples (3 grades) of AlO(OH), each with varying characteristics... crystal size, pore volume, etc. Should be interesting!

Swede - 25-12-2008 at 07:38

No comments on my .DOC? It's simply a meshing of multiple patents re: PbO2 deposition, averaging values where needed, and trying to scale what is really a too-large industrial process, down to a home lab size. Larger plating systems have better chemical stability than smaller ones, and will probably do a better job, but just what size that might be is unknown.

Hopefully as plating starts and results come in, I'll be able to add to the document with some definitive observations.

The initial test setup will use some pretty small test anodes, and with the cathode at 2X to 3X the current density of the anode, I needed to make a pretty small Cu cathode that will also contain a 100 watt cartridge heater. The best form to present to a rotating anode is a hemispherical one, so I took the cut sheet, bent it, and soldered it (lead electrical solder) to the Cu tube that contains the cartridge heater.

For cathode "area" I am counting only the area of the Cu sheet facing the anode. In this case, it is about 30 square cm. The test anodes have an area of about 60 squared cm.

At the top is the connection for the system, and the leads for the 100 watt cartridge heater. This rig should be able to heat up a liter to 70 degrees with ease.

If the weather cooperates, I am going to mix up about a liter of plating solution and at a minimum set things up before I have to go back to work.

One thing I read that was interesting was a "thermal shock" effect... you want the anode to be at the correct temp prior to turning on the power, yet you don't want it immersed in the plating solution to heat up, so probably the best answer is a beaker of DI water at 80 degrees or so to pre-warm the anode after initial prop, but prior to plating.

[Edited on 25-12-2008 by Swede]

dann2 - 25-12-2008 at 13:51

Hello Swede,

You beat me to the mark with your last post. So some of my ramblings are similar to what you are going to do anyways.

What is below is some suggestions/thoughs.

From a previous post by Alan:

So here is one surfactant I'm looking for,

Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB

hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, HTAB

CAS No: 57-09-0

Molecular formula: C19H42BrN

Synonyms: acetoquat ctab, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB, bromat, centimide, cetarol, cetrimonium bromide, cirrasol-od, cycloton V, pollacid,

quamonium, softex kw

CTAB has been reported to reduce stress in electrodeposited LD as well as getting rid of bubbles etc.

Weigh the substrate before coating. The density of LD is around 9.37 grams per cc. It may be useful data later.

Consider not using surfactants and use mechanical stirring/vibrating etc or use beads.

Keep an eye on plating efficiency and perhaps add Hydrogen Peroxide. (US 2994649). The build up of Nitrites may give bad coats. Dont know myself. The patent used a 300 gallon tank (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but did not give details of amount of LD plated from tank between additions of Lead Ion replenishment/neutralization compounds etc.

Don't put any more coats other that LD (let it be Alpha or Beta) on top of the MMO coating. KISS. You have purchased Titanium with an interface coat. Use that and see how it goes. When you have established that perfectly good anodes are possible/not possible with what you have,
then you can go on to do piles more coats of other stuff if you wish. The anode will work OK IMO with Ti + MMO as substrate (purchased) with LD on top.

Regarding thickness of coating. PbO2 does wear. A thick coat will give a longer lasting anode. Commerical Graphite substrate anodes had 5mm thick coats and lasted a year or two (as far as I can remember reading). With the Ti substrate you can wear nearly all of the LD off before declaring the anode worn out. With Graphite substrate I would presume they would have to replace
anode(s) when coating got thin* or if Graphite started to appear in the solution from a failed anode(s). (*how thin I have no idea).
0.02 inches (0.5mm) as a coating on your MMO is far far too thin IMO. Make the anode (at least) approx. 7 mm thick, thats approx. a coating thickness of 3 mm. If you fill in all the gap areas in the mesh it is going to be that thickness anyways.
Cracking/flaking PbO2 is not going to be a problem with a mesh sustrate.
LD will wear less in pH controlled cell than non-controlled cells...............we think/hope.

The patent that made seperated LD 'islands' on the Ti substrate where rather large anodes and probably far bigger than you are going to make.

Addition of Cu Nitrate. It has been pointed out elsewhere that if you use Copper Cathodes then you will not get Lead metal being deposited on the Cathodes (wasting Lead ions). You could try starting off without Cu Nitrate and if Lead starts to appear on Cathodes then add some Cu Nitrate solution. I have always wondered about the Cu in LD. Does Cu get trapped in the LD?? I have no idea.
Cu is bad news in Pyro struff sometimes.

The Nickle and Bismuth I dont really know. The Bismuth seems to be an additive for primarly improving wear resistance at low temperatures only (as you said) mostly in Hypochlorite prodution. The Grain refining and efficiency? are a bit vague (IMO). Fig 2 is for Hypochlorite production.
The commerical operations, reported both in patents and scientific literature, that used LD for making large scale amount of Perchlorate (and Chlorate) did not use Bi (assuming they are not telling porkies). They got good current efficiencys. There is not a lot of room for improvement in CE (making Chlorate/Perchlorate) when going from plain LD to Bi/LD, IMO.

I am inclined to want to try these thing with as few additives, coats etc so as to keep it as simple as possible. Test for a few months and see how it goes. If the anode fails, (I do not think it will fail with what you propose to do anyways) you will be wondering would a plain old 'vanilla' Lead Nitrate bath have been wiser.
Also, for the sake of the armies of poor Garage Chlorate and Perchlorate making Guru's following in your footsteps that may not want to shell out their precious cash (credit crunch now, with the 'END' just around the corner remember!!!!) on Bi, Ni etc.

The large tank in relation to anode size that you intend to make is your greatest strength. Most Garage makers would not have a tank that large.
Try not to make too big an anode as you will negate the advantage of the big volume that you have.
I am inclined to put emphasis on seeing if an idea will work using a minimum(ish) (at least not a lavish outlay) of stuff as
opposed to being hell bent on obtaining a large anode that will work for the rest of my days. Making a small anode
(say 1.5cm by 10cm by thickness) will test a scheme as will as one ten times that size. I am not suggesting that you are
hell bent on a hugh anode but it is a temptation that is hard to resist, especially with that hugh square of MMO'ed Ti.
If a particular idea and size of anode can be made consistently in a liter bath then you can always get larger and better later (easy to say when you are not actually doing the stuff). That's just my bent. Back of the ditch stuff, field expedient or whatever you like to call it. Since Ti is becoming more available (bikes, camping stuff etc) it is no longer an impossible-to-get exotic material. Ti + MMO not so easy though. Perhaps the bike grades etc (Ti alloys) are not suitable.

The patents (when one tank is being used or even two) always seem to be very tight liped on the size of tank(s) that was used and when they do mention tank size they are vague as to the anode size and amount of LD they plated from the system at a sitting.

They are never tight liped on the brillance of their latest creation (anodes or otherwise). Best ever, better than anything before, vastly superior, faster, cheaper, sweeter, longer, more efficiency, mother of all anodes/or whatever, more graceful, more devine, more ambiable, more mercyful, more remarkable, couldn't be beaten with a big stick, more advanced, at a 'higher level', incorporating all previous discoveries/visions only understood by those intellectuals and practitioners skilled in the particular advanced art of anode (or whatever) making, more glorious, more gallant, panoramically visioned method, less overvoltage (nearly forgot that one!), greater CE, uses less materials, etc etc etc etc. [feel free to add, this is only a tiny list]
When we go to use some of the patents in a partiular situation (say limited funds) then some of them are hopeless or worse.
The Ti substrate should give the Garage Chlorate/Perchlorate maker a definite achievable LD anode unlike the Graphite or massive which has not worked by and large.
With the set up you have (10 Liters), I would be surprised of you could not obtain servicable Graphite substrate anodes but my 2 cents worth on the GSLD Anode would be not to touch it with a forty foot barge pole!!

About the thermal shock. I once heard of a guy who put a home made LD Anode from a hot Chlorate or Perchlorate
solution into a cold one (or the other way around) and it cracked there and then.

Something a bit sneaky.
In order to throw some light on the 'will MMO make Perchlorate' thing, if someone was to contact those
folks who make MMO, Platinum, LD anodes and ask for a quote on an MMO anode for Perchlorate. Insist that you do not want a Platinum or LD anode. If they can deliver then I guess MMO (the proper stuff) is a useful Perk. anode.
I have a feeling that they will be trying to flog you a Pt anode though.

Attached is yet another Thesis. Definitely bed time stuff perhaps after you have fell asleep!! It is rather indepth stuff.
On page 53 it says that switching MMO on and off in a cell wears it alot.


Could not attach File as it is too large. Link here.
Aspects of Electricochemical production of Hypochloride and Chlorate (1989)

There are four more here. (including the artical above)

And just to indulge you all even further. There is some good reading below about pool chlorination/disinfecting anode below.
Definitely worth some time to take a gauke IMHO at this one.
Pt and Diamond and Graphite anode are hopeless Chlorine producters at very low Chloride levels. You need MMO.
They tested some MMO in Berlin tap-water too. Now there's a speciality chemical!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over and out,

[Edited on 25-12-2008 by dann2]

[Edited on 26-12-2008 by dann2]

granitestaterecovery - 25-12-2008 at 15:20

In response to JPSMITH123 try placing graphite anode in lambskin condom Then if you would respond to me personally. you are pretty consumed in your interest.


This is probably the cheapest and easiest anode material to make *chlorates* with. According to what I've read in some
patents, getting a yield of 100 kg of chlorate will, depending on conditions, erode between 0.4 and 1.0 kg of material from an *untreated* graphite anode. If the graphite is impregnated with various resins to make it "waterproof", the loss can supposedly be reduced to 0.1 to 0.2 kg per 100 kg of chlorate.

Supposedly graphite will make perchlorate, although I've found hardly any documentation to that effect. I assume it will do so at low efficiency under relatively extreme conditions, e.g., low chloride and high chlorate concentration at higher voltage, compared to other materials.

In fact, if it is desired to make chlorate that is free from perchlorate contamination (especially in a "continuous"
process), graphite may be the material of choice, since all of the other materials seem to be much more likely to make
perchlorate under a given set of conditions.

I should say I have some ideas on how to treat graphite to make it better, and I'll probably post these ideas in the future.

Swede - 26-12-2008 at 16:37

Dann2, as usual, you're a good voice of logic and reason.

I tried to edit the previous link to the .DOC but apparently the ability to EDIT vanishes after a certain point. The current document (and I'll try to keep this link active while I work on the doc:

Very, very few of these patents use a single-pot plating process. There is almost always circulation, with a fresh supply of electrolyte flowing into the plating chamber, and "used" electrolyte flowing out, to be reprocessed, recharged, refreshed, whatever magic they do to achieve their "rock-hard, ceramic-like" PbO2 coatings that never, ever seem to fail. Those guys could plate a dog-turd, and it would produce perc for years, with only a 0.00001% loss of material every 1,000 amp-hours.

While a complex, circulating system is possible in an advanced lab, there are maybe 3 guys who would bother, just for the sheer joy of the complexity. I'm one of them, but I'm not going to do it. The idea is to come up with a one-pot process that works reasonably well.

I've seen remarkable consistencies among maybe 6 patents with regards to reagent concentrations and current densities. These consistencies are what I'm trying to ferret out, because it implies a successful value or methodology. Some of the stuff is way out there, and a lot of that I am ignoring.

I tend to agree on the Bismuth... the nickel, I'm halfway convinced that the grain refinement it MAY add might make it worth it, but the beauty of this bath is that we can always add stuff... removing it may be hard to do, so best to test with simple solutions.

I'm at a sort of fork in the road... I've got a large setup, but I can easily execute a small setup to "save" chemicals. By going immediately to a 6 liter bath, and working modest anodes of 8cm x 4cm, the chemical stability of the bath will be improved. But if the bath gets polluted or ruined, it's a big waste.

I think what I am going to try first are a series of small anodes (in small vessels) using only the most basic reagents. I can always add nickel, Bismuth, or surfactants later. I will focus on surface prep, and good control of temperature and current; hopefully the vibration + rotation will create a dense, even plate.

Truly, the one thing I am a bit confused about is nitric acid evolution. How does one keep the acid concentration in check during a "one-pot" plating effort? Too much acid = terrible grain and a poor plate.

The concentration of the nitric acid, and obviously the replenishment of the lead ions, as the PbO2 plates, are the major factors that need to be controlled.

If the starting nitric acid concentration is 5 to 10 grams / liter, how do we keep it from climbing during the plate? Is it possible to simply hang sheet Pb straps into the bath, and as the nitric evolves, the Pb dissolves? Or a dusting of litharge in the bottom of the vessel? A somewhat rough equilibrium develops?

If the MMO plates successfully, the next step would be Ti round rod (drilled) or mesh. If a plating directly on a bare Ti anode is successful, that would knock it. As you mentioned, Ti is easy to get these days. I am NOT overconfident. I know guys have been trying this for years. I just need to get a feel for what is happening, and then hopefully, with a bit of group-think, we can solve the mysteries of PbO2 plate.

dann2 - 27-12-2008 at 01:58

Hello Swede,

A problem with hanging Lead metal sheet (or filings at the bottom) is that you will get the dreaded brown gas as it reacts with the Nitric acid. It probably will not react with the acid at a concentration as low (6 - 10ml) as you are going to have in the tank anyways.
Litharge can be slowish to react with Nitric acid unlike Lead Carbonate or Basic Lead Carbonate which reacts much easier. Litharge gives no fizzing/bubbles. How easy/quick the Litharge reacts depends on how fine it is and on how it was made. The fact that it does not react very quickly/easy is an advantage as it will not eliminate all the Nitric acid but will only start reacting as the conc. of acid gets higher.
There is no easy way to keep the acid conc. at (say) 10 grams per liter without some sort of automatic pH control and some way of feeding Lead compound into tank. I don't know if you could even use pH control as since the tank pH is going to be so low the pH will be very low.
What is the difference in the pH of a solution containing 10 grams per liter acid and 20 grams per liter acid. 0.90 versus 0.85??? Is it easy to measure this with a cheapish pH meter? Perhaps someone that knows more about pH measuring can answer that.
You could make a slurry of Lead Carbonate for pumping into tank if that helps.
Some have suggested hanging a 'tea bag' of Litharge in tank.
Some sort of baffle hanging in the tank with (say) 3/4 of the tank where the anode is being plated and the other quarter where you add lots of Lead compound. The two bodys of liquid will mix by diffusion. It's really similar(ish) to two tanks.
If the Lead Dioxide could be plated from a neurtal tank then it would be easy. Just add large amounts of Carbonate and the acid with never get up above a few parts of grams per liter.
Add approx. 10 grams of Nitric to a liter of water and get an idea of how quick your Litharge will react. I have heard of guys getting it hard to get the Litharge to dissolve at all!
You could perhaps ball mill it?


Swede - 27-12-2008 at 07:22

I've got PbO aplenty, no lead carbonate. I like all the ideas behind a slow/steady "diffusion", or periodic additions of reagents. I will attempt to produce lead carbonate from lead nitrate, since I have plenty of the latter, but none of the former.

That is a good thought, to do a bit of chemistry (experimentation) with nitric acid and various lead salts prior to plating, to get a feel for what is likely to happen. I would KILL for the lab I worked in in the AF... we had every analytical instrument known at the time. Now it's back to basics... literally, as 25 years away from chemistry has caused me to dump most of what I learned. My kids come for help with HS chem, and it takes me a while before I can help. The knowledge is there, it's just buried, VERY deeply.

The patents are explicit - lead dioxide plates exceptionally well at low acid concentrations, and the plating suffers as the concentration climbs. Perhaps something as crude as low-range pH paper and an appropriate additive to keep pH in check. I do have a pH meter but am leery of using the one good probe I have in this bath. There will probably be gross interference anyhow to the pH meter from the plating current, requiring sampling of the bath into a separate vessel.

Anyway, the initial experiments are going to be small. If a particular bath and methodology appears to work very well, then anodes sized approx. 12cm x 4cm will be plated, as these are the correct size for my actual perc cell.

Roscoe, I am now the proud possessor of 1 ea kilogram of ultrapure gamma ALOOH, water-dispersible Boehmite alumina. Research/experiments to follow! :D

granitestaterecovery - 27-12-2008 at 07:57

Swede may I ask what the optimum tempature of the plating bath and keeping it at a constant temp?I have a way to acheive this rather simply without having to regulate your electrodes.

Rosco Bodine - 27-12-2008 at 09:09

Hmmm...samples are always good.....but I think the gamma there would be Al2O3 ...unless they sent you some of the
unfired air dried precursor material which is the hydroxy form there. There is likely something useful to be gained with whisker alumina as a "modifier oxide" reenforcing in these coatings I think especially the baked coatings and possibly even in the plated coatings. It sort of reminds me of the
fiber reenforcing that wall plasterers and stuccoers used, horsehair in the olden days and later chopped fiberglass,
it's the same idea for the nano-whiskers of alumina.

If you are running a near neutral plating bath, to keep the pH constant will probably require a pumped electrolyte .....
with some kind of a power filter containing a neutralizing lead compound, like perhaps a finely divided lead oxide.
I think ideally to accomplish a steady state plating bath,
you would need a small secondary isolated AC electrolysis cell having two Pb plates , in the electrolyte recirculation loop
for the anode plating cell, and whatever lead was consumed
by the anode plating would be replenished by AC erosion
of the "Pb ion replenishment anodes" that would be perfection huh ? :D But a compromise arrangement could
probably be gotten that would work good enough just using
a manual incremental neutralization and a generous sized
plating bath to dampen any wide swings in the cell chemistry
between the increments. If you know what rate of reaction
your plating current is producing , then you can calculate
the rate at which you need to add neutralizing material to
maintain the chemistry of the plating bath. years is not far away , and Valentine's Day
a bit around the corner still ...sooo , just being forward looking there at the possibilities , it is definitely time for a diva break :D Whew this song is beautiful, a real wedding song if there ever was one. Enjoy. (lyrics) (stereo and video) Wow !

Now I wouldn't mind some samples of that, even a lifetime supply, and I'm sure that's a popular sentiment among any men who still have a pulse :P

Swede - 27-12-2008 at 10:38

Originally posted by granitestaterecovery
Swede may I ask what the optimum tempature of the plating bath and keeping it at a constant temp?I have a way to acheive this rather simply without having to regulate your electrodes.

If by regulating electrodes you mean using the plating process itself to heat the bath, that will not work... the current is too low.

Every source I've read specifies between 60 and 80, with one oddball source at 90 degrees. I'd split the difference and shoot for 70. I do not know the effects, good or bad, of temperature variation on the quality of the plating. The patents also tend to specify +/- 1 degree C. I can't imagine it's that critical.

Remember, I am at the theoretical stage now... I haven't begun to plate, just doing research. But I've got the hardware and chems ready to go. If you have any insight to the process, welcome!

Roscoe: The supplied MSDS has the following:


Boehmite CAS 1318-23-6 95-97.5%
Water 2.5-5%

"Water-dispursable Boehmite Alumina, Aluminum oxide hydroxide, Gamma-ALOOH [crystallagraphic designation]"

[Edited on 27-12-2008 by Swede]

dann2 - 27-12-2008 at 11:08

Perhaps the scheme like below would do for keeping Lead Ion replenished + neurtalize. It's getting close to two tanks as it were. You already have a pump. The neutral solution will flow into plating bath proper as you pump liquid from plating bath into neutralizer.

There is plating equations on an article I attached (next post). It also states that anodes (ozone production) last longer if manufactured from a plating tank that is warm. Lots of patents state that a 'better' plating is obtained from a warmed bath. I would agree that 70C is about right.
You will soon start to suffer from 'Article/patent fatigue', so watch out.
For every mole of Lead you get three moles of Nitric acid.
If plating efficiency goes low (say Nitrites build up) this may no longer apply. I don't know.
I do not think putting a pH meter into a plating tank liquid sample will harm it. But can you really monitor acid concentration by measuring pH?
People have always said that a new fresh plating tank always give the best coat (garage operators). All sorts of things were blamed. Nitrites perhaps? One guy suggested bubbling air (O2) into tank between plating sessions. (You can use H202 of course).

nutralize.GIF - 5kB

dann2 - 27-12-2008 at 11:16

Attached is:
Electrosynthesis and Physicochemical Properties
of PbO2 Films
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 149 ~9! C445-C449 ~2002!

Happy reading.

Attachment: alpha or beta for acid bath.pdf (94kB)
This file has been downloaded 967 times

Rosco Bodine - 28-12-2008 at 01:03

@Swede , you got the unfired material.....hmmm
that is fine, it should develop nicely to the dehydrated
form on baking. Did they send you a sample of the pyrolyzed form as well ?

Swede - 28-12-2008 at 08:24

Originally posted by Rosco Bodine
@Swede , you got the unfired material.....hmmm
that is fine, it should develop nicely to the dehydrated
form on baking. Did they send you a sample of the pyrolyzed form as well ?

Nope, for now just this stuff. They are also sending some material from Germany that is going to take some time to get here, but it is more of the same, just different crystal and pore sizes, and perhaps acid-dispersing as opposed to water dispersing.

@Dann2, where do you come up with all this stuff? ;) I remember Tentacles had troubles with his plating bath when it became a "used" plating bath. The implication is strong... if a one-pot anode is attempted, you just might get one or two good anodes before the bath goes to hell, and the size of the bath determines how long it takes.

Lead Nitrate is selling for $10 kg, which will make about 3 liters of solution. That is a big bath for a garage lab, and should produce several good anodes before becoming exhausted.

The initial thought is "Add lead nitrate on a molecular equivalence to the weight of the plated lead dioxide" but that doesn't help when the nitric acid levels are climbing.

Traditional replenishment lead sources have been litharge (PbO) and Pb metal. Lead carbonate may be a superior replenishment material. Determine the amount of lead nitrate lost, add that amount to a beaker, convert to the insoluble carbonate with Na carbonate or even bicarbonate, decant the bulk, which will be sodium nitrate dissolved in water, and add the lead carbonate to the bath, which will be in the form of white lead:


I might be able to come up with an equation, but my gut feel is that excess nitric is neutralized, CO2 is gassed off, water forms, and lead nitrate levels are restored.

Just a thought.

There are two paths we can go down... the first is to use up a bath until it no longer plates worth a damn, the second is careful maintenance of the bath no matter how large. Some sort of circulation setup is tempting, but I think the best results would come from a medium to large bath plating modest electrodes. At the end of the plating session, the anode is weighed, and an appropriate amount of lead (in whatever form) is returned to the bath. If the bath is large to start with, changes to the chemistry of the bath DURING plating will be small, and hopefully be optimum thoughout the given plating session. The small changes that take place during plating are then "repaired" with lead carbonate or litharge after the session.

Swede - 28-12-2008 at 08:35

On a totally different note, has anyone heard of pulsing a plating bath to produce a superior plate? This would be extremely easy to do with a half-wave rectifier on a variable AC transformer. You'd get a half-sinusoid - no reverse current flow, but the forward flow would pulse ON and OFF at the mains frequency. This may in fact allow the bath to "re-wet" the anode, especially if vibrated or rotated, between positive pulses, and microscopic gas bubbles may have a chance to escape between pulses. The overall result may be a smoother, better adhering coat of lead dioxide.

Rosco Bodine - 28-12-2008 at 09:21

Originally posted by Swede
On a totally different note, has anyone heard of pulsing a plating bath to produce a superior plate?

Never tried it on plating, but I have tried it on electrolytic
reductions, and it works supposedly better for some reactions than smooth DC. It will make an audible power hum in the cell at high you won't need any vibrator at high currents..the cell itself becomes one :P
Of course that is sort of the extreme in terms of current density :D

This would be extremely easy to do with a half-wave rectifier on a variable AC transformer. You'd get a half-sinusoid - no reverse current flow, but the forward flow would pulse ON and OFF at the mains frequency. This may in fact allow the bath to "re-wet" the anode, especially if vibrated or rotated, between positive pulses, and microscopic gas bubbles may have a chance to escape between pulses. The overall result may be a smoother, better adhering coat of lead dioxide.

Yeah it is a special technique which can be used but I'm not sure how to predict the effect, it is purely experimental.
You can use phase control to shape the delivered waveform
to an assymetrical AC with whatever pulse sequence you
want to send the cell......sort of like sending it Morse code
in power pulses , hoping it will get the "telegram" of what you want it to do. If it is not cooperating ....hey just increase
the power until something breaks :D ;)

The power company really loves you for what sort of untypical and unpredictable noise loads this imposes on the grid, it really makes every transformer along the road to your house "sing for joy" over the experiments you are doing, and might elicit a visit from the grid maintenance people to see what in the hell you are doing :D

For a neutralizer you might want to look at basic lead hydroxide, but it is temperature sensitive and above 45C it
converts to the normal oxide. Basic carbonate would be good too possibly better for a hot electrolyte, but you really do need a pumped electrolyte so you can allow for the effervescence of the CO2 byproduct to occur in a separate neutralizing tank which is a low velocity flow rate reservoir. Really there is a need for using pumped flow on all of these processes for various physical considerations, and I think when this is all over, pumped flow electrolytes and coaxial electrode assemblies is inevitable......for plating or for perchlorate. Tanks will become reservoirs, but all the
electrolysis will occur inside the flow through electrode assembly.

[Edited on 28-12-2008 by Rosco Bodine]

dann2 - 28-12-2008 at 12:32


I have never heard of Lead Metal being used to replenish Lead Ions but I see no reason why not to use it. It will not react too easily with the lowish concs. of Nitric that you want to try and work at.
The last paper I posted was from the 'More on PbO2 anodes' thread. Lots lots more there is you want to go digging.

There is some more stuff on observations of Lead Compounds that have been used to replenish/nutralize the plating tanks here:
See 'looking after the plating tank'. You have probably seen it before.

There is an attached patent for an anode that uses AC on DC. It uses the (what I call anyways) high Nitric acid plating tank. (100grams per liter acid). It is an electrowinning anode on bare!!!!!!!!!! Ti.
The title in incorrect, it should say Anode not Cathode.

I would suggest sticking to good old DC.


Attachment: US4159231.pdf (315kB)
This file has been downloaded 718 times

Rosco Bodine - 28-12-2008 at 15:45

I think there may be a scheme for using very low voltage AC on two plain lead electrodes, to supply replacement lead ion to a plating electrolyte at a similar rate as lead is being plated out by DC onto a target anode. There are patents related to the production of lead salts by electrolysis, but I don't recall them being specifically described in a scheme for maintaining the cell chemistry for a plating bath. However it may be possible to do that, can't see any reason why not. The idea is that the low voltage AC would have just enough potential to defeat the oxide passivation layer on the lead and cause it to be easily corrodable by any acid present going into solution as the salt of that acid, from reaction with the
nascent lead hydroxide or even the lead metal.

The idea there is to apply just sufficient potential to reduce the natural oxide film which is passivating,
but not have a high enough voltage to produce an
immunity to corrosion by hydrogen blanketing.
The Pourbaix diagram for lead if I recall correctly said something like three quarters of a volt cathodization potential is about all it takes to depolarize lead for active corrosion. You could probably use DC also for the same purpose. The circuit here for the "neutralizer cell" would have to be electrically isolated on a floating independent source apart from the power supply to the anode plating scheme. The way I think something like this may work is using parallel sheets of lead having strips of insulating spacers which act as separators between the plates, wound into a spiral coil form cylinder and housed in a
PVC pipe, through which the connection is made to riser tabs from the lead sheet electrode pair inside. The pumped electrolyte enters the bottom of the housing
and fills the housing as it rises inside, wetting the spirally
oriented sheet electrodes up to about three quarters of their height , encountering perforations in the plates and
exiting through those perforations through disharge
openings on the sides of the housing, as a level regulating overflow means. The discharging neutralized electrolyte would then pass through a gravity filter and
discharge back into the reservoir for the plating cell.

If a pumped plating cell was being used, a portion of the flow could simply be diverted through the neutralizer.

granitestaterecovery - 28-12-2008 at 17:05

swede i was reffering to you regulated heating method of the electrodes with electric ceramic inserts.I have proven that they have short life span. . I sent an u2 or whatever the messaging language is to your profile about it ....but it may be bad for both electrodes /anode and diode to become positive due to malfunctioning electric heaters within the unforeseen reason for your neighborhood to be evacuated.... Some people just dot understand the quest for knowledge...or things they find when evacuating..

watson.fawkes - 29-12-2008 at 04:51

Originally posted by Swede
On a totally different note, has anyone heard of pulsing a plating bath to produce a superior plate? This would be extremely easy to do with a half-wave rectifier on a variable AC transformer.
The purpose behind a pulsed power supply is to remove the polarization zone that develops at the surface of an electrode through which desirable ions move only by diffusion. To do this, a counter-pulse typically goes in the opposite polarity, but not of the same amplitude. Simply taking the voltage to zero accomplishes some of this, but not as well as a negative-going pulse. Pulsed plating is often faster, particularly when tuned to electrode geometry (including size), because electric-field induced drift is faster than diffusion, and pulsed power sources repeatedly strip off the polarization layer. The forces on an ion at the time of its adhesion to the surface differ between the diffusion and drift regimes, which is what leads to a difference in coating quality.

Such power supplies are usually switched-mode these days, with internal microcontrollers. To get negative-going pulses, the switch array is doubled and hooked up in the opposite sense. Clearly both arrays are never on at the same time. There are ways of hacking this up with a pair of ordinary supplies and some MOSFET's, for the slightly more adventurous.

The waveform is generally a form of pulse-width modulation, with more than two pulses. The parameters of each pulse are its voltage and its duration. A typical pattern I see recurring in the literature is the Forward-Reverse-Zero, a six-parameter class of waveforms.

dann2 - 30-12-2008 at 13:52


There is some good simple pH info. here:

Taking some volumes of 100% Nitric acid and making a solution of it to a liter volume gives the following pH's.

ml's Nitric.......... pH

0.0025............. 1.23
0.005............... 0.92
0.01................. 0.62 (10ml Nitric acid per liter)
0.02................. 0.32
0.03................. 0.15
0.04................. 0.02 (40ml Nitric per liter)
0.05................. -0.08 (cannot be measured with pH probe?)

The Molarity of 100% Nitric acid is 23.8
Molecular weight of Nitric acid is 63
Density of 100% Acid is 1.5 Grams per Liter

The above readings cannot be taken as absolutely accurate in a solution that also contains Lead Nitrate and other stuff but give an idea of pH range variation. (I think) as acid increases.


[Edited on 30-12-2008 by dann2]

Swede - 30-12-2008 at 14:29

I need to catch up a bit with what's been posted, but I wanted to say, I have worked hard on my "paper", and one of the things that really jumps out is control of the evolved nitric as a perhaps critical and deal-breaking aspect of plating... It's the same doc, but with the new additions in blue:

Most of the additions are at the bottom, and this is what I came up with regard to nitric acid evolution:

Nitric Acid Concentrations too high: Patent 3,463,707 explicitly states “Nitric Acid concentrations higher than 20 grams per liter make it physically impossible to plate lead dioxide continuously” and recommends keeping it at <= 5 g/l concentration. Considering that the process creates its own HNO3, you may as well start small, 5 g/l. The next step becomes control of the acid as it builds. If a single mole of lead dioxide plated on an anode produces THREE moles of HNO3, let’s make some assumptions… Your plating bath is 1 liter, contains 331.2 grams of lead nitrate (1 M Pb++ ion), and you start with 5 grams of nitric acid. Your anode receives a plating of (for demo purposes) of 59.8 grams of PbO2, or 0.25 moles of Pb. The Pb concentration has dropped from 1M to 0.75M. With the production of 0.25 moles of PbO2, you have produced three times that amount of nitric acid, or 0.75 moles. With a weight of 63 grams per mole, the 0.75 moles of nitric acid weighs in at 47.25 grams. The total HNO3 concentration has gone from 5 g/l to 52.25 g/l, which is well above the maximum recommended HNO3 concentration. The plating rapidly begins to devolve into a coarse mass that will NOT adhere well, and will allow corrosive electrolytes relatively free access to the substrate. We know what happens next. The substrate fails, the lead dioxide flakes, and yet another hopeful anode is trash.

It is easy to think (and hopeful) that the bath can be restored to its pristine state after the plating is complete. I think the demo above has shown that the nitric acid levels will climb during plating, and do so rapidly enough so that the plate job will be ruined. The HNO3 concentration MUST be controlled as it is evolved. How this can be done is a subject of much debate.

Essentially, we must give something for the HNO3 to chew on that both neutralizes the acid, and replenishes the Pb ion concentration to keep it in a healthy range. Classic solutions include litharge (PbO) exposed in the bath, or some other lead salt like lead carbonate. Lead carbonate (more correctly: 2PbCO3•Pb(OH)2) is an insoluble lead salt that may be ideal. It can be made easily by adding an excess of sodium carbonate or bicarbonate to a solution of lead nitrate. When the brilliant white precipitate ceases to form, allow the lead carbonate to settle, decant the bulk of the liquor, and collect (preferably by vacuum filtration) the white lead carbonate powder.

Almost all of the patents describe their plating baths as having strong agitation. If an excess of PbO or PbCO3 is present, as the nitric evolves, it should, in theory, by acidifying the bath more strongly, allow these lead salts to dissolve, and serve a double service… nitric acid concentration remains reasonable, and Pb ions are replenished. My guess for a good starting weight might be that which would replace the lead on a molecular basis.

One final answer may be in simple suspended lead sheets, or pure lead shot in the bottom of the plating bath. Nitric acid, of course, dissolves Pb into Pb(NO3)2, and since the bulk of the bath starts with lead nitrate, to me this seems the ideal solution. The lead metal will simply sit there, inert, until the nitric acid concentrations climb high enough, at which point the Pb will begin to dissolve. The question remains, at what nitric acid concentration will this occur? I don’t know, but it is worth a try.

Note: NONE of the patents used what I now call a “one pot” plating process. They all use circulation. Used electrolyte is pumped from the bath, altered with litharge or some other lead salt, and reintroduced to the active plating bath.

In summary, control of the Nitric Acid may be a critical feature of plating a strong, durable anode.

Swede - 30-12-2008 at 14:38

I am going to try a simple experiment... I have a bit of lead carbonate, and also lead sheet. I am going to prepare a 20 g/l solution of nitric acid (assuming your plating bath is producing nitric, and you are at the maximum level for a good plate) amd then introduce Pb metal (weighed first) or lead carbonate, also weighed, to see if there is significant dissolving and lowering of the nitric concentration.

dann2 - 30-12-2008 at 15:20

From my experience of making Lead Nitrate from Lead Metal and 60% Nitric acid you will not have a hope of keeping the Nitric acid close to where you want it. With 60% you need to heat way up. Careful of brown gas (Nitrogen Dioxide). It will goose you if you get a dose of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You could try connecting an AC to the Lead Metal as Rosco suggested. Will it give brown gas? Be careful with that stuff.

If you start with a molecular weight Lead Compound that when dissolved will replenish all the Lead Ion you intend to plate and that compound reacts very easily with Nitric (Basic Lead Carbonate say) then the tank will stay more or less neutral all the time. ie. No or very little Nitric acid in solution. That may be OK though.

Rosco Bodine - 30-12-2008 at 15:55

Unless you depolarize the lead metal with a current, it probably won't react until the acidity is a lot higher than what you would want to maintain.

[Edited on 30-12-2008 by Rosco Bodine]

Swede - 31-12-2008 at 08:30

OK, lead metal is out, lead salts are in. One patent explicitly states that litharge is the prime carrier of evil Fe which ruins a plate job. Perhaps part of the process of preparing the crude litharge does not adequately remove iron, unless you are willing to shell out $$ for the ultrapure variety. Sulfosalicylic acid apparently can be used to chelate or trap free iron in a bath.

Dann2, you are right, I'm burned out reading this stuff. I think the big nuggets of info for a 1-pot plating process is elimination of iron (easy) and control of nitric (more difficult). With those two gone, with good surface prep, and control of the current, I think the acid process will work, and you'll end up with a sturdy plate job.

I think everyone, me included, is ready to see if what I've gathered together can make an anode that works. I've been stalling a bit. The problem is, I DO need adequate time away from work, chores, etc, one good day to get it going, but unfortunately I've got 4 days solid of real work that I've got to get through, so the first plating will probably be in 5 or 6 days.

I've got some CP Ti tubing coming, an ideal substrate (shape-wise) if the MMO mesh causes problems. Rosco, I also got two more kilos of freebie AlOOH, 23N4-80 Boehmite, and 25F4, each with different characteristics. Once the PbO2 thing is successful, or I surrender, I'll mess with it a bit. I need to thank the salesman who sent the samples - he is a good guy, and understands I'm just an experimenter, not a giant corporation.

Rosco Bodine - 31-12-2008 at 10:07

That Boehmite has been mentioned in patent literature as a useful component in the coatings of anodes useful for *perchlorate* production specifically when doped with PbO2. And it is also useful for reenforcing sintered ceramic
compositions which are formed under pressure at high temperature, and it is useful as a rigidizer for kaowool and as a reenforcing material for refractories that are wetmixed
and then fired. So you have some useful material there good for a lot of different things.

The Boehmite could probably be converted to a conductive lattice support and carrier structure using cobalt nitrate
which should convert the surfaces of the fibers to conductive cobalt aluminate spinel which is itself a catalytically active anode material, forming a porous rigid
cagelike lattice which could retain particles of yet more
cobalt aluminate formed from a mix with some ordinary non-fibrous colloidal alumina which should fill the open spaces in the lattice structure , resulting in something
of a cobalt aluminate spinel coating analogous to a "fiberglass reenforced sintered glass" if you can follow what I mean, where the structural component supports
the non-structural form of the same material used as a filler.

The cobalt aluminate lattice could also be useful for
filling with other nano-particles of catalytically active anode materials, like magnetite or bismuth doped manganese oxide, or bismuth doped tin oxide, palladium black, ect.

The filled or unfilled lattice of cobalt aluminate would probably also make a good substrate for electrodeposition
of other oxides. There's a whole bag of tricks you could
try using that stuff in various ways. It is also a wetting agent, a dispersant, and a thickener that is temperature and pH sensitive. You should have fun finding ways to use it.

If I recall correctly there were a couple of patents which had identified that the absence of iron impurity from the
Pb nitrate could eliminate the necessity of using a surfactant in the plating of good deposits of PbO2.
And in the lead salts preparation thread, I recall posting
a patent which described routes to ultra pure oxides
which could be indentified by color, middle of page three
in that thread. There is also a possibility of using a mixed nitrate and acetate plating bath where the pH is somewhat regulated by the acetate functioning as a buffer
for the nitrate, the byproduct acid then being acetic acid
which is volatile and escapes from a hot plating bath, or at any rate results in a less rapid rate for lowering of pH than if the usual nitric acid byproduct was accumulating
by itself, having nowhere to go for neutralization.

Ammonium carbonate or bicarbonate is something useful you should have on hand for neutralization of stannic salts
if you are going to do work with the sols which can be derived from those. Methylcellulose, PVA, and possibly hydroxyethylcellulose are other materials of possible interest, and oxalic acid for etching, perhaps ammonium fluoride, and nickel nitrate as well are a few things that
would be good to have if you are shopping and run across any of these at the technology supermarket or art store.

[Edited on 31-12-2008 by Rosco Bodine]

Swede - 1-1-2009 at 08:54

RB, a while back, you posted this in the Lead Salts thread:

"Use of sodium carbonate for neutralizing solutions of soluble Pb++ salts precipitates the *basic* carbonate
Pb3(OH)2(CO3)2 which is the old lead paint pigment called "white lead" .

Use of sodium bicarbonate is required if you want to
precipitate the *normal* carbonate of lead PbCO3 ."

I used sodium bicarb to ppt lead carbonate froma lead nitrate solution, and thought I had prepared BASIC lead carbonate, Pb3(OH)2(CO3). Not true? Do I have plain Pb(CO3)? Can you elaborate on the mechanism and the difference? I'd have thought either sodium salt would produce the basic lead carbonate.

Rosco Bodine - 1-1-2009 at 12:19

I think I'm correct about that, but I'll have to go back and find the references on the specifics. It probably has to do with the increased basicity of the carbonate and the near instant reaction producing a nearly insoluble product which drops out immediately, otherwise you would think
for a slower reaction, you could simply adjust the equivalents to get whichever product you wanted, and then that product would form "later" and gradually precipitate. So it probably relates to a local reaction
condition for things where solubility and pH at the point and instant of reaction is governing, and can't really be steered to a different outcome by bulk stoichiometry
which may contradict and offer a different expectation as the result. There are other reactions like this where the
expected result from stoichiometry is over ruled by the
physical chemistry which is governing. This is probably another "one of those" exceptions.

I went back and looked at some references and still haven't fully sorted this one out. It looks in part this might be order of addition related, for example if the soluble lead salt is added to a solution of sodium bicarbonate in excess then the normal carbonate of lead is produced, and otherwise a mixture of normal and basic carbonate across a range to predominately the basic carbonate of lead by usual addition schemes. This is uncertain, and it seems sodium plumbate is another possibility there. I'll try to find more on this. I am not sure either if the more usual order of addition produces only the basic carbonate or a mixture. I think my statement
about this is conditionally true, a "to be sure" sort of specification for sodium carbonate being preferable.

What I said definitively about this earlier is probably true in a more qualified sense that using sodium bicarbonate as the neutralizer in addition to a soluble lead salt is more likely to give a mixed product impure with the normal carbonate, dependent upon the concentration and excess of sodium bicarbonate which is present. I think there is actually some
mixture of the basic and normal carbonates that is variable
dependant on the conditions of synthesis, which is the reality, even for the commercial products. My earlier definitive statement was probably an exaggeration weighted towards what would be desirable for producing the product where the basic lead carbonate would be the more favored product predominating in the mixed product which will be unavoidable in any case. I haven't actually done this precipitation both ways and then compared the product weights against the "lead values" known to be present to
see what the variation is there.

[Edited on 2-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Swede - 3-1-2009 at 06:41

Well, I'm on day 3 of 4 days of "recurrent training", 4 days of stress and long hours. I could use an illegal substance right now to try and drop my cortisol + adrenaline level in my blood down to less than 1M but that's just not cool for commercial aviation.

The CP aluminum tube arrived and is looking good. Those following APC are aware I'm trying to use some surplus (but new) PTFE/PFA heat shrink tubing to protect the Cu-encased cartridge heater. I've noticed even with pure water, when the Cu heats up, corrosion of the Cu skyrockets, and I'm guessing the lifetime of heated, bare Cu in a bath will be short.

I bit the bullet and bought a PTFE-encased true immersion heater:

I wish it was a 240V device, so it'd be 250 watts rather than 1,000. The full kilowatt will be ideal for anything more than 6 liters, but the heater itself is physically too large to be used outside my full tank. Short of a huge resistor, any thoughts on reducing the output a bit?

My thread on sulfosalycilic acid (chelation of Fe++) went nowhere. Any thoughts on scavenging or removal of iron from a bath?

Finally, @Dann2, I found that patent that discusses nitrites, and the use of 30% peroxide to treat. Excellent patent and an elegant and simple solution. A big veterinary syringe of 25ml capacity, or a buret positioned over the bath, would be a simple means to add the peroxide.

My initial bath will consist of lead nitate, probably 300 g/l, a dash of nitric, no more than 5ml of 68% acid per liter, and I am going to try both nickel nitrate (10 g/l) and surfactant. The bath will be small. The initial pH should be measureable and not much worse than 1.5 to 2.0.

Anode prep will consist of degreasing with acetone, a dip in dilute nitric, followed by a vacuuming immersed in hot distilled water plus a dash of surfactant. From there, the hot anode will IMMEDIATELY enter the plating bath with no chance to cool. Tapered current profile.

pH control will be attempted with manual additions of basic lead carbonate. If that doesn't work, then litharge. Occasional peroxide additions cannot hurt and may help.

Several additional platings on small anodes (all MMO) will follow, with varying parameters. These then will be tested using a gang of mason-jar perchlorate cells, run under identical conditions, to observe the performance of the anodes.

I've talked the talk, ready to walk the walk. :D

Oh yes, they'll be THICK. A really beefy anode may require more than 1 liter, perhaps 2, although the generation of nitric acid and the addition of lead salts should keep the Pb ion concentration high.

dann2 - 3-1-2009 at 11:53

Hello Swede,

You might wish to see if your Lead Carbonate wets easily. It can have a very annoying tendency to float on top of the solution (even when there is quite alot of Nitric in it) and refuse to wet. If this is a problem you could make a slurry of the stuff by putting the Carbonate into a well capped container with a small amount of water and shaking hard.


Rosco Bodine - 3-1-2009 at 12:10

You could use a diode in series with the heating element
to half wave rectify and drop the power 50%.

US3463707 describes how to precipitate the iron by shifting the pH and boiling the electrolyte.

I'm thinking use a circulated, pumped electrolyte with a couple of digital crock pots used as heated reservoirs in a series arrangement with cascading overflows. Using maybe two and half gallons of electrolyte would tend to put the kibosh on any rapidly changing cell chemistry during plating of one anode, and it would probably stay within parameters without adjustment, except between plating runs when you would replenish the lead. Having a good working volume allows for low turbulence in the reservoirs where continuous neutralization or incremental neutralization may be done
where the weight of the particles of litharge used for neutralization will prevent their being carried away in the current and clogging filters for the recirculating electrolyte.

I still believe there is good use can be made of MMO coating of the Ti substrate, for an interface coating, and experimenting with a Pytlewski polymer as a wetting and bonding agent for the first layer of electrodeposited PbO2,
even though this has not been described so far as I know in the literature, it may work very well as simple dip and dry preplating "activator" for adhesion of the PbO2 via
a chemical bonding, stronger than the adhesion of a physical attachment to a "roughened surface" strategy.

Another possibility which has been mentioned with regards to MMO, but so far as I know has never been
the source of any experimenting here, is sort of the opposite of hydriding Ti as a pre-treatment for a baked
spinel coating. This would involve treating a freshly etched Ti substrate with a very brief anodization, limited to a current drop at maybe 5 volts, for example two to three minutes, in a basic electrolyte like 50% KOH and then doping cobalt nitrate and baking, or perhaps better anodizing for a couple of minutes in a basic electrolyte of an ammine complexed cobalt or nickel or binary mixture, followed by a single dip in the slightly acidified nitrate(s) and baking....the idea being to create a somewhat thicker but well doped and conductive interface layer, which may be tougher than the usual method. IIRC in some of the Beer patents there was described something similar as a strategy for increasing the thickness of the interface layer
which consisted of doped Ti suboxide. It may be possible
to increase the thickness and integrity of that conductive interface without substantial loss in conductivity, but gaining considerable hardening of that interface as an
ionic oxygen barrier, better sealing the substrate against
passivation. Even at the loss of a tenth or two tenths volt
(or more) for a loss in conductivity, that price might be worth paying for having a more robust interface on a substrate which would last longer in use.

Similarly even following the established methods, Bi doped SnO2, or tertiary mixture Co and Bi doped Sno2 or Mn and Bi doped SnO2, or quaternary Co, Mn, Bi doped SnO2 could be useful baked MMO coatings, by themselves as a baked working anode coating or as a substrate over which
is electrodeposited PbO2.

[Edited on 3-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: Lead related Gmelin Vol V.pdf (1.2MB)
This file has been downloaded 897 times

Swede - 4-1-2009 at 06:14

Any surface prep and subsequent coating of a bare Ti substrate that is conductive, acts as an oxygen barrier, and accepts a PbO2 electroplating, would be a boon. Electronic losses in that layer for an amateur would not be troublesome. Industry might throw a fit because their perc now costs an additional 2 cents per kilogram due to increased electrical costs, but for us, who cares.

As I mentioned, I got my 0.020" wall CP Ti tube, and it is prime stuff, ideal for anode research. Unless forced to, I don't think I am going to return to flat straps for electrodes. They are just too hard to use in a real cell. The round shank is perfect for sealing (o-ring) and the working end can be slotted and flattened to accept flat sheet, or the tube may be used as-is for anodes.

I'm looking forward to proceeding. Mentally I'm still waffling on initial bath size, and am now leaning towards the jumbo bath because of the stability it will create. There's only one addition that can cause real probs, and that is the surfactant, which will break down. Skip the surfactant for now. Small anode initially, and we'd be looking at 4% lead loss and not too much nitric evolution. The bath will be easy to maintain. A 1 liter bath will be all over the place with regards to pH and lead ion concentration.

Wish me luck, it's check-ride time. <bells ringing, horns blaring, red lights all over the place> "Fire, left engine, fire, left engine. Apu fire. Apu Fire. Loss of system A and standby hydraulics. Yaaaah! We're going down! Mayday! Mayday!" :D

not_important - 4-1-2009 at 23:57

Using NaHCO3 to get PbCO3 is correct, adding the lead solution to an excess of the bicarbonate; Na2CO3 gives basic carbonates. This holds true for a number of other metals, for some such as Co and Ni not only do you use bicarbonate but you saturate the solution of it with CO2 and then add the metal solution. See Mellor for example.

Tweaking the pH and heating is a traditional way of removing iron and manganese. In older books on purification of chemicals you'd often see the use of an excess of a carbonate being treated with an acid, meaning all the acid was consumed, then heating to boiling for awhile, possible with the addition of H2O2, cooling, and decanting/filtering from the solids - a mix of the particular metal's carbonates/basic salts and Fe(III) and Mn(III) /Mn(IV) hydrated oxides and such. If making the nitrate an excess of acid would be used, the solution brought to boiling for a few minutes, then enough of the metal carbonate added to fully combine with the remaining nitric acid and be present in excess to give alkaline conditions. The excess carbonate gives a large surface area for absorbing trace amounts of Fe and Mn, freshly precipitate carbonate (or basic carbonate) is preferred as it tends to be more reactive. Lead presents a problem with the solubility of many of its insoluble salts in solution of the nitrate; sometimes quickly filter the nitrate solution through a bed of the carbonate will work.

dann2 - 5-1-2009 at 02:36


The figure for Nitric acid formation was given here as 3 moles per mole Lead Dioxide deposited. It is two moles Nitric per Mole LD deposited.
It takes two moles Electrons per mole LD deposited at 100% CE. Don't know about Nitric acid formation when CE is not 100% (Nitrites interfering, Oxygen coming off (damm all I guess) anode etc).

Overall reaction:

Pb(NO3)2 + 2H2O =====>> PbO2 + 2HNO3 + H2(gas)

Or broken down: (cut and paste from Journal)
H2O --> OHads + H+ + e-
[ii] Pb2+ + OHads --> Pb(OH)2+
[iii] Pb(OH)2+ + H2O --> PbO2 + 3H+ + e-

Yet another patent is attached. There is nothing in it you have not seen before but it gives some figures for adding Litharge per hour per amp for keeping the plating tank happy.

35 grams Lead Monoxide per hour per 10 amps was added to the tank.
They used a six liter tank which gives an idea of tank size/deposition rate between each addition of Litharge. It is next to impossible to get a figure for surface area they were plating.

Big tank = big soft landing strip :D


[Edited on 5-1-2009 by dann2]

Attachment: US4130467.pdf (319kB)
This file has been downloaded 605 times

Swede - 5-1-2009 at 08:45

That is an interesting patent. Once you get past the amazingly complex rotary drum, they begin to discuss the chemistry of the bath. The bath constituents, per liter:

lead nitrate - 200
Nickel nitrate - 10
Cu nitrate - 10
igepal (surfactant) - 1.33
Concentrated nitric acid - 6 ml
NaF - 0.5

All of this is right in line with other patents. Interestingly, this is the ONLY patent I've seen that discusses nitric acid addition as volume vs grams. Assumming a typical 68% azeotrope, the 6ml would translate to 4.08 grams nitric, right in line with other patents. 5.8 grams per liter of litharge was used every hour to neutralize the acid evolved and add Pb ions.

More disturbing: "The entire bath was changed out every 8 hours." At first glance, it does not discuss treatment of the bath, but a bath at 8 hours of use is FULL of useful lead nitrate, probably excess nitric, and if a surfactant was used, perhaps "used" surfactant.

A method of post-plating bath treatment needs to be considered part of the entire process; otherwise, the methodology will be too wasteful.

Right now there's freezing rain outside, and my lab is uninhabitable. I'm hopeful that the weather will break very soon.

My checkride went well. We lost an engine between DFW and Memphis, and landed single engine uneventfully with 200 overcast, 1/2 mile visibility... all in an advanced "level D" simulator! :D

Rosco Bodine - 6-1-2009 at 04:37

Acetic acid would seem to be the first thing to look at if anything organic is going into that electrolyte to aid wetting. There is also the possibility of using ethanol
which will itself be oxidized in the process eventually
to acetic acid, but may aid wetting during the electrodeposition. Both the ethanol and the acetic acid
have solvent properties and should decrease the surface tension of the electrolyte so that it more easily wets the substrate onto which plating is done. It might save a lot of grief in reprocessing the electrolyte to get rid of organic residues later, to try a volatile like acetic acid first and
leave the other organic "surfactants" as a last resort.

tentacles - 6-1-2009 at 08:33

That's a damn good idea, Rosco - I wonder if the acetic acid would have any stress benefits as well, as the lead acetate baths plate alpha PbO2. Even if not, the volatile nature would lend itself well to being removed from the bath.. just wait and it'll evaporate.

dann2 - 6-1-2009 at 08:43

It's used here (Sodium/Lead Acetate) to relieve stress and as a pH buffer:
Electrochimica Acta. 1971. Vol. 16, pp. 1301 to 1310.


Swede - 7-1-2009 at 05:33

I agree with Tentacles, a wetting agent that could be easily separated by a simple heating and evaporation would be a boon. My guess would be it would be better than NO surfactant, but not as good as the polyoxyethylenes... otherwise, I'm sure the big boys would be using the simpler wetting agents.

But if it is a choice between fatally poisoning a large, expensive bath with a polyoxyethylene, vs acetic acid/ethanol, vs nothing, then the middle choice is definitely the best.

I mentioned to Tentacles yesterday that our favorite lead nitrate source almost doubled in price. There is an alternate source at $130/10kg, still decent. Finally, for smaller-scale experiments, there is a guy on eBay selling for $10/500g. I know a lot of guys dislike eBay, but I cannot imagine the DEA/FBI/BATFE/CIA/OSS/Project Bluebook having a beef with lead salts in general... about as far from a drug precursor, at least, as you can get.

The WX still has not broken, and now I have to get to work for real.

Daydreaming the other day about all the efforts at "composite" lead dioxide anode, almost all of which have failed. My Ti tube made me think of a thin copper tube, rammed with a lead dioxide slurry, HARD, in a hydraulic press, said slurry consisting mainly of CPVC resins in a very low ratio of resin to PbO2.

You now immerse the Cu rod 7/8 of the way into strong ferric chloride. The Cu tube is eaten away except for a small cap at the top where you can attach your lead wire. That might form the basis of a strong composite lead dioxide anode. The trick will be in the formulation of the CPVC resin / PbO2, the pressures involved, and ultimately the strength of your rod when completed. From there, plate it, or perhaps you may get some modest efficiency as is, despite the fact that the PbO2 is of the wrong form.

The only reason I mention it is because of a very simple experiment I did a while back. I made a similar slurry using chemically-resistant IPC CPVC cement and lead dioxide, spread it like butter onto wooden sticks, and after curing, was pleasantly surprised at both the strength of the coating, and the low resistance, which was about an ohm across 6 inches. Just a fun thought.

Edited to add: Those of us with lathes could hydraulically press the slurry into drawn, hard Cu pipe, 1/2" or 3/4". Those would normally be too thick for ferric chloride, but the bulk (say 85 to 90%) could be turned off first, and the remainder of the Cu gently etched away with the ferric chloride.

[Edited on 7-1-2009 by Swede]

Swede - 10-1-2009 at 14:38

Well, I was hoping to plate today... and I ran out of time. It's Saturday, I have a spouse, and that = chores. I wanted to show you guys where I was at.

To execute the plating in a manner consistent with the tons of research I've pursued (weeks worth) requires, unfortunately, a lot of gadgets. I keep finding myself making more and more stuff.

First, the plating rig overall:

I incorporated xenoid's ingenious vibrator motor, and discovered something quite interesting. Even without the anode immersed in the solution, there is a powerful agitation factor as the vibrations travel through the rig, the stand, and into the solution. In this case, I am using a 2 liter plastic tank. Check out the surface of the plain water!

The first runs are going to be 2 liters IF the plastic can withstand 70 degrees. Note that I have a "catch-pan" in case of catastrophic failure.

There are two things I ignored that I need to accomplish before I can plate. The first is cathode(s). I need more than one, because I will be plating anodes of different sizes. With my acquisition of Ti tube, anybody see any problems using Ti as a cathode? The round tube is perfectly shaped for a rotating setup. I have tubing in 3/4", 1/2", and 5/16", and am considering "squashing" the working end in a press to create an ovoid shape, again to create an even flux with the rotating anode. Next, with cathodes made, I need a way to firmly attach them to the system. Spacing will be by the simple expedient of moving the tank closer or farther as needed.

So the big question du jour - Ti as cathode? Yea or nay? I'm leaning towards yes with the addition of a bit of copper nitrate to the bath.

I hope to plate Tuesday or Wednesday, weather permitting. I apologize for the delays! :D Wish me luck!

[Edited on 10-1-2009 by Swede]

[Edited on 10-1-2009 by Swede]

dann2 - 11-1-2009 at 16:40


There is an old patent kicking around using Lead Dioxide powder + glue of some sort. It was of course a superior to all other anodes anode, better than anything............
It may be worth a bash. I have never tried it.

I cannot see anything wrong with using Ti. You will need the Cu ion as you said to stop Lead going on Cathode.
Careful of the spray that will come off from the solution around the cathode(s) where Hydrogen will be coming to the surface. Put a cover on that can of Coke if you intend to drink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or better to put some sort of cover on the tank. When making Chlorate (it goes on for much much longer with far more H2 evolution I admit) the contents of the garage/shed get coated with Chlorate after some days. Bad enough Chlorate, it rusts things, you don't want Lead Nitrate.
I don't think that the shape of the Cathode(s) is of major importance. A flat one(s) will probably do OK if you are having problems getting a curved one(s).

Have you figured out the actual surface area of the MMO'ed Ti to be plated. The surface area will probably increase a bit as plating builds up, or will it?

Since you are going with Nitrate bath all the way (no Tartrate bath for Alpha) do you intend to plate at a high current density at the start of the plating process to get an Alpha coating next to the MMO? Just wondering.

Evaporation can be a problem sometimes. Keep top of anode below surface a cm or so and keep an eye on liquid level.

Good luck with the plating...................and DO hurry up.


Swede - 12-1-2009 at 07:24

Yeah, the potential for spray exists, and that is not a happy thought. I'll rig some sort of cover for it. I'm also going to take a big plastic garbage bag, cut it into a single piece, and create a backsplash area. I need to contain spray or migrating droplets by whatever means possible.

The reason I'd like to go Ti vs Cu is that the Cu seems to be corroding badly (these are just water tests) and of course Ti tends to be immune to corrosion. Just a thought. Today is cathode and vacuum jar day. Tomorrow is plating day. I am going to follow a schedule that looks something like this:

Plating Period Current A / cm2 Duration
Initial: 0.125 15%
Median: 0.050 50%
Final: 0.030 35%

The total duration is something I'll just have to figure out based upon the rate of PbO2 deposition, but at a minimum, I am going to run the higher current until I see 100% coverage of PbO2, then a bit more; then, I'll begin to dial the current down a bit, perhaps in more increments than those shown here. There's no hard and fast rule that says there must be three plating currents. The bulk of the patents do the majority of their plating at 0.050 A / cm2, so that's where the bulk of mine will be, I guess.

If it works on MMO, the next step will be to sand blast and prep bare Ti and see if that is possible. The round Ti rods will be an ideal shape.

I've still got composite lead dioxide ideas I'd like to try. The IPC PVC cement I used to build the PVC cells withstood both chlorate and perchlorate electrolytes at near boiling (remember the "banana cathodes"?), so that glue, plus perhaps powdered PVC, combined with PbO2 powder in a ratio (I am guessing)

85% lead dioxide
10% cement
5% PVC powder
MEK to thin

Might form the basis of a composite anode. The correct beta PbO2 can be created and gathered from a lead nitrate cell, and in fact one of the patents discusses this, with the goal being POOR adhesion of the plate - the anode is removed, agitated, and the beta PbO2 simply falls off to be washed and processed. This may be a way to get good PbO2 for yet another process!

Paranoia time - Goggles, gloves, face shield obviously. What about clothing? I am tempted to buy some painter's Tyvek disposable coveralls to wear. Silly idea? I'd rather not use street clothing and track lead nitrate into the house.

workplace lead mitigation

watson.fawkes - 12-1-2009 at 08:41

Brass foundry and machining operations have to deal with environmental lead in their workplace. Lead is a common alloying agent in yellow brasses. Unfortunately, I don't have a reference for the lead safety techniques I read about years ago, but it is a place to go look for accepted industry practices.

Rosco Bodine - 12-1-2009 at 13:20

What kind of oxygen barrier interface are you contemplating for the Ti substrate ?

Swede - 13-1-2009 at 10:02

Rosco, I guess the idea is to have a brutally efficient and heavy plate job on bare Ti. Several patents claim they're doing it. I have no idea if it would work. I've got a lot of chemicals, and it may be worth a try. For now, MMO.

I'm taking a break right now from plate #1. The bath is mixed and heating. I am going complex on the first attempt, with added Nickel salts, surfactant, the whole 9 yards. But adding Bismuth hydroxide was a mistake. Being insoluble, the bath turned opaque. It was stupid to even consider Bi.

The small MMO anode (8 X 4 cm) was soaked for 1 hour in acetone. It was then etched in dilute HNO3 for a few minutes, rinsed, and is now soaking in 300 ml of distilled water plus 1 ml Triton X-100 surfactant at 80 degrees. It will then get vacuumed, and plated.

The bath looks like an opaque, turquoise-colored body wash. Toxic as hell, NaF, lead salts, nickel salts. I'm dressed like an astronaut. There's lots of pics that will hopefully turn out. I keep thinking "This is nuts" as I'm weighing out 700 grams of lead nitrate for a 2.25l bath.

If this doesn't work, attempt #2 will be "simple". I've got the litharge doses ready.

I could have purchased 5 good Pt anodes (or at least 100 pounds of perchlorate) for the $$ I've shelled out so far... but where's the fun in that?

Dann2, I understand the need for a simple process for the average garage chemist, and I'm headed in that direction, definitely. I'll be back in a few hours with a report + pics.

Time to don the astronaut gear again. Here we go, into the void... :P

Swede - 13-1-2009 at 12:50

What a PITA. It's been about 3 hours now. There is lead dioxide plating, but at a slower rate than I had anticipated.

Two catastrophic events... I hadn't even calculated current until I was ready to flip the switch, and found the intial current needed to be 9 amps! The lab supply I was going to use is good only to 3. So I had to drag my 80 pound Sorensen supply that I use for chlorate and patch it into what had been a very elegant system.

Initial pH seemed measurable at 0.5. I had added 10 ml of 68% nitric to 2.25 l to start. pH dropped RAPIDLY, indicating nitric buildup. Even worse , my rotating shaft galled and seized. It took a bit of lube and some manipulation to free it; all the while, plating is still going on.

The vibrational system works TOO well. If turned up too high, it literally begins to toss bath outside of the container... AND the container begins to move. Pretty soon I'm hearing BANG BANG BANG as the anode is hitting the wall of the container. The vibrational concept is excellent, and no doubt works, but everything needs to be very secure.

I have babysat this thing for three hours now, and am getting fatigued. How long is a typical plating session? At a minimum, I want to fill the mesh holes, and it looks like I'm a long way from that.

Nitric control... litharge works. 10g of litharge in the bath raises pH from 0.00 back to start, 0.05. Lead Carbonate seems to work even better, sizzling CO2 as it contacts the liquor. Both seem to be doing what they are supposed to do.

I've got to go pick my kid up from school. I'm afraid to leave this setup for very long, but I cannot stop plating until it's done.

Oh yes, the opaquity, caused by the Bismuth, was not a factor... the insoluble Bi salts settled to the bottom where I assume they get dissolved slowly by the acid.

There appears to be some smut building up on the Ti cathode. What it is, I cannot yet tell.

Wearing a respirator for hours sucks. I'm hungry, and I need a shower too. Better go check on the bitch.

dann2 - 14-1-2009 at 08:53


Do you have any patent numbers for patents that plated LD onto bare Ti?
I know of one where they plated LD onto bare Ta (Ti would do to I am sure) but they then went on to use the anode as a massive anode. Current connection in Chlorate/Perchlorate cell was by putting Silver on the LD and ignoring the Ta.

There is an article that discussed plating butt naked Ti with LD. Will look it up. There was considerable debate as to what exactly was happening/not happening, working/not working.

What are the dimensions of the anode that you are currently plating.
US 3,318,794 describes an LD anode made from LD powder and polymer/glue.


Swede - 14-1-2009 at 09:54

I'll try to find it for you Dann2. I think it was the one where they scored the anodized Ti plates to prevent warpage. The lead dioxide plated on those areas where the anodizing was removed.

Holy cow what an effort. Good news + bad news. With the rotating arm galling and seizing, I could not let it go overnight, which it would have needed to so as to fill thye voids. As it is, it is heavily plated. As to the quality, I have no idea.

I worked hard this morning adding plastic bushes to the support arm, and prepped the 6.5 liter bath. 6.5 liters is TOO much, too much of everything. I am going to plate the hell out of this anode. I'm boiling it in surfactant right now, after an acetone degrease. It'll go right into the plating bath. I'm beat. Walking around with a near boiling 4 liter beaker full of lead nitrate is not fun. So far no catastrophic spills, but I pictured that 4 liter beaker on the hotplate cracking and dumping it all into my shop.

Pics as promised are forthcoming.

Rosco Bodine - 14-1-2009 at 13:28

There has been some discussion in the patent literature and the scientific literature indicating that plating onto a naked Ti substrate requires a special technique or the result is not a long life and good performing anode because of interface problems. I have an assortment of references that I am trying to organize. Basically the plating baths which are optimal for a graphite substrate are not optimal for a bare Ti substrate, even though the PbO2 is plated out beautifully, the Ti/PbO2 interface tends to be semi-passivated by the acidic electrolyte and it gets worse with aging in service, even buried beneath the PbO2 it slowly passivates, so you don't really have a permanent conductivity there and it can delaminate also.

So a bare Ti substrate is a special animal, and may need an alpha PbO2 plating alone, built to a working thickeness,
or as a primer coating then followed by the beta PbO2.

I have found a reference or two which indicates that glycine may be a useful additive in both electrodeposition schemes and pyrolysis schemes for MMO, as it reacts with
nitrate salts of the types we are interested forming soluble complexes that are easily decomposed in a controllable way for production of nano scale particles of either the oxides or the free metals depending upon the conditions, and also forms the mixed oxides of spinel, perovskite, or ferrite variety when mixed nitrate/glycine complexes are the precursor, so it should be interesting for that reason alone ....aside from it's possible value as a surfactant in plating baths :D

The glycine intermediate with an assortment of metal nitrates actually results in a sort of pyrotechnic composition
at certain balanced proportions, and the material can be ignited to produce the MMO material as the ash remaining
following ignition. Evidently the reaction is highly energetic
and at certain proportions may even partially sinter the resulting ceramic from its own heat of reaction. I have speculated before that it would be great to come up with a sort of "self-casting" all ceramic anode where the powdered precursor is poured into a form and ignited and the heat of reaction does the rest, similarly to a thermite reaction being used to make an "instant metal casting" ...and this glycine / nitrate complex is sort of headed in that direction. But I anticipate it may have more applicability in less extreme applications where its usefulness could be its easy decomposition and self-reaction to form MMO composites
in film coating schemes, it's value there being the homogenous distribution of the reacting oxides by the decomposable complex in which they are contained. This could be desirable for producing very consistent doping of interfaces and intermediate layer films where the complex could be useful as a carrier for the dopant ions.

Here is another sort of summary listing of some of the metals which are chelated / complexed by glycine and you can see that this probably incomplete list , along with those listed in the patent, includes metals of interest whose oxides are useful as components in anode coatings.

[Edited on 14-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: US5114702 aqueous precursor for metal oxide ceramics.pdf (207kB)
This file has been downloaded 1341 times

tentacles - 14-1-2009 at 15:45

Originally posted by Swede
Holy cow what an effort. Good news + bad news. With the rotating arm galling and seizing, I could not let it go overnight, which it would have needed to so as to fill thye voids. As it is, it is heavily plated. As to the quality, I have no idea.

I'm not sure you can plate beta directly over beta, you might be much better off plating a thin alpha intermediary layer over the beta, then continuing the beta. It's just a thought, but I thought there was some info somewhere on this?

Swede - 15-1-2009 at 04:31

Actually, anode #1 is pretty heavy and may be quite useful as-is. I don't think I'm going to mess with it any more, mainly because of the stupidity of using Bi in that bath. I went right to the 6.5 liter for anode 2. It's been plating since noon yesterday (it's 6:30 AM right now) and because of work, I am probably going to pull it. Not being here to add the litharge periodically, I'm afraid the nitric will climb too high and ruin the job. I'm hoping this anode is a good one. It's hard to tell, but the mesh voids may be filled on this one. It's looking good, from the surface of the bath, anyhow.

My pH meter seemed to be a useful tool, with reliable measurements down to 0.0. When it got that low, about 20 grams of PbO brought it back to 0.5. I'll say this, ANY future plating system I do is going to have a strong stirrer, of the motor + shaft + propeller variety. Constant hand stirring is a PITA.

Swede - 15-1-2009 at 06:21

Got to get to work fast. Anode #2 pulled... VERY HEAVY! LOOKS GOOD! It actually has that "shiny, ceramic-like" finish described in the patents. YES!!!!!! :D

dann2 - 15-1-2009 at 11:07

Hello Swede,

Perhaps you should have exclaimed
<font size=+1> &nbsp yes </font>
&nbsp &nbsp <font size=+2> yes </font>
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp<font size=+3> yes

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp<font size=+4> yes!!!!! </font><br>

Just wondering when you say that the pH is at 0.0, it may be below 0.0. Does you meter go into the minus region. Don't know a lot regarding pH meters myself.
Also have you a buffer solution with a pH some where in the low pH's so that you can check/calibrate the meter, just so that you know it is not way off.

Just for future reference could you measure the pH of the Lead Nitrate solution before you add any Nitric acid to see what pH it is?

Link below to stuff on Plating Lead Dioxide. It includes discussion on plating butt naked Ti with LD. Some of these anode have been used for years ,mainly in

electroflotation plants (whatever they are?), not in Chlorate/Perchlorate cells.
It is a scan and alot of the patents numbers do not seem to be scanned correctly.

I think with naked Ti you will be back to all the problems of the Graphite substrate. No actual corrosion of the Ti substrate but if the coat of LD is not perfect and

thick some solution will get in between Ti and LD and passivate the Ti.
They also state above that Ti mesh is great as starting substrate and that the idea of drilling lots of holes in flat plate (making mesh really) originated from the

bureau of mines.


[Edited on 15-1-2009 by dann2]

tentacles - 15-1-2009 at 15:31

Bah! All this talk of successful LD plating is giving me the itch. I'll filter off some of that copper nitrate crystals and then dunk some lead in there, start making up some LN solution for plating.

Rosco Bodine - 15-1-2009 at 19:59

Word is that if you know the trick, good old 316 stainless perforated sheet ( and probably even better perforated tube ) can be used as a substrate for a PbO2 anode which lasts for over a year in service 24/7. It could even last longer than a Ti substrate because the adhesion may be better.
The downside is that the substrate can't be recoated and reused after the coating reaches end of service life, because when the coating fails, the substrate corrodes and dissolves away through the cracked coating rather than passivating. So it is a one shot, one use anode rather than a permanent renewable anode. However, a year in service is a good long run for an anode, especially for an expendable anode which can be made much more cheaply than the renewable variety.

See page 4 Example 3 of the patent US5545306 attached

Possibly the anode could be "refreshed" with a repair coating
at intervals less than it's predicted end of life, or perhaps
routinely removed from service and stripped and recoated
before the substrate is damaged. It would make sense that these strategies may be used, but the patent doesn't describe this is speculation.

[Edited on 15-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: US5545306 Lead plated titanium substrate PbO2 anode.pdf (148kB)
This file has been downloaded 721 times

Swede - 16-1-2009 at 12:50

Good stuff! RB, I like the idea of a one-shot 316SS anode. Picture this: 316 screw stock, say 3/8 X 16 pitch. You've got a nice, coarse surface to plate. Sandblast the bugger, clean it like crazy, and plate away.

You've now got a (perhaps) 8" long rod, 7/8 PbO2, 1/8 SS. Screw the stainless into a PVC plastic lid until the lead dioxide bottoms; maybe use a viton o-ring or two.

Dann2, thank you for all your encouragement and great info. IF (Big if) this anode works, I'll have learned a lot.

I made a monstrous blog entry. Rather than repeat all the info here, well, here's a link:

Anode #1 is fugly and 90% estimate it will fail. It took up only 27 grams of lead dioxide (these are small 8 X 4 cm anodes). Anode #2 is hopeful, and plated 182 grams of lead dioxide. While anode 1 leaves behind little flakes of PbO2, anode 2 seems solid.

Still wet:

Dried... crappy Anode #1 to the left

Rosco Bodine - 16-1-2009 at 14:42

I am pretty sure that DTO and PbO2 has been used successfully over several alternative substrates other than Ti, so long as the thermal expansion parameter for the substrate is compatable, there is no physical reason why it shouldn't work. The use of Ti is based on a "fail-safe" scenario where the Ti passivates when the anode fails instead of causing a mess where the substrate corrodes badly and contaminates the product of the cell. This would be a greater concern in a commercial operation where tons of product could be contaminated and it would be economically infeasible to decontaminate and purify the product. So Ti wins as the substrate of choice, even though other substrates may be operable. And it is probably relevant also what is the intended end use for the perchlorate, how critical is its purity specification, which would have bearing on the required choice of anode design also.

There is a correlation between the MMO anodes and the PbO2 working layer anodes, because the two can be combined to make the ultimate in a long service life anode. The MMO is used to provide a conductive interface for the PbO2, to which it can adhere well,
and it serves to protect and seal the substrate from exposure to ionic oxygen or fluorine or electrolyte which
may migrate through the PbO2 via porosity or through any actual cracks. So everything learned about MMO is directly applicable also to the overcoating of MMO with PbO2, and really the PbO2 lasts the longest and is renewable, without having to completely redo the MMO, which can itself be renewed if the anode is stripped all the way down to the MMO before renewing with fresh PbO2. The shops of perchlorate factories probably do their own routine "overhauling and reconditioning" of anodes so
that the factory there stays in continuous operation,
while older anodes are being swapped with renewed anodes. I'm sure that is probably the system they use commercially....regardless of what anode substrate and
design they are using. Lead recovery is probably done also to recycle the material as opposed to the cost of disposal which otherwise might be even more expensive.


dann2 - 16-1-2009 at 17:11

Good luck with the anode. :cool:
You have definitely notched up a new mile stone on the humpy, potholed, crucked, twisting, winding, never ending, idea strewn, tear soaked highway of the Lead Dioxide Anode.
The No. 2 Anode looks almost edible in the first photo! You can see the classic velvet sheen in the next photo where it has dried.

To stop nodules/warts appearing at the edges/points you could round them off as much as possible before plating. There will be no MMO on the cut ends.
Rounding off will not be too easy to do and you will rub off more of the MMO. You will end up with rounded ends that are bare Ti which may not plate the same as the MMO, or may not plate at all if you leave the MMO lying around for a long time after the rounding/cutting operation before plating (Oxide will appear on bare Ti and may stop plating). You could try bending each loose end inwards (if there are loose ends sticking out). Another possible way to stop the warts would be to put a baffle, like blobs of glue, to insulate the sharp ends/corners so that you get a abrupt end to the LD plating at the edges.
As you said yourself they are not really much of a problem anyways. Perhaps even an advantage, more surface area!

Lead Dioxide is impossible to get to plate into (inward) right angles or accross small hair-line cracks. In the picture below at B you have lots of extra LD,(where you don't really want/need it). At A (where you would like extra LD for current distribution) there is less LD than the average coat thickness, BAH!.

Hard to know about the first anode. You may be surprised how long it will work. It won't fail suddenly but will go on working untill all LD has gone off it, and will continue to 'work', (as in current will still flow into solution) but if making Perchlorate nothing useful will be happening. Then plate again hopefully of use as regular MMO. It's a win win substrate.
Try doing that with (the substrate from hell if ya ask me) Graphite.

4 my 8cm Anode are not to be sneezed at, it sounds better if you describe them as a '15 amp' anode. (approx. 200mA+ per square cm). If making Perchlorate you can get quite a lot at 15 amps over a period (coming from Chlorate).

Hope it does not erode like the one I made. It had a total weigh of LD = 31 grams from 800ml tank with 360 grams Lead Nitrate dissolved in it with no addition of any Lead compounds. That's 0.129 moles LD, giving 0.129 X 2 moles Nitric = 16 grams (+ what was in the tank at the start, a few mls) Nitric acid per 800ml. Nitric conc. getting high. Perhaps thats a major disadvantage from the, shall I call it, in service erosion perspective.
Perhaps pH controll of Chlorate cell would help with regard to anode erosion. Perhaps the same for a Perchlorate cell too.

TENTACLES...............get your (goddamm) skates on :D


[Edited on 17-1-2009 by dann2]

ps.jpg - 9kB

Rosco Bodine - 17-1-2009 at 01:11

Back in the PbO2 anode thread I posted a series of references and the first two are really keepers to keep in mind, but especially the second one which details the role of the fluoride in reducing the grain size by a factor of 10 and improving the adhesion of beta PbO2 in scenarios where your initial coating of PbO2 is going to be beta PbO2.

This also goes into some explanation about the use of Bi doping.

The use of dopants complicates things greatly because of the pH conditions required, even beyond the usual pH sensitivity which plays a huge role ordinarily anyway.

To achieve stable coatings of substantial thickness, pH control is essential, where the allowable swing is tenths of a pH not several pH , meaning like for example holding plus or minus a tenth around 5.5 if that is the target ....not letting the pH wander from 0.5 to 6.5 :P That kind of control isn't going to happen unless a pumped electrolyte having a pretty good reserve volume and some sort of "filter bed" neutralization scheme is in effect. Otherwise you will need a huge volume plating cell gallons of electrolyte for plating something the size of a pencil , to keep the pH from wandering all over the place.

There is some indication in the references that if you are going to use an uncirculated one-vat kind of setup as the plating cell, you may be better off plating alpha PbO2, if it
is a fairly thick PbO2 coating which you are desiring via a one stage plating process.

An issue which can arise with the beta PbO2 coatings which are plated at too low a pH is that the coatings can look beautiful and be perfectly sealing, and yet have low activity
and low efficiency in operation. Evidently there is a "surface active" catalytic kind of property for the PbO2 coating and
if the pH isn't just right, then that desired structure to the PbO2 doesn't form and you can end up with a beautiful looking anode coating which doesn't work properly when
put into service in the perchlorate cell. There is a sort of
controlled porosity required for the PbO2 on the nanoscale
of things which makes the surface active. And it is related to the electrodeposition strain also, the more of these tiny voids
which convey the surface activity, the lower is the strain in the material, sort of like air entrained concrete, it has a lowered density there for the surface active coating which does have an open cellular structure of interlocked crystals.
Too low a pH and you get something like a solid glasslike coating very dense which loses its desired surface activity.
So there is a "happy medium" where the ceramic like hardcoating appearance and strength is there, but if you
zoom in for a closer look at electron microscope resolution,
you want to see something like you would want to see with silica gel, swiss cheese sort of structure where the volume
surface area of all the inside walls of the exposed "tunnels and caves" is perhaps 20 times the exposed surface area of the 2 dimensional outer surface, or more. That porosity is one parameter that is affected by pH, and why it is important.

I'm not trying to foretell doom or anything, so don't get me wrong, I'm just saying that you won't really know what you've got is good as an "active anode" until you test it in a perchlorate cell and see what the efficiency is for what you have made, because it can look really pretty, but not all that glitters is gold. Don't count the chickens before they hatch.
If it works fine ....then you got lucky :D

[Edited on 17-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Swede - 17-1-2009 at 05:31

Well, you guys have been a real inspiration, and I thank you with real sincerity. These are baby steps, certainly.

First, I think we can conclude safely that "size matters" and a bigger bath is a better one. But beyond a certain size, it becomes unwieldy for the home chemist. As I mentioned earlier, manipulating 3 to 6L in giant beakers, hot, is unpleasant. For anode 2, I had almost 3 kg of lead nitrate in 3 liters of water, near boil, on that hot plate, and in my mind I could imagine the CRACK as the beaker gives up the ghost, and now I've got 3 kg of boiling lead nitrate everywhere. Scary. In the future, I am going to dissolve the Lead Nitrate IN THE BATH after bringing the bath up to temp.

pH... I've got a relatively cheap meter (actually it is a controller) and the probe was a $40 Milwaukee brand. The bath started with 5 ml / liter of 70% nitric, and the measured pH was 0.5, a reasonable value to measure with a pH probe. So I attempted to keep it there with litharge, and it wasn't too hard. About every two hours, I'd check the bath, and if it was below 0.2, I'd add about 20 grams PbO; sirred a bit, and 5 minutes later it was at 0.6. Again, the size of the bath keeps the swings a bit lower than they otherwise might be.

I don't think it will be possible to plate a mesh and have it be anything but warty and unattractive. Dann2, I believe in the case of anode 2 that the edge warts actually improve the structural integrity overall. They are thicker than the remainder of the anode, and in their ugly way, make it stronger. But only because they "grew" into each other. If they are separate warts, I suspect they'd be fragile and not help.

Rosco, the dried anode appears to have a surface that is NOT glasslike... it is satiny. I'll see if I can get some photomicrographs. All of this is moot if the anode does not make perc, but regardless, it has been an invaluable learning experience. I'll say this, I really like your idea of plating a 316 SS round, starting with threaded rod, giving a surface that the LD can bite into, then building the coating up until it is near round. But I do need to learn more about what happens at the surface of the substrate, and how to possibly prevent problems there. Hell, a simple anode that would last a year in industry would last a hobbyist a lot longer. All of these anodes are for perc only cells; I am not going to risk them in a chlorate cell, and in all cases, I've got to minimize chloride ion presence, probably by recrystallizing raw chlorate before it goes into a perc cell.

One last thought, a recommendation - US Platics sells plating tanks of all shapes and sizes, quite a few of them are 1 or 2 gallons, about right for a bath. The polypropylene tanks handle heat better than polyethylene, and the tank was thick and sturdy. If someone invests in one, a deep rectangle, I think, is the best shape, rather than a shallow square.

Rosco Bodine - 17-1-2009 at 11:00

Satiny is good :D Kind of a semigloss sort of sheen as opposed to a "high gloss lacquer effect" which would probably be too compact and dense. It would last forever in service, and it would make perchlorate, but the efficiency would be way down below what it ought to be.

I'm going to suggest again that you think about using large "crock pot" containers *instead* of plastic tanks.
I have about four different ones which were gotten over the years cheap as "closeout specials" and have never seen kitchen use but have strictly been used as very handy laboratory appliances. All of them have removable
liners and a couple of them are even thermostatically
controlled. They are great for evaporations, drying crystals or even dehydrating hydrated crystals, or for
use as hot water baths, or in this case they could be used
as heated reservoirs for electrolyte. The ones I use have
"corningware" removable liners that are either white pyrex glass or "corelle" and the liners are very heavy
with molded handles. Some of the more recent manufactured crock pots have digital programmable controllers and a few of those even have ported lids
through which a thermocouple probe can be inserted as a meat thermometer like into a roasting turkey to sense when a target temperature is reached. It seems like
these crock pots are very close already to what is needed and could probably be adapted if some alteration is needed to refine their control scheme.

Ultimately you *are* going to need a pumped electrolyte
when you are plating any serious "production scale" anodes, so you may as well view the "one vat" cells
as sort of "test cells" for short duration plating runs where
you are wishing to observe short term plating effects, rather than long runs for heavy and thick deposits.

The same 6-8 liters of electrolyte being pumped for recirculation through a filter bed neutralizer will be
better than having fifty gallons in a single cell. The
Gibson patents and even earlier patents show the
industrial setup and something a bit less complicated
can be improvised to accomplish the same thing.

And the same equipment can be used later for perchlorate production, where you add a "cooling tank" in the loop,
where perchlorate should drop out of the cooling solution
and accumulate as a bed of crystals, while the spent effluent is reheated and run through a salt bed filter
to replenish. Basically all of the requirements for a
home setup which works well are going to be a miniature scale model copying of the larger industrial scale factory.

Something I observed fairly early in reviewing the literature is that using a Ti substrate certainly doesn't simplify the requirements for a plating bath to less than what control would be needed for plating a massive anode, you have the same headaches either way for the plating bath requirements, plus you have the added complication of the interface at the Ti to PbO2. So using
a Ti substrate actually doesn't simply things with regards to the PbO2 bath requirements, if a thick PbO2 coating is intended to be applied which case you are probably not really better off using a Ti substrate than simply going ahead with a massive PbO2 anode, because the added
technical complexity for the Ti substrate offsets its value.

So really for a Ti substrate you shouldn't set a goal of getting a "heavy thick coat of PbO2", but more like getting a millimeter or two maximum thickness of a very specific quality of coating, and even at that thickness it is still well into the area where a pumped electrolyte is probably needed if the anode is of significant size in relation to the plating cell. Additionally when the design is evolved it is near certainly going to a coaxial electrode assembly, and
when that occurs, the recirculating pump will be unavoidable. So probably know where this is eventually headed is away from a one-pot batch process
towards a continuous process scheme.

[Edited on 17-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

tentacles - 17-1-2009 at 23:26

.in which case you are probably not really better off using a Ti substrate than simply going ahead with a massive PbO2 anode, because the added
technical complexity for the Ti substrate offsets its value.

Not to be a dick, Rosco, but that *TOTALLY* discounts the difficulty inherent in connecting a massive PbO2 to the power source, and sealing that connection through a lid, etc. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other, as it were.. The MMO substrate, if it works, could simplify this by a staggeringly large degree - eliminating the interface problem and providing an easy means of connection.

Rosco Bodine - 18-1-2009 at 00:45

Hmmm, about silver / PbO2 connection, that's no problem.
It's less technically difficult to make an external connection using silver leaf or a silver plated clamp to PbO2 than it is to engineer and implement a durable interface on a Ti substrate as an internal anode structure. But yeah I agree that MMO is the probable solution, either as an interface or as a working coating. You don't need a heavy plating of PbO2 when MMO is under it. Anyway I'm not trying to discourage any efforts or experiments, by anticipating possible complications, which may or may not appear as
being an issue. I am sort of thinking out loud, when my
silent introspection would probably be more welcome.
I should probably go busy myself with contemplation of anomalously soluble Bi complexes which may be useful in varying pH scenarios as pyrolytic or electrolytic precursors for achieving Bi doping in higher pH ranges.

Before I get busy on that theory, I found an interesting
metallic Tin plating patent about an alloy material I haven't seen before, and it could have some usefulness
in anode construction, where a thin flash plating of metal
is then oxidized on baking. This one caught my notice
because it is a strongly adherent 80-20 Tin / Cobalt alloy
which is a bright white faux silverplate appearing kind of material, sort of like a bright chrome plating....but on baking
to oxidize a flash plating of this alloy, for example if it was overcoated with nickel nitrate or manganese nitrate or other nitrate of interest and pyrolyzed.....a DTO / MMO should result which I have not seen described anywhere before.

Example #3 is one I supposed would likely stick well to Ti.

US3914160 Bright White 80-20 Tin-Cobalt Alloy Electroplating Method

[Edited on 18-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: US3914160 Bright White 80-20 Tin-Cobalt alloy electroplating method.pdf (146kB)
This file has been downloaded 1709 times

electroless deposition of Tin-Bismuth solder alloy

Rosco Bodine - 18-1-2009 at 01:47

This additional patent would possibly also be of interest.
What I was contemplating here is first plating the 80-20
Tin-Cobalt alloy flash onto an oxalic acid freshly etched Ti,
possibly hydrided, and then following that 80-20 Sn-Co
with an electroless flash plating 70-30 Tin-Bismuth .....and then applying a nitrate and pyrolyzing the intermetallics to an MMO layer. The well adhering films of the metallic precursors on a Ti substrate *possibly* may result in a more compact and denser harder interface layer of MMO than the use of nitrate precursors alone, as in the simpler "dip and bake" scenario. As a finishing touch, the baked coating could be dipped in ammonium fluoride and baked again and the fluoride doping should really toughen up the MMO even further.

US5391402 Electroless deposition of Tin-Bismuth solder alloy

Of course you wouldn't necessarily be limited to applying this sort of strategy to only a Ti substrate, you could use say
stainless steel or copper or maybe even aluminum or ordinary low carbon steel perhaps phosphated or chromated first. The thermal expansion properties there would probably be the compatability determinant.

[Edited on 18-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

Attachment: US5391402 Electroless deposition of tin_bismuth_solder alloy.pdf (174kB)
This file has been downloaded 1389 times

Sedit - 19-1-2009 at 15:59

I cant say that i have read through this whole threed but i do know for perclorite production that this threed started about I have read about alot of gold electrodes being used.

I have always had very good success with gold electrodes which are cheep and dont fall apart like carbon and others always do over time.

Before you shrug it off as an expensive ass way of doing it let me tell you that gold electrodes are cheep as can be.
If you go to a craft store you will find gold foil that is extreamly thin and good for about nothing but you can take this foil and using it to coat pieces of carbon rod or plate.

Iv used these type of electrodes for many differnt uses and found very few things that will react and destroy them.

y2kbugger - 20-1-2009 at 18:22

Hey guys, I started my own thread, but I was told it was better to keep in a related thread, so here it goes:

Currently I am running a miniature NaCl cell test run in a mason jar and graphite anode. Will test ppt a yield with KCl when i get some

I am ready to try something a little more real. I purchased a $20 30''x4'' MMO coated Ti.

I was given a 13.7V @ 30A PS so I will need to regulate it so I won't burn it out.

My question is whether or not a regular cooler would work as a cell container, or do I need to use a 5 Gal. Bucket?

Also, what do you guys think of the Anode? To good to be true? I will be getting one of those soon. When I get it how can i tell if it is good (actually MMO not just Ti), I hope so because the guy has a bunch more and you guys may be able to use them.

Those lead anodes are beautiful BTW, you guys are awesome!

tentacles - 20-1-2009 at 22:15

That's awesome, at least he's getting better money for those sheets since I told him what the coating was.. I paid him $25 for three of those sheets.. They appear identical to every other MMO anode I've seen, but there's no telling what formulation they are - more than likely they are pool chlorinator type material or for waste water treatment. I haven't tried mine for making chlorate yet as I've still got to make a spot welder to put shanks on.

You're going to need to cut that voltage in half or more - there are other options but it gets complex to say the least.

What's the cooler made out of? Polystyrene? Is it even marked?

Rosco Bodine - 20-1-2009 at 22:28

You could have gotten them for half what you paid in mid-November when they were three for $30 :P

If it is MMO it will have a flat black look to it.

For electrolysis you are probably going to have a cell voltage requirement in the 2.5 to 3.5 or max 4 volt range . If that is a linear supply you will want to use a variac in front of it or at least a fixed stepdown transformer like maybe a 36 or 48V 10A so that you don't have to "burn off" the other 10 volts at 30 A which you don't need . With that supply, assuming it is a straight linear without an SCR voltage adjustable input which compensates, at full output your supply will be consuming three times as much power as your cell.

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

tentacles - 20-1-2009 at 23:06

I should add that you can use that MMO mesh for the cathode material as well - it's perhaps a bit of a waste but there are benefits to using it as a cathode material, and it's not like you're going to be in short supply of the stuff.

y2kbugger - 21-1-2009 at 03:32

Yea I saw in his feedback someone told him that they were MMO, funny that it was one of you guys!

I am sure the insulating material inside the cooler Is Syrofoam, but it is some sort of plastic around it.

Nope its a switching supply, and non variable. I was thinking of wiring up a pulse controller to a couple power Mosfets.

That's an idea, I was planning on using SS knives, do you think it would be to much stress to run 30A on half of that anode, I'd planned on cutting it in half and putting them both in a single plane all in the cell at once.

PS: what about greater spacing in the cell to raise the needed V?

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by y2kbugger]

Swede - 21-1-2009 at 08:36

Tentacles, I didn't know that was the guy you bought those from. Have you tried to make chlorate yet with them?

Edited to add: Rosco, check out the new "crock pot" thread - thanks! :D That thing was ridiculously easy to hack. It's very interesting, the temp controller I made was a bit of a PITA, but now that it's put together, it's a great addition to the shop. Attach anything to it that draws less than about 25 amps, and it'll control beautifully. I've bought a 2 quart crock pot, and another is 3 quarts. They are CHEAP.

Sorry, I can't seem to stop editing... anyone have any recommendations for inexpensive USB voltage and temperature data loggers? There are a couple on eBay - most of them are temp and humidity. I'd really like a 3 or 4 channel device that will do temp, current, and voltage. It'd be a great addition to the lab, especially being able to graph and overlay data with things like Cl- ion concentration.

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by Swede]

tentacles - 21-1-2009 at 17:30

y2k: a 15" long piece of that sheet would want more along the lines of 200A, not 30. You might look at attempting a coaxial arrangement - basically a stack of plates, with the outside plates having the actual electrical connections. It may or may not work with mesh.. I expect it might not, or at a reduced efficacy.

I haven't tried that mesh material yet. Need microwave! I might just have to actually start putting some effort into that project. At the moment I've been spending a bit of time upgrading my milling machine.. I finally got around to filling the column with concrete the other day, now I need to make a better washer for the back (or better yet a backing plate) and the belt drive conversion. At least I have enough parts to make the conversion, except the actual belt.

y2kbugger - 21-1-2009 at 18:39

when you say "want" do you mean could handle, or that a lower current density would yield less efficiency?

Can these MMOs handle perchlorate production without excess wear? Also, can I bend this material I assume the oxides are brittle?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean about the electrode arrangement, when I think of coaxial, i think of concentric circles.

thank guys you are a real help with this.

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by y2kbugger]

tentacles - 21-1-2009 at 19:09

That first question is a doozy. The bottom line is that you don't want too little current density, or too much. I think MMO typically shoots for 200-400ma/cm2. Swede mentioned his 2x6" anode was rated for 60A, and that is right about 400ma/cm2.

As far as we know, MMO does not make perchlorate. That doesn't mean it can't, just that we don't know for sure if it can, or what MMO material would be required to do so. There are reportedly MMO materials that contain platinum, and we would assume they can make perc, but longevity/efficiency is unknown.

As to an explanation of coaxial cells, I can't find it at the moment. Hell, I can't find *anything* these days - I was looking for that chick's thesis paper last night and came up with nothing. What thread was that posted in again? Anyways, here's a vague picture, third post up from the bottom of the page:

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by tentacles]

Rosco Bodine - 21-1-2009 at 19:24

MMO reportedly does indeed make perchlorate and Bismuth
is the catalyst which improves even Platinum as an anode, where platinum itself becomes a substrate for a bismuth doped MMO working coating. Even a metallic Pt-Bi alloy
is superior to pure platinum for an anode. Sheesh what do I have to do here to peddle bismuth, when it seems to be the one thing that is reportedly the best for catalytic activity favoring perchlorate production. Is it something about the name "bismuth" which just turns people away:P
Maybe we should rename it "mojo metal" and press on ;)

I have been looking at "conversion coating" schemes for
Titanium substrates, following up an idea I mentioned early on in this discussion along with others about the possibility
of getting titanium to react as a reducing material towards
tin or other metal salts, electrolessly plating a metal to metal
interface on the Ti substrate which could then be baked to the oxide. My idea was to mix some abrasive grit with the
precursor salt liquid to make a paste sort of like valve grinding compound, maybe with glycerine instead of water, and then to wet sand the rotating Ti substrate with the
mixture, to "flash plate" an electroless metal interface plating
simply by double decomposition, reduction reaction of the
naked Titanium with the precursor salts. This is done for
aluminum machine parts, applying a "conversion coating"
to aluminum, which is a Tin-Cobalt-Bismuth alloy, via a
simple dipping process, which "case hardens" the aluminum
with a cold process chemically applied alloy wearing layer.
The same process is probably workable on titanium, and those are precisely the three metals of interest which are
most likely to produce a desired result on aluminum or titanium.

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

y2kbugger - 21-1-2009 at 19:43

ahh, now that setup makes sense, thanks. :)

cool, well i think i will start off with just chlorates using the mesh for + and -, i'll cut it into some smaller pieces.

I'll let you guys know how it ends up. Any one care for pics, or are simple cell like this of little interest?

[Edited on 21-1-2009 by y2kbugger]

tentacles - 21-1-2009 at 19:49

Rosco: Nothing wrong with bismuth, but so far it doesn't seem to incorporate easily into the schemes 'we' have been experimenting with (in a non-theoretical way (: ). We'd all certainly love to have sweet Bi doped MMO anodes from hell whose biggest problem is storing the heaps of perchlorate they make.

His question about MMO (I think) clearly referred to the commonly available types, which would be the bog-standard RuO2/TiO2 chlorinator/chlorate type anodes. We have no substantial evidence to support their producing perchlorate. The one guy who claims to have done it is (in my opinion) very unreliable as a source. Patents are unreliable at best. If standard MMO will make perchlorate, the wear rate will be unacceptable - likely even at the price I paid for those sheets.

Rosco Bodine - 21-1-2009 at 22:52

MMO is a more generic term than just Ruthenium doped Ti.
And yeah if I recall the oxygen evolution and/or chlorine evolution voltage is too low and those coatings will not preferentially produce perchlorate. I think it is a very few things which will do it and Bi is one of them. The problems encountered are pH related, and predictable. Bismuth
must be complexed or chelated or peptized to a sol, rather
than trying to use its commonly soluble simple salts which are too easily hydrolyzed to insoluble forms except in
extreme pH conditions, which are not kind to a Ti substrate. An assortment of soluble bismuth preparations
are published, so it is just a matter of choosing one which has a chance of working at the pH of your coating composition or electrolyte. And yeah you have to go to extra trouble to complex the bismuth precursor, but only if you intend for it to work. If not then you just dump some
of nitrate into your mix and watch it precipitate an insoluble hydrolysis product ...and then pass unfounded judgement upon it as not being workable, before you have even tried what might work instead. You can't go against the physical chemistry which applies to the precursors which are unforgiving about the window conditions required. To make a workable MMO perchlorate anode will very likely require some attention to the Bi doping precursor, and where there is a will there is about a dozen different ways of making it work.

[Edited on 22-1-2009 by Rosco Bodine]

dann2 - 22-1-2009 at 10:28

Hello folks,

Used a deep fat fryer for some time as a heater for round bottomed flasks. Had it up to near 200C with 'liquid paraffin' (veternary product) with woeful smoke. 'Controll' was with a variac with internal thermostat on DFF disabled. Are Crock pots similar to slow cookers?

The co-axial arrangement that is being mentioned above is not a co-axial arrangement but a series of flat plates in parallel with just electrical connections going to both end plates of the stack. Each plate is an anode on one side and a cathode on the other side, except the end plates. It's called a bipolar cell (as opposed to monopolar where each anode and cathode has an actual current carrying wire going to it). It's OK to use MMO as both an Anode and a Cathode as it is done in the bipolar cells, expensive though.

I think we should reserve the Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) term for anodes using Noble metal Oxides on a valve metal, (Ru and Ir with perhaps Pt, Oxides making up the vast majority) otherwise LD or Magnetite etc etc with just about any metal Oxide will be an 'MMO Anode'.

You can bend all you like. It the MMO chips off it will be no big deal as the Ti will protect protect itself with it's own Oxide, that's why it's called a Valve metal.
We love pics too!

Has anyone here actually established that the 'Ti' mesh sheets on sale (the ones about a meter long and bent at right angles all the way along) ACTUALLY HAVE an MMO on them???????????????????????? Perhaps I missed the post?
Perhaps they do not have MMO on them at all :(.

Sedit said this:
I cant say that i have read through this whole threed but i do know for perclorite production that this threed started about I have read about alot of gold electrodes being used

Where did you read that?

Where there's a will............................................................
There are relatives :-|



Rosco Bodine - 22-1-2009 at 11:42

When it comes to making bismuth soluble, there are the polyol complexes with glycerin, mannitol, sorbitol, and erythritol, and there is also glycine, nitriloacetic acid,
EDTA, and of course citric acid, acetic acid, and ammonium nitrate....and the list is growing.

y2kbugger - 22-1-2009 at 12:49

i got mine yesterday, and i an 97% sure its mmo, because its flat black, and in the above post some else who bought from the guy also confirmed it. noone has actually run one yet tho. or have they?...

Swede - 23-1-2009 at 08:41

Originally posted by y2kbugger
i got mine yesterday, and i an 97% sure its mmo, because its flat black, and in the above post some else who bought from the guy also confirmed it. noone has actually run one yet tho. or have they?...

Someone needs to... cut a small piece, and run it furiously down to low chloride ion concentrations to see how sturdy it is. The next step is running it in saturated chlorate... not to see if it makes perc (it probably won't) but just to see if it holds together well.

Apparently the guy has a lot of it, no doubt as surplus from pool chlorination.

Does it look new?

tentacles - 23-1-2009 at 15:14

My sheets appear to be new, aside from a bit of shipping damage, a few small places where the coating rubbed off as the sheets abraded each other. The appearance is identical to the MMO that Swede sent me, but that doesn't tell the story of what's in it, what sort of formulation it is.

y2kbugger - 23-1-2009 at 21:16

I found mine to be in that same condition, a little scratched here and there.

well I decided to try to purify my graphite run, I mixed in some kcl solution, and got it to ppt about an inch or 2 of suspended crystal in a mason jar. My question is how do yo guys filter stuff, i used coffee filter but it seems the basic solution eats at the paper alot, or just the fact of it getting wet maybe, whatever the cause, it really tends to rip. i estimate the crystals that are drying now will be about 100 g but i could be way off. thats from a 2 week 1 amp run.

Swede - 24-1-2009 at 07:48

y2k, I hate plugging myself but I've made a lot of potassium chlorate from MMO and blogged it all. If you go back and forth in time from here:

you'll see one way that it can be done. I use KCl as a starting point, and what that does for you is grow really fat crystals, easily filtered, as opposed to a decomp of sodium with potassium, which I suspect produces powdery precipitate. My best "filter" is a 4 liter food container with about a thousand small holes drilled in the bottom. All the goodies go in there, and the crystalline mash is washed with ice water and alcohol. Tests showed that the washing does a fine job in removing excess chloride and other species... the potassium chlorate ended up being 99.3% pure, as best I could tell.

Most guys will advocate using sodium chloride as a feedstock, proceeding to sodium chlorate, then crystallizing and purifying the sodium chlorate to act as feedstock for a perchlorate cell. The solubilities are vastly superior to the potassium variety. OR, they attempt a one-shot, straight from chloride to perchlorate process which I personally don't care for, as my feeling is, it is very hard on anodes, and we have enough trouble with anodes as it is. The less chloride a perchlorate anode is exposed to, the better.

So far I have had very good luck using only potassium. I make up for the low solubility of the salts with cell volume. Since it makes crystals during the run, any fancy circulation setups can be problematic, as they do jam strongly with potassium chlorate crystals.

There is no substitute for raw amps. For chlorate, I had zero problems doing 60 amps on a 6" X 3" MMO anode, but a heat sink on the Ti strap was required, or the Ti strap would heat to the point where it would melt any plastic it contacts. 60 amps in a big cell makes a kilogram a day.

The MMO I have does NOT make perc; or, if it does, the efficiency is about 2%. I strongly suspect the stuff you guys got is standard pool chlorinator MMO, which will work great for chlorate, but will not make perc. Several days of high amperage through a ruthenium-based MMO produced chemically detectible traces of perc, whereas a Pt anode (same conditions) by then had dropped two inches of potassium perchlorate ppt to the bottom of the cell. The other, odd difference between the two - the Pt cell created an ozone smell, whereas the MMO perc cell, NO ozone smell.

I have not tried the lead dioxide anode yet.

Roscoe, I have on hand the following: TWO different bismuth salts, CP titanium tube, EDTA, citric acid, pretty much everything you mentioned. Tell me what to do (spoon feed me) and I'll try making a Bi anode. I also still have the three kilos of boehmite, singing their siren song, "use me! uuuuse me!" But I wouldn't know where to begin.

I added a monstrous stirrer to my plating rig. It ended up looking nice. The stainless adapter on the motor will accept any 3/8" shaft, or I can turn down a shaft to 3/8" to adapt. One option is 3/8" Ti... I did turn down a 3/4" shaft of PET plastic for it, and all I have to do now is slot the end and install a paddle with a Ti screw.

Of all the plastics I've tried, PET is my new favorite, it's awesome stuff! Cheap too. I'll reach for PTFE ONLY if the chemical resistance is needed, but PET is very good in that department.

Observation: anything metallic in the bath other than the anode ended up growing Cu fuzz or plate. My cartridge heater sealed in a Cu tube had a rather heavy Cu plate on it. Stray voltages? Do I need to ground the bath with a Ti probe tied to earth ground, or simply ground the immersion heater? Or is the Cu depositing non-electrolytically?

Interestingly, the supposedly unplateable Ti cathode had a pretty firm Cu plate, but a bit of hand work and it peeled off pretty easily.

Swede - 24-1-2009 at 09:52

Some microphotographs of anode 2. Under a Meiji scope, the surface looks interesting, and promising. These pics are nothing more than a Sony camera held up to the eyepiece, set on manual, with a bit of fiddling on exposure and f-stop. The coating is BLACK, but can look to be different colors in these pics.

Zooming in revealed a crystalline structure that looked like velvet, for lack of a better term:

And as I mentioned earlier, I decided a vigorous stirrer would be best for a plating bath. The motor is 24VDC, gobs of torque, yet turns over at 3 VDC, and can be varied infinitely in speed and power:

I used a lot of loctite both for the vibration mechanism, and this stirrer, to keep everything secure. The vibrator motor can easily back a nut off if care is not taken.

All I need to do now is come up with a compact paddle setup that will gently stir, yet not toss toxic electrolyte everywhere.


dann2 - 24-1-2009 at 11:25

Howdy folks,

Originally posted by Swede

Most guys will advocate using sodium chloride as a feedstock, proceeding to sodium chlorate, then crystallizing and purifying the sodium chlorate to act as feedstock for a perchlorate cell. The solubilities are vastly superior to the potassium variety.

OR, they attempt a one-shot, straight from chloride to perchlorate process which I personally don't care for, as my feeling is, it is very hard on anodes, and we have enough trouble with anodes as it is. The less chloride a perchlorate anode is exposed to, the better.

So far I have had very good luck using only potassium.

Coming from a direction where you only have Graphite for making Chlorate then the Sodium salt is the way to go as it is difficult to get the Carbon powder (black shit) out of the less soluble K salts. All that changes with squeeky clean MMO.

The one shot all the way to Perchlorate may be a bit of a pipe dream. Industry got 64% CE (using pH control). Accounts in the Journals I have read give 50% (using pH control). We will get half that (and less in my experience) using no pH control with wear on LD anode. Perhaps with pH control it will be much better. More CE guraranteed and hopefully less erosion of LD.

Going off on a bit of a tangent, I am about to set up a pH controlled cell using <FONT> <UNDERLINE>POOR MAN'S MMO</FONT>. Control of pH will consist of simply adding 12% HCl at 1.2ml per hour into the cell. 4.5 amps, thats 30 something mA per square cm on anode.
Simple glass jar cell, computer PSU, perspex lid
Will be using four small cathodes with the backs of the flat cathodes covered with plastic. This keeps current density high on cathodes and will reduce hypochlorite reduction. Cathode are Ti so there should be no reduction of Chlorate. (as stated elsewhere in some thread somewhere).
I will be using no additives like Chromate, F etc, ie. a green cell!!
Hopefully there will be little Graphite (POOR MAN'S MMO) erosion. It has been reported as low as 4kg per ton Na Chlorate (4 grams per kilo :o). That would give MMO a run for its money eh.

Forgot to ask:
Swede, can you see any pin holes in the LD when looking at it under the microscope? I was surprised to see many on the anode I made. They were not visable to the naked eye.


[Edited on 24-1-2009 by dann2]

graphite.jpg - 53kB

Rosco Bodine - 24-1-2009 at 12:16

@ Swede, what bismuth compounds have you got ?

About pH control for perchlorate, reportedly it is not necessary for a cell having a nickel cathode and a PbO2 anode, after the point where the NaCl is all converted to chlorate.

See attached patent US2840519

Attachment: US2840519 optimized Perchlorate by PbO2 and Ni cathode.pdf (171kB)
This file has been downloaded 765 times

Swede - 25-1-2009 at 05:09

@Dann2: I like your setup! Healthy slab of graphite plus high current density Ti cathodes. That is one thing I was unaware of when I was constructing my cells, the need to keep cathode density high, thus I made giant Ti cathodes that were a waste of material. It still worked, but the efficiency was probably reduced as a result. It looks like 2 of the cathodes are Ti wires. An alternate setup would be about 8 of those wires in a pattern around the anode. Or how about "U" shaped Ti wire cathodes? Install from the bottom, with each "U" of course requiring two holes in the perspex. Where all the "U"'s intersect at the very bottom, below the anode, wrap a few turns of Ti wire to secure. Tie them all electrically together on the dry side, and there's your all-wire cathode cage. Such a cage would work well for LD plating, too.

"Green cell" I like that too! I've never added anything to my cells yet, either, and have no problem sacrificing efficiency for safety. Chromium and NaF... yuck.

I understand the need for sodium when using graphite, but am I to understand you are attempting potassium here?

HCl: With "T-Cell Jr" (18 to 20 liters) I had the dosing timer set up to turn on 6 times per day for one minute, and each cycle of the dosing pump delivered 12-15 ml, so somewhere around 100 ml per day of 15% acid worked. I could probably have added more, the pH was more often than not around 7.5 rather than 6.8, but I was very pleased at the stability. Once it was "forced" down to near neutral, there was no tendency to rapidly climb; periodic acid dosing as a concept works, and I believe it is a good alternative to full pH control with an immersed probe, with its associated probe poisoning problems.

No pinholes on the LD! :D Between rotation + vibration + maybe surfactant, I believe it created an environment in which bubbles simply couldn't stick. I'm hopeful strong stirring will also help create a quality plate.

RB, For Bismuth salts, I have maybe 1 lb each of Subnitrate and Hydroxide.

dann2 - 25-1-2009 at 09:45

The cell I have set up is an Na cell just to see what erosion I will get with pH control. When conc. of Chloride gets low (100 grams per liter approx) I will change the cell contents and run again perhaps twice more. Testing anode more than actually making Chlorate.
I'll do a K cell then.
This cell has been going now for about 9 hours and soluton is crystal clear.

Often wonder about the Manganese anode (Xenoid &reg) in a pH controlled cell. It might last 10 to 20 times longer.

After that I will recommission! the old battered LD on Ti anode and see how it goes in a pH controlled set up. It has 3 months clocked up in uncontrolled cells and has been sitting on the bench for the last 4? months. If if still goes OK, I think it is fair to say it is a very good anode making method for the Garage Guru.
I have been told that LD has low catalytic activity so it may perform much better in a pH controlled cell (no Anodic Chlorate making required, just Chlorine evolution).

Thanks for the acid info. I was looking for it actually.
You seem to have been able to control cell with a very small amount of acid compared to my (much smaller) 5 amp, 2 liter cells.
Your cell needed 0.104ml 12% HCl per hour per amp to keep pH about 7.5.
My cell needs 0.42 ml 12% HCl per hour per amp to keep pH at 6.8.
About 0.39 ml per hour per amp keeps pH at approx. 7.5.
(I converted your figure to 12% acid as that is what I have, from the hardware store).


Swede - 26-1-2009 at 11:49

Originally posted by dann2

Thanks for the acid info. I was looking for it actually.
You seem to have been able to control cell with a very small amount of acid compared to my (much smaller) 5 amp, 2 liter cells.
Your cell needed 0.104ml 12% HCl per hour per amp to keep pH about 7.5.
My cell needs 0.42 ml 12% HCl per hour per amp to keep pH at 6.8.
About 0.39 ml per hour per amp keeps pH at approx. 7.5.
(I converted your figure to 12% acid as that is what I have, from the hardware store).

Some variables at play here... sodium vs potassium salts? Shouldn't cause much of a difference, but the mysteries that occur at the anode in a K vs. Na cell, chemically, may account for a bit of that. And as you noted, my pH was still a bit high. I cut the 30% pool acid in half... for the next run, I'll leave the timer alone and use 20% acid rather than 15%, and I suspect the pH control will be better.

In a small cell, I think you may have to watch out for less pH stability... it'll have a tendency to climb, faster, than a larger cell. Tentacles and I were discussing a drip setup, like a hospital IV bag, with the drip slowed down dramatically so as to deliver the correct dosage throughout the run. Or, one could use a solenoid valve in a gravity setup, using a fine-bore tube, with the solenoid set on a timer. One last thought is a "diffuser tube" which I had in fact installed on my big cell. It's nothing more than a vertical section of PVC tube, sealed at the bottom, cross-drilled with very fine holes, and the open top is above the surface of the liquor. The added acid goes into the tube at the top. and the acid diffuses very slowly into the system through the tiny holes. All of those help avoid a pH roller-coaster by delivering small amounts of acid nearly continuously.

Finally, there's that patent that discusses mono and di-sodium phosphate to buffer the system and make pH MUCH easier to control. That I think is more of a player with K feedstock, as the buffers would then get washed away during crystal processing... although much the same would happen when you add KCL to convert and ppt the k-chlorate.

dann2 - 26-1-2009 at 15:33

Hello Swede,

Chromium also buffers the cell. I am not using any.

From the pH controlled Graphite anode cell I have good news and weird news.
First the weird.
I was adding acid at quite a large rate, as stated above, and increasing the rate so to get pH down to 6.8. The rate had gone up to 0.42ml per hour per amp. The pH dropped to 6.7 so I decided to turn off the acid to let pH increase a bit. I assumed that when acid was turned off for about an hour or so the pH would go back up.
24 hours later with no acid going into cell the pH had increased from 6.7 to 6.8!!
The cell seems to be staying rock steady at the wanted pH without adding any acid.
WTF,,,,,,,, beats me. Anyhow I turned the acid back on at a very low amount (about .05ml per amp per hour) after the 24 hours.
I am adding acid on a continous basis using a Grasby Syringe pump. Its a bit of an overkilll machine but great for small experimental cells.

The good news is that after two days of operation the cell liquid is CRYSTAL CLEAR. Not a single grain or speck of Graphite to be seen. It's just like an MMO cell.

The temperature of the cell is low at 23C so conditions are not optimum for 'Chemical Chlorate formation'. I guess I could wrap some insulation around it but am not going to bother. Will just let it run its course (approx 5 days).

Thats another advantage with using MMO when controlling cell pH in a one cell system. You can let the temperatrue go way up to 70C or so and since MMO is so tough it does not seem to get damaged. 70C would probably erode Graphite too much.
To get the best from Graphite you would really need a two compartment system. One compartment with anode (below 35C or so) and another larger compartment with a higher temperature (70 - 80C) for to achieve optimum conditions for the 'Chemical Chlorate formation' to take place.

I think the lesson to be learned from this cell is that if you want to avoid the mess with Graphite and have the anode last long and long then controll the pH. iT's early days yet and the anode may start to erode after some time.


Sedit - 26-1-2009 at 16:05


Sedit said this:
I cant say that i have read through this whole threed but i do know for perclorite production that this threed started about I have read about alot of gold electrodes being used

Where did you read that?

I thought I read it in a ECS paper but i must have been mistaken because attempts to find it again turned up nothing and I found this web page that states the compleate opposite that gold cant be used at all for perchlorite production.

Never the lest thought this is not a bad web page that states the pros and cons of chlorite electrodes.

Hell they even have a section of Diamond electrodes which I havent even heard of.

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