Nope. Lets face it, if we were smart enough to figure this out we'd be working in the field. Some of the smartest people in the world has been working
on this for a century, there is no chance of you or me figuring it out by accident.
With all due respect Mr. Fulmen... I seriously doubt that any of those brilliant fellas could replace a circuit breaker in their house or cook a great
Linguine, and clam sauce.
They might know math but common sense eludes many of the brightest people in the world.
If you remove common sense from any model of the universe, all you have is math that is needlessly complicated ie: a fabric. The math behind said
fabric in all directions is insanity. The reason they have these jobs to figure this out is that so few people could ever grasp what they say.
All respect, this approach is nonsense.
Everyone understands atomic attraction, and it so simply explains so many previously complex ideas that it seems ridiculous.
KISS! The first rule in designing anything. Ever notice how every great realization is followed by a slap on the forehead? It is soo simple it is
obvious when you see it.
You're right tho. These thoughts will never amount to a hill of beans BUT in my mind. It all makes sense. There is more to be added to congeal the
thoughts, and eventually I will understand something that people say can not be understood.
If it gets me on a bus? Doubt it, If it lets me sleep easier. Guaranteed!
Just a small level comparison... Engineers study for a decade, develop their talents, and build their best engine yet.
I take it home, remove this, and that. Re-machine a few parts, add a new doohicky... My version of their engine gets better mileage, lasts longer, and
creates three times the HP/Torque.
I went to public school a few months a year, blew shit up in the woods, and partied most every weekend for 30 years.
Which one of us is smarter? There is no REAL way to know. IQ test? Big word test? Math test? don't lick the wall outlet test?
Who has more common sense? That can be measured. Who made the better engine.
What I'm saying is the same applies to everything. If you can't take the common sense approach, your thoughts get lost in a self made loop of
problems, and your goal continually gets further out of reach.
These physicists have made such a complicated version of the universe that they make us believe it is un-approachable to begin understanding it.
My verbal model is easy to follow, and makes sense. I don't see a flaw in the concept.