"Fluoride ions form stable, colorless complexes with certain multivalent ions, such as (AlF6)3-, (FeF6)3-, and (ZrF6)3-. Most colorimetric methods for
the determination of fluoride are based on the bleaching of colored complexes of these metals with organic dyes when fluoride is added (WHO 1984). The
degree of bleaching is determined with a spectrophotometer, and the concentration of fluoride ions is assessed by comparison with standard solutions.
In EPA Method 340.1, the sodium 2-(parasulfophenylazo)-1,8-dihydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulfonate (SPADNS) reagent is used, and the color loss is
measured at 570 nm (EPA 1998c). In EPA Method 340.3, the red cerium complex with alizarin complex one turns blue on the addition of fluoride (EPA