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DDNP & related compounds: The über thread!
For what its worth, this is why my son is learning mandarin. I'm afraid the technologists of the ne ...
19-8-2014 at 16:44
by: roXefeller
A Grave Risk of Death
[rquote=342246&tid=15031&author=prof_genius]I am now becoming seriously worried about the up ...
18-8-2014 at 19:52
by: roXefeller
DDNP & related compounds: The über thread!
That article seems like alchemy, turning DDNP into lead azide as one would like to turn lead into go ...
18-8-2014 at 19:41
by: roXefeller
p-cresol purchase
The response after my seller got the certificate of analysis:

I received a message bac ...
18-8-2014 at 19:06
by: roXefeller
HMX via Bachmann route
[rquote=342205&tid=32296&author=markx]In reality it can be subject to change (relative humid ...
18-8-2014 at 17:07
by: roXefeller
Best way for getting high density ?
I had suspected that the granulated product would need some stout pressing to make it dense and cohe ...
18-8-2014 at 16:28
by: roXefeller
Short question / quick answer - Thread

I will really be glad to learn what improvem ...
17-8-2014 at 12:31
by: roXefeller
Short question / quick answer - Thread
[rquote=342071&tid=26572&author=underground]It sounds interesting, so a bird repellant, Cast ...
17-8-2014 at 05:12
by: roXefeller
Short question / quick answer - Thread
[rquote=341995&tid=26572&author=underground]I have buy some self amalgamating tape and i has ...
16-8-2014 at 10:57
by: roXefeller
Gun Propellants: Single, Double and Tripple based
That is a difficult term to describe though. Since your hoping that a result matches reality, that ...
15-8-2014 at 17:21
by: roXefeller
p-cresol purchase
Supercooling is a possibility since it is in a smooth glass vial and possible got hot during transit ...
15-8-2014 at 16:02
by: roXefeller
p-cresol purchase
I ordered up a 4g quantity of p-cresol recently and when I arrived I discovered I was sent a vial of ...
15-8-2014 at 13:49
by: roXefeller
Gun Propellants: Single, Double and Tripple based
The topic of where in the increment you are integrating in the summation is a topic of numerical met ...
15-8-2014 at 13:23
by: roXefeller
Short question / quick answer - Thread
I want to make detonators with 200-300mg sil ...
12-8-2014 at 13:25
by: roXefeller
Spherodized DDNP
Does anyone have access to this DDNP article?

[url] ...
12-8-2014 at 02:09
by: roXefeller
[rquote=340311&tid=949&author=Rosco Bodine]Urea Nitrate is a good test material for detonato ...
8-8-2014 at 17:46
by: roXefeller
UK plans stricter controls on poisons and explosives
This would be why, when my friend wanted to flee South Africa, he said 'screw it' to the commonwealt ...
8-8-2014 at 13:14
by: roXefeller
HMX via Bachmann route
Winkler posits that the Bachmann process actually forms hexamine mononitrate as an intermediate, whi ...
6-8-2014 at 13:24
by: roXefeller
HMX via Bachmann route
Have you considered starting from hexamine dinitrate? If it helps with RDX, maybe it can help with ...
6-8-2014 at 02:08
by: roXefeller
Gun Propellants: Single, Double and Tripple based

Since velocity and drag coefficient change during bullet flight, which changes the drag f ...
3-8-2014 at 18:08
by: roXefeller
Gun Propellants: Single, Double and Tripple based
In a simplified model, wind losses are proportional to rho*v^2, with the proportionality constant be ...
3-8-2014 at 12:38
by: roXefeller
RDX synthesis

yepp...its pretty hard to get it these days ca ...
1-8-2014 at 14:48
by: roXefeller
DDNP & related compounds: The über thread!
Sounds like low yields. Each step is nonideal and excessive losses leaves little at the end. Read ...
20-7-2014 at 18:17
by: roXefeller
Chemistry laws
Nobody really knows until a Case comes before a Court, ...
20-7-2014 at 18:01
by: roXefeller
Chemistry laws
Yeah you'll have heartburn. there is an unwritten guidance by higher supervisors that long term una ...
4-5-2014 at 05:43
by: roXefeller
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