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Happy July 4 everyone!
I wonder how many times more gunpowder has been used celebrating American independence than was used ...
4-7-2021 at 10:07
by: SWIM
Happy July 4 everyone!
They cancelled the fireworks show in my city.
A real pity since I just moved to about 400 meters fr ...
4-7-2021 at 03:30
by: SWIM
Mystery Glassware Identification Thread
[rquote=655976&tid=31602&author=Sulaiman]I don't know what it is but I want one!

I think ...
4-7-2021 at 02:28
by: SWIM
Danger of flash powders and my stupid injury
Mech 252, also use safety glasses or better yet a visor.

Protecting the eyes is most important, b ...
3-7-2021 at 17:04
by: SWIM
What do you consider as the most exotic element ?
Columbium, the element so exotic they had to name it twice.
2-7-2021 at 22:03
by: SWIM
Storing chemicals and ordinary refridgerators and freezers
I thought lab freezers were ventilated in a limited way to avoid the buildup of explosive vapors.

1-7-2021 at 21:39
by: SWIM
Depositing a layer of Cu on perlite
If this pond isn't too large maybe you could use a biological filtration system like those used in l ...
1-7-2021 at 20:44
by: SWIM
Can you train your immune cells outside of your body?
Even doing this with a clone might give poor results.

I had an autologous stem cell transplant la ...
1-7-2021 at 14:38
by: SWIM
Where to get those flexible heating mantles?
Yeah, Ebay and a little patience will get you a great deal.

For a 100 ml mantle a little rheostat ...
6-4-2021 at 13:21
by: SWIM
CBD oil extraction then conversion to Delta-8
Your proposals are awfully vague.

It reads like you spent about 10 minutes researching this, and ...
1-4-2021 at 17:10
by: SWIM
Condenser overpowering and joint size?
A really big Dewar condenser can do the trick sometimes.

The large volume around the ice reservoi ...
30-3-2021 at 12:43
by: SWIM
Condenser heating up during hydrosdistillation
Not that it's important for steam distillation as the temperature at the still head usually isn't mo ...
2-3-2021 at 20:13
by: SWIM
What is a realistic output for an ozone generator?
They are generally rated for output on straight dry oxygen, and heat from running does make them eve ...
2-3-2021 at 16:00
by: SWIM
Vanillin chemistry: Piperonal
I was wrong about the intermediate.

One aluminum chloride molecule coordinates with both the phen ...
24-2-2021 at 17:07
by: SWIM
Vanillin chemistry: Piperonal
It's been a while since I concerned myself with this reaction, but I believe the intermediiate is a ...
23-2-2021 at 15:38
by: SWIM
Materials science of spore motors
This thread reminds me of cannon fungus, the only mushroom I've ever had throw something at me.

W ...
23-2-2021 at 11:00
by: SWIM
Joining metal vessels to ground glass?
I've used small flat flange connectors (borosilicate) against metal surfaces with good success on a ...
23-2-2021 at 10:32
by: SWIM
Is there a way to make soda lime glass conduct heat?
I think quartz is the right idea.

Prices have dropped a bit now that they make cheap quartzware i ...
23-2-2021 at 09:54
by: SWIM
Acetic anhydride preparation
Wish I could find that old paper.

They were dehydrating acetic acid in a tube furnace.
It was o ...
20-2-2021 at 14:34
by: SWIM
Freeze drying question
Freeze drying takes a while.

Many hours, maybe a day or two.

Gotta keep it frozen while it dri ...
17-1-2021 at 20:41
by: SWIM
Mixing concentrated acid and base
[rquote=653279&tid=156906&author=EliasExperiments]@Vomaturge Calcium oxide is a great idea. ...
17-1-2021 at 18:59
by: SWIM
hydrogen peroxide.
Great list of resources and information Symboom.
16-1-2021 at 08:03
by: SWIM
hydrogen peroxide.
Some really old sources suggest drying in vacuum over concentrated sulfuric acid.

They claim you ...
15-1-2021 at 23:48
by: SWIM
How is medium/large scale sublimation accomplished?
Kontes makes some fairly large sublimators ...
15-1-2021 at 12:41
by: SWIM
Mixing concentrated acid and base
You could drop the hydroxide solution into a beaker of sulfur trioxide (liquid, not polymerized)
(A ...
15-1-2021 at 08:46
by: SWIM
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