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Making a really HOT electric resistance furnace
Before I give up on this one, consider the old light bulb, the filament gets to nearly 3kK (3000K) b ...
25-5-2017 at 14:06
by: Chemetix
Ammonia Generator idea
I guess that would work, but cleaning for reuse? Do you know of anything that cleans the stuff. I wo ...
24-5-2017 at 14:48
by: Chemetix
Ammonia Generator idea
I chose urea because of the lack of byproducts, because the industrial on demand ammonia generation ...
22-5-2017 at 15:40
by: Chemetix
OTC Oxalyl Chloride Challenge
YT has a long way to go to topple the heavyweights of name reactions, and the H.W.Z. does definitely ...
22-5-2017 at 03:38
by: Chemetix
Ammonia Generator idea
Based on test tube reactions the ppt fizzles away with acids, carbonate as far as that test indicate ...
22-5-2017 at 03:07
by: Chemetix
Gas on demand
Getting ammonia from the old Ammonium salt/Hydroxide reaction is one thing, getting a steady stream ...
21-5-2017 at 23:25
by: Chemetix
Solvents from the destructive distillation of sugar?
Dry HCl gas in contact with starch and sugars should depolymerise and give you furans and some stabl ...
21-5-2017 at 14:18
by: Chemetix
castable refractory mixtures
I've found myself needing to make a castable refractory for a large oven, it's only going to a max o ...
18-5-2017 at 03:32
by: Chemetix
Making a really HOT electric resistance furnace
My original idea was Ti coated with TiN, an excellent reflector of IR. Also chemically inert to temp ...
15-5-2017 at 14:55
by: Chemetix
Women in Chemistry
My wife recently attended a talk at the Women in Chemistry group, which is a affiliated group with t ...
13-5-2017 at 16:48
by: Chemetix
Radiant energy furnace
A few days ago I had the opportunity to talk furnace design with a furnace engineer. I made a small ...
13-5-2017 at 16:29
by: Chemetix
Media bottle on hotplate
Making an agar solution can be done in the microwave. I heard a horror story of someone leaving the ...
3-5-2017 at 00:56
by: Chemetix
Using bacteria to grow a leather like material
Vale! This is the kind of 'what if I did this.. ' sort of mad science that there needs to be more of ...
2-5-2017 at 12:50
by: Chemetix
Sodium Percarbonate Commercial Products - Some Comments
That, in modern terms, is known as an alternative fact.

Interesting observation, and it did alway ...
23-4-2017 at 14:27
by: Chemetix
Water >> H2 and 1/2O2 electrolysis
Re. pump inlet
7-4-2017 at 20:44
by: Chemetix
Water >> H2 and 1/2O2 electrolysis
"...rubber He party balloon. Hopefully this balloon will be adequate for some Pd/C hydrogenations at ...
6-4-2017 at 21:07
by: Chemetix
Water >> H2 and 1/2O2 electrolysis
I cant help asking, what's the stability of the polyester like with alkaline conditions?

I can s ...
6-4-2017 at 14:31
by: Chemetix
Sodium Carbonate and Aluminum reaction
Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Deville and the Deville process at 1200C....just makes sodium aluminate ...
28-3-2017 at 03:21
by: Chemetix
Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry
Ok, so Arthur Vogel plagerised a bit but his books are now legendary, I have two copies of practical ...
28-3-2017 at 02:08
by: Chemetix
Sodium Carbonate and Aluminum reaction
As a sort of tangent to the OP's reaction, could a high temperature reaction take place to place pro ...
28-3-2017 at 01:49
by: Chemetix
Boro glass vs Quartz - both are SiO2 so how are they different?
So long as you have oxygen as part of the torch setup, quartz can be worked just like boro in a flam ...
28-3-2017 at 01:28
by: Chemetix
how to get make a nitrogen atmosphere?
There is the Schlenk manifold option, a flask with a tap on it to evacuate and fill with N2 is the s ...
27-3-2017 at 01:38
by: Chemetix
Advice for an Australian chemist.
I don't like how the Australian law deals with chemistry or science. The logic that the courts use i ...
13-3-2017 at 00:27
by: Chemetix
why is MEK schedule 2
Didn't Walter set up a tube furnace in Jesse's basement? I assume he was using the thorium ...
12-3-2017 at 13:17
by: Chemetix
why is MEK schedule 2
Thorium is listed to stop those who want to make meth the vintage way.

You get to attend to the t ...
12-3-2017 at 03:54
by: Chemetix
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