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Reaction of The Day/Week If anyone as easy access to toluene, toluene disproportion to benzene and xylenes using anhydrrous a ... |
17-4-2014 at 03:03 by: plante1999 |
Beta testers wanted for synthesis review site Looks familiar to an idea I had a while ago, but not many where interested. I had worked on somethin ... |
17-4-2014 at 03:01 by: plante1999 |
Bad days in the lab or with glassware? A disaster happened in my lab today. I just had transferred my pyridine from my ground glass bottle ... |
15-4-2014 at 14:07 by: plante1999 |
Electrolysis of alkali salts at STP Yes, you simply got to boil it down to re-use it. |
15-4-2014 at 13:27 by: plante1999 |
Electrolysis of alkali salts at STP Don't forget to dry the chlorine, sulphuric acid works great for that. |
15-4-2014 at 13:14 by: plante1999 |
Latest chemical order? Well, I'm going to buy a 500 ml of benzene from korea for about 60 CAD shipped in the next few days. ... |
14-4-2014 at 18:20 by: plante1999 |
Sources for Chemical Reagents in Canada Does anyone ordered from alphachem online? I mean without driving to the warehouse? How was it? |
13-4-2014 at 13:33 by: plante1999 |
Yellow gas from iron sulfide vapors of sulphur. |
13-4-2014 at 12:12 by: plante1999 |
P2O5 and P4O10 well, if you ever saw phosphorus burning, you would know it is not particularly practical... |
13-4-2014 at 07:22 by: plante1999 |
P2O5 and P4O10 I have some red phosphorus, and I would like to get some phosphorus pentoxide, does anyone have a pr ... |
13-4-2014 at 07:13 by: plante1999 |
Latest chemical order? 500 ml acetic anhydride, ACS
500 ml ethylene glycol (they sent me a liter)
500 g urea (just to hav ... |
13-4-2014 at 07:12 by: plante1999 |
A bunch of chemicals U2U sent |
12-4-2014 at 09:20 by: plante1999 |
Elemental Scientific 20% Off!!! Sad that everything shipped with any of the private carrier from USA to Canada get atrocious "custom ... |
12-4-2014 at 02:11 by: plante1999 |
Good Energetic Materials for a Novice Nitric ester like ETN are not something to play with, especially ETN. Like I already said, they are ... |
9-4-2014 at 05:45 by: plante1999 |
Good Energetic Materials for a Novice I would say that nitrocellulose is very safe and makes a great demo, although for some yet unclear r ... |
7-4-2014 at 17:08 by: plante1999 |
The Short Questions Thread (4) I used metal sheet scissors, works very well if you are strong enough. |
7-4-2014 at 13:10 by: plante1999 |
Pill bottles (polystyrene and polypropylene) Yes, it is the same here in Quebec city, Quebec Canada. |
7-4-2014 at 11:49 by: plante1999 |
A synthesis video I made of mercury (II) thiocyanate Yea, I had observed video about chemistry almost stopped existing for some reason but since I was mo ... |
2-4-2014 at 23:18 by: plante1999 |
Inexpensive Mercury For Sale A pound of liquid mercury, but... Canada. So I will have to say I can't be counted as a possible buy ... |
2-4-2014 at 12:57 by: plante1999 |
Chemist's Nightmare I often have a nightmare in which something I bought online as been shipped with UPS instead of USPS ... |
1-4-2014 at 18:41 by: plante1999 |
Permanganates You gotta love shipping to Canada. |
1-4-2014 at 14:06 by: plante1999 |
Glow-in-the-dark plants go on sale They can put whatever price they want to sell them you know, if someone think it is too much he simp ... |
30-3-2014 at 07:48 by: plante1999 |
Few things to sell No problem.If you need something else you can contact me. |
24-3-2014 at 12:48 by: plante1999 |
Few things to sell My barium nitrate is ACS reagent.
Shipping red phosphorus to the states is a bit more complex tho ... |
24-3-2014 at 07:33 by: plante1999 |
Few things to sell U2U me offers, but yes, I would accept books too. |
24-3-2014 at 07:05 by: plante1999 |
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