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Ammonia + calcium nitrate?
looked every where here and nothing but cold packs.

I ordered 500grams of oxalic acid to make som ...
26-5-2020 at 18:17
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonia + calcium nitrate?
been working for me

In cold packs we get the mixed salt, to strip out the calcium I add a strong ...
26-5-2020 at 15:49
by: XeonTheMGPony
Salvageable? Usable?
Borosilicate is much friendlier for that kind of repair, but if you can happen to anneal it, it is a ...
26-5-2020 at 03:33
by: XeonTheMGPony
Latest chemical order? ...
25-5-2020 at 16:20
by: XeonTheMGPony
Melgar has died
Another great loss, may he be immortalized in Cyberspace.
24-5-2020 at 17:03
by: XeonTheMGPony
Problems with wet chemical sodium synthesis
[rquote=636519&tid=155408&author=EliasExperiments]For magnesium you need an argon atmosspehe ...
24-5-2020 at 15:59
by: XeonTheMGPony
Newe YouTube Video: Methyl Iodide Synthesis with Aluminum Foil
Erf My sympathies on the volcano (Any one ells scream at the monitor: COOL IT!!! ?

Or slowly add ...
21-5-2020 at 16:47
by: XeonTheMGPony
Problems with wet chemical sodium synthesis
Hot water electrodes for aluminium tanks is fairly pure Magnesium, down side is it is just a large s ...
19-5-2020 at 03:54
by: XeonTheMGPony
Anyone else having horrible shipping delays, or is my package lost?
Ya this bs has ground air shipping to a near halt, will take a year to clear the back logs!

I was ...
19-5-2020 at 03:43
by: XeonTheMGPony
Problems with wet chemical sodium synthesis
After watching again your scale is a bit too small, the losses from dehydrating is not leaving too m ...
17-5-2020 at 07:41
by: XeonTheMGPony
Problems with wet chemical sodium synthesis
Miss heard never mind

you need dry dioxane to separate effectively, it seems to flux the coalesci ...
17-5-2020 at 04:10
by: XeonTheMGPony
[rquote=636013&tid=155388&author=Chemorg42]OK, interesting. What solvent did you use? I read ...
14-5-2020 at 04:27
by: XeonTheMGPony
Storage of lead azide
[rquote=635854&tid=155222&author=Herr Haber]Styphnate serves as tinder when mixed with LA th ...
12-5-2020 at 04:59
by: XeonTheMGPony
Tour My Lab
just took 2 years to get around to it but I just made my chlorination apparatus
11-5-2020 at 15:58
by: XeonTheMGPony
Storage of lead azide
Unstable no, that sensitive yes.

I dry it on a filter paper till free flowing dry then either com ...
11-5-2020 at 11:06
by: XeonTheMGPony
Storage of lead azide
I store my compounded PVA-lead azide in a stainless steel shot glass in a stainless bodied desiccato ...
11-5-2020 at 04:52
by: XeonTheMGPony
Brisance of some primaries
Interesting home brew study

a note: You need to keep your fire method the same for each batch of ...
11-5-2020 at 04:28
by: XeonTheMGPony
Recycling sulfuric acid from ETN synthesis
And massive bills.

It is easier to make a chemical plant to produce it then it is to recover sadl ...
11-5-2020 at 04:02
by: XeonTheMGPony
$10000 can buy what chemicals?
for you in China I would save that money and convert it to hard ware that keeps you alive independen ...
29-3-2020 at 05:10
by: XeonTheMGPony
Changing the platters in a HD
head failure is most likely, second would be the control board.

assuming you haven't all ready ru ...
22-3-2020 at 16:46
by: XeonTheMGPony
Czech amateur chemist found dead in his home(lab)
[rquote=627728&tid=154555&author=michalJenco]Nobody explicitly said why he died, just that h ...
17-3-2020 at 17:55
by: XeonTheMGPony
Rosco Bodine has been banned
[rquote=632496&tid=154978&author=yobbo II]

If one were to join a political forum and cons ...
16-3-2020 at 16:21
by: XeonTheMGPony
People inadvertently making explosive disinfectants
Well TATP will certainly protect them from the virus, and any and all other life problems! Life can' ...
15-3-2020 at 04:50
by: XeonTheMGPony
Is my water heater an explosion risk?
Yes that is an un warranted risk, I would strive to handle your solvents well away from it and certa ...
15-3-2020 at 04:44
by: XeonTheMGPony
I'm scared
I'll take the lead please! My largest regret moving is I left 100 pounds of my lead stock to a frien ...
15-3-2020 at 04:40
by: XeonTheMGPony
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