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Nitrogen Dioxide Smell
[rquote=515963&tid=10254&author=Melgar]Although this thread is kind of ancient, I figured I' ...
12-5-2018 at 06:17
by: Panache
Melting steel with a DC welder
i was about to start a tinkering with such a setup in an effort to melt some tediously aqua regia re ...
12-5-2018 at 05:44
by: Panache
Cool electronic devices you can make for thr lab but are uncommon.
For a water chiller just pickup a water cooler from the side of the road and jerry it into a recircu ...
12-5-2018 at 05:26
by: Panache
Any melbourne based members need any glass
[rquote=517590&tid=82718&author=j_sum1]Not in Melbourne but interested. I think TheAussieChe ...
12-5-2018 at 04:50
by: Panache
Any melbourne based members need any glass
i just bought a very large auction lot, actually it was the contents of a lab and small factory. The ...
11-5-2018 at 22:11
by: Panache
Chlorine exposure limit for work
They followed 1500 ww1 veterans all exposed significantly to chlorine gas wweapobs and found no long ...
5-4-2018 at 08:16
by: Panache
Missing persons
[rquote=443074&tid=65696&author=Polverone]I know that Organikum is still alive but unable to ...
1-3-2018 at 07:16
by: Panache
Color of Phenylacetone
Colour is a very misleading indicator of purity, simply because coloured compounds can be highly col ...
1-3-2018 at 06:31
by: Panache
The Stupidity of Certain Chemical Bans
It's all about the 'War on Drugs' which I h ...
1-3-2018 at 06:21
by: Panache
Process to practically condense large amount of atmospheric water or dew
Yeah its called a succulent, a class of plant relying on the atmosphere primarily for water rather t ...
1-3-2018 at 05:25
by: Panache
Trouble melting plastic for recycle science project
hmm, a memory
recycling:- an expensive, but virtueous process that turns waste that nobody wants in ...
1-3-2018 at 05:20
by: Panache
Preventing foam formation-steam distillation?
[rquote=492443&tid=76903&author=JJay]I don't completely understand how steam distillation wo ...
21-9-2017 at 19:46
by: Panache
The Short Questions Thread (4)
[rquote=491989&tid=25055&author=gluon47]Just out of curiosity, would copper(ii) form complex ...
21-9-2017 at 00:27
by: Panache
ways to liquidify chlorine at home?
Chlorine is not that toxic, depending upon your definition of course. In a few lungfuls of 'well tai ...
19-9-2017 at 05:12
by: Panache
ways to liquidify chlorine at home?
Chlorine is not that toxic, depending upon your definition of course. In a few lungfuls of 'well tai ...
19-9-2017 at 05:10
by: Panache
Preparation of Phosphoric Acid (from calcium phosphate)
Austentic stainless steels (314, 316) are unaffected by phosphoric (which is why big food uses 85% p ...
8-8-2017 at 00:11
by: Panache
DCM storage
sorry fucked up the quoting thing, anyway....

(....Has anyone found a cheap and reliable way of s ...
7-8-2017 at 22:58
by: Panache
DCM storage
[rquote=489725&tid=75992&author=j_sum1]I store mine as paint stripper and distil when needed ...
7-8-2017 at 22:26
by: Panache
How to recover ethylene glycol in water\sulphuric acid
[rquote=489654&tid=75968&author=PirateDocBrown]Neutralize with lime. Filter off calcium sulf ...
7-8-2017 at 22:06
by: Panache
Tell me I'm an idiot
The message was to you!!
4-8-2017 at 03:16
by: Panache
Omg score!!!
Now I just need something to grind.
i almost punched the guy when he said 'yeah it had the spinner ...
4-8-2017 at 00:39
by: Panache
Tell me I'm an idiot
So just composed this very long , very engaging, eloquent, heartfelt u2u.

Sent it and as I had on ...
4-8-2017 at 00:24
by: Panache
Pretty Pictures (2)
CrO3, the largest crystal is ~10mm across.
7-5-2017 at 21:58
by: Panache
The Short Questions Thread (4)
Brauer calls for using diluted conc nitric to wash cro3 crystals, but I just ran out (well I ran out ...
6-5-2017 at 20:39
by: Panache
Alternative hobbies that appeal to those with interest in chemistry
I like my dogs, they're ex racing greyhounds and are challenging to normalise.
I guess my main hobb ...
2-5-2017 at 01:25
by: Panache
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