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Chem Demo Shows for school children?
Personally I think NI3 is fine, except for the Iodine vapor... How'd you handle that?
1-5-2013 at 15:06
by: Finnnicus
Australia (*Facepalm*)
Doc B, I would live to buy from you, but the price is too high for me! I you have money to spend, He ...
30-4-2013 at 23:56
by: Finnnicus
HMX/RDX Procedures?
Plante1999, I hear that! Do you think you could actually do this apo?
30-4-2013 at 23:49
by: Finnnicus
Please review my Laboy order
Looks pretty sweet. If only my dad was as cool as you... Why do you need tubing? You can pick that u ...
30-4-2013 at 20:21
by: Finnnicus
Australia (*Facepalm*)
HCl, and H2SO4 mostly... but any other nice OTC things would be good too.

BTW: I have been quest ...
29-4-2013 at 14:45
by: Finnnicus
Australia (*Facepalm*)
UGH! I know I live in a great country 'n' all, but some times.... (see mood). I am wondering on how ...
29-4-2013 at 03:06
by: Finnnicus
Best and worst smelling chemicals?
Oh and yes, tdep, Iodine can smell rather nice... In very low concentration.
29-4-2013 at 02:09
by: Finnnicus
Best and worst smelling chemicals?
What causes the scents and tastes of cacoa? Its rather bitter, but has some scented chemicals? Any i ...
28-4-2013 at 16:05
by: Finnnicus
Chem Demo Shows for school children?
What about the chemical chameleon? Its very 'cartoon sciency' and manganese is cool!!
25-4-2013 at 04:18
by: Finnnicus
Chinese chemical uses 3d LSD structure as background
Oh, its not easy. They have some asian writing steps and other weird things...

[quote]None-the-l ...
25-4-2013 at 02:43
by: Finnnicus
Potassium Chlorate from Electrolysis - yay :)

What I ultimately went with was a microwave oven t ...
25-4-2013 at 00:38
by: Finnnicus
Silly teacher.
Actual LOL, like a real LOL.
23-4-2013 at 14:36
by: Finnnicus
The short questions thread (3)
I have just (like actually, 10minutes ago) obtained ~4kg of filthy steel turnings, which I will clea ...
23-4-2013 at 01:28
by: Finnnicus
Chinese chemical uses 3d LSD structure as background
Umm, lol. They must have to know, they make deal chemicals, right!?!?
23-4-2013 at 00:46
by: Finnnicus
Deflagration on impact
That seems.... dangerous/unstable/explosive/notagoodidea/idiotic. Thx
22-4-2013 at 20:23
by: Finnnicus
Deflagration on impact
I think someone APO doesnt have access to alkali metals... Just a thought. Sorry to lokk like a n00b ...
22-4-2013 at 18:03
by: Finnnicus
Looking for a good programer
Then it data could be accesed by other progams. Oh, I wish somebody had the skill and determination ...
22-4-2013 at 17:49
by: Finnnicus
Lead azide synthesis
Love the video. You are incredibly shakey though! Use a longer splint for comfort purposes :P
22-4-2013 at 00:57
by: Finnnicus
Silly teacher.
Oh man, this is why I love this part of the Internet xD
21-4-2013 at 18:40
by: Finnnicus
Silly teacher.
My biology teacher asked me to make my safety instructions more rigorous. We are 'exploring the effe ...
21-4-2013 at 03:36
by: Finnnicus
"Chemical free" wonder cleaner goes on sale...
Can somebody 'touch' the empty space between molecules?
Also, I believe (in a marketers opinion) o ...
21-4-2013 at 02:34
by: Finnnicus
red soluble metal chloride??
Yeah, cobalt. Probably this from samarium colbal ...
20-4-2013 at 01:18
by: Finnnicus
FPGA vs. ASIC performance
You know the Bitcoin forum has hundreds of threads devoted to this?
20-4-2013 at 01:01
by: Finnnicus
lachrymatory agents(Tear gas)
Chemcam, capsaicin video.
20-4-2013 at 00:59
by: Finnnicus
LCD vs Cleaning solution
There's this youtuber that makes EE and engineering videos and he recently put up one about injectin ...
18-4-2013 at 01:31
by: Finnnicus
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