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Dry Si+KMnO4=?
Hi Woelen,what do you personally think of the e ...
29-4-2023 at 09:57
by: woelen
Dry Si+KMnO4=?
The OP wants to discuss the specific reaction between KMnO4 and Si, let's try to stay close to this ...
26-4-2023 at 10:31
by: woelen
Lab clearance for sale on eBay (UK)
This indeed looks quite interesting. If you are in the UK and not too far away from this, then this ...
24-4-2023 at 10:29
by: woelen
Acetaldehyde disposal
Just 1 ml? Open the bottle outside, and pour it out on a piece of paper tissue. Within seconds it wi ...
19-4-2023 at 22:38
by: woelen
Sodium sulphide
I tried the reaction of paraffins (from candles) with sulfur. It indeed works, and you can make a fa ...
5-4-2023 at 02:38
by: woelen
Sodium sulphide
1) I see no easy way to do that. Soooo many impurities!
2) I would not use it for any analytical pu ...
4-4-2023 at 00:09
by: woelen
Watched precursors now being sold on ebay
I would not order anything from this kind of sellers, and certainly would not want anything of this ...
30-3-2023 at 00:33
by: woelen
Mystery oxidizer labeled as KNO3
Maybe your oxidizer is NH4ClO4? This is soluble in water, but not exceptionally well, although it di ...
24-3-2023 at 01:46
by: woelen
Mystery oxidizer labeled as KNO3
I don't think it is K2S2O8. I myself have this compound, and it is a strong, but sluggish oxidizer. ...
24-3-2023 at 01:35
by: woelen
Aluminium and NaOH: what's the gray stuff?
Silicon? Or carbon? Many metals and alloys contain little amounts of carbon. Even tiny amounts of ca ...
22-3-2023 at 00:23
by: woelen
Oxygen scavengers for working with Iron(II) and Manganese(II) salts?
Dithionite is a MUCH stronger reductor than metabisulfite. Dithionite must not be confused with the ...
21-3-2023 at 12:05
by: woelen
Oxygen scavengers for working with Iron(II) and Manganese(II) salts?
Maybe you could use sodium dithionite. That's a strong reductor. It is important though that the pH ...
21-3-2023 at 02:34
by: woelen
Anyone know what I can do with Manganese(III) Oxide
Normally, hydrogen peroxide is used as oxidizer, but in this specific case, it is a wonderful reduct ...
20-3-2023 at 00:24
by: woelen
Manganese sulfate not crystallizing
If you add a drop, maybe two drops, of dilute H2SO4 to the solution, then it will not oxidize. At hi ...
13-3-2023 at 00:19
by: woelen
Chromium chromate - does it exist?
I actually tried this a long time ago, by adding a solution of chromium(III) sulfate (or chrome alum ...
24-2-2023 at 13:48
by: woelen
Budget-friendly strong acid titration
Good piece of work! This is a creative piece of thinking.

Of course, things can be more accurate, ...
24-2-2023 at 13:37
by: woelen
3.5 kg AgNO3 (silver nitrate) for sale [EU]
It indeed looks very well, but you should do some tests on total silver content. In the past, someti ...
18-2-2023 at 11:23
by: woelen
Sodium nitrite conversion to sodium nitrate
You can concentrate H2O2 by freezing out part of the water. Let it freeze for half of its volume. Th ...
16-2-2023 at 00:29
by: woelen
Bad pH paper, or?
I also would say that your observations are due to buffering capabilities of the weak acid/weak base ...
5-2-2023 at 11:14
by: woelen
Where to get sulfur monochloride?
That sounds quite shady. If you are doing "strange" things on your balcony in the small hours of the ...
25-1-2023 at 13:31
by: woelen
Where to get sulfur monochloride?
It's not really difficult, but I strongly recommend to you to assess the risks before doing the synt ...
24-1-2023 at 00:54
by: woelen
Detonating potassium chlorate explosive mixture.
I certainly would not make more than a few tens of mg of a mix of KClO3, S and Al. Such mixes are ve ...
23-1-2023 at 12:57
by: woelen
Replacement for acetonitrile in oxone oxidation
NaIO4 is not explosive, but it is capable of making fires more severe. In a solvent system with a lo ...
23-1-2023 at 12:49
by: woelen
Cyanuric chloride from cyanuric acid?
Cyanuric chloride is extremely water-sensitive. It is an acyl chloride, and quickly hydrolyses to cy ...
19-1-2023 at 06:24
by: woelen
Sodium nitrite conversion to sodium nitrate
The reaction between H2O2 and nitrite is sluggish. It helps if you add some acid, but try to keep th ...
19-1-2023 at 01:54
by: woelen
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