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Oxidation of naphthalene with nitric acid
when naphthalene is boiled with diluted nitric acid, it is oxidized to phtalic acid and oxa ...
18-10-2012 at 18:43
by: learningChem
Pretty Pictures (1)
>That's called an evaporative creep. Usual nuisance.

Oh. Thanks for the info.
28-9-2012 at 22:04
by: learningChem
Pretty Pictures (1)
Hehe. I dissolved the nitronaphtalene in a bit of acetone and let it evaporate. The interesting thi ...
25-9-2012 at 16:30
by: learningChem
nitronaphtalene (I think)
full size (4000x3000)

[url] ...
23-9-2012 at 23:47
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
[quote]I concur with watson's assesment that the P is most likely chemically bound as one or more ox ...
20-9-2012 at 13:05
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
[quote] tied up in the slag: 81.1%[/quote]

So, in theory there is elemental P in the slag? If you ...
20-9-2012 at 11:20
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
I got a question...

Isn't the reaction self-sustaining? Shouldn't the ingredients react on their ...
16-9-2012 at 16:42
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
Found a recipe in this book ...
9-9-2012 at 18:12
by: learningChem
manganese sulphate + sodium hypochlorite (dumb question)
I did a very small test. Just a pinch of sulphate in ~2ml of water. I added a few drops of bleach (I ...
24-8-2012 at 00:21
by: learningChem
manganese sulphate + sodium hypochlorite (dumb question)
oops - better

MnSO4 + 2NaClO ---> MnO2 + Na2SO4 + Cl2
23-8-2012 at 20:03
by: learningChem
manganese sulphate + sodium hypochlorite (dumb question)
So, when sodium hypochlorite is added to a solution of manganese sulphate, manganese dioxide precip ...
23-8-2012 at 20:01
by: learningChem
sodium carbonate - wikipedia - what?
Thanks for the replies =]
15-8-2012 at 12:11
by: learningChem
sodium carbonate - wikipedia - what?
I was wondering if sodium carbonate could be thermally decomposed to sodium oxide - it seems the ans ...
12-8-2012 at 18:36
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
My experiment was a failure of sorts after all - I couldn't extract much P from reaction mix - I'm n ...
1-8-2012 at 22:53
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
>Why not remove the plug under water and eliminate the concern?

Yes. That's probably the best ...
6-7-2012 at 10:53
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
Hi Strepta! Thanks for your message.

I did the reaction outdoors and I kept/keep the tube outsid ...
5-7-2012 at 10:38
by: learningChem
Preparation of elemental phosphorus

experiment :

I mixed 1.7g sodium hexametaphosphate, 0.7g Al and 0.5g of something t ...
4-7-2012 at 17:20
by: learningChem
AC electrolysis
Just found this - I don't think it's been already mentioned (though I may be wrong)

23-4-2012 at 18:23
by: learningChem
Vanillin - adulterated?

Peach, DJF90,

Yes, the melting point is not that far off I think considering that my experime ...
2-4-2012 at 11:18
by: learningChem
Vanillin - adulterated?

Thanks for your reply!

I recrystallized it from hot water and got white needles ( ...
2-4-2012 at 10:59
by: learningChem
Vanillin - adulterated?
I bought something that's supposed to be vanillin, but I'm not sure if it's actually pure vanillin.
2-4-2012 at 09:57
by: learningChem
Fourier transform spectroscopy
Greetings fellow nerds =]

I was wondering if there are any discussions about building a ft spectr ...
24-7-2011 at 13:09
by: learningChem

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