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The Chemical Closet
Personally I think the jury is out on the motives behind the site... hell for all I know it could ac ...
12-3-2008 at 16:49
by: evil_lurker
Same here.

I'm wondering how the hell they got our email addresses to begin with.
11-3-2008 at 21:59
by: evil_lurker
Benzyl alcohol oxidation with iron trinitrate --> benzaldehyde
Very interesting indeed.

Heck they are getting 40% yields just by letting it sit for 6 hours at 5 ...
8-3-2008 at 18:57
by: evil_lurker
Testing Ar-flushed apparatus for oxygen
You probably already know this, but Ar is a superior shielding gas... supposedly its heavier than O2 ...
7-3-2008 at 21:19
by: evil_lurker
Avoiding the ether stink....
Orgy is in the EU so many of the USA precautions do not apply.

Also, there is a big difference in ...
1-3-2008 at 17:16
by: evil_lurker
Compressed Gases on the Cheap
I recently got a 20 cubit foot cylinder from Airgas for $93.

Took me about 4 or 5 weeks to get it ...
27-2-2008 at 07:35
by: evil_lurker
starch Problem!
Alpha-amylase and gluco-amylase are whats needed to break down starch into glucose.

Good luck fi ...
24-2-2008 at 04:12
by: evil_lurker
rotary vacuum distiller
[quote][i]Originally posted by Sauron[/i]
However I am fed up with DIY, life is too short and it is ...
19-2-2008 at 02:33
by: evil_lurker
Ebay is going to hell this month.
Ebay has seriously fucked up now with their latest TOS. I imagine this is the straw that will break ...
7-2-2008 at 13:19
by: evil_lurker
stupid still or probably the user
Water is hard enough to boil as it is... that said, you can't just heat a flask on top of a stove he ...
3-2-2008 at 02:17
by: evil_lurker
Converting paintball tanks for willgerodt and other interesting things...
The entire thing is made from 304 stainless, except for the two "U" bolt assemblies that make up the ...
1-2-2008 at 21:02
by: evil_lurker
Converting paintball tanks for willgerodt and other interesting things...
And what it looks like when its all put together...

[img] ...
31-1-2008 at 23:33
by: evil_lurker
how much money did you spend?
I've done lost count... well over $3K and probably closer to $5K USD.

Equipment costs adds up qu ...
28-1-2008 at 11:36
by: evil_lurker
Converting paintball tanks for willgerodt and other interesting things...
Yeah I was looking at those... they appear to be made out of some tuff stuff... don't know how they ...
26-1-2008 at 21:32
by: evil_lurker
Converting paintball tanks for willgerodt and other interesting things...
Well after 4 loong years, I have officially found out what kind of thread is on those cheap 9 oz ste ...
26-1-2008 at 16:34
by: evil_lurker
Repairing My West Condenser
Actually expedia has fractionating columns too...

[img] ...
25-1-2008 at 03:35
by: evil_lurker
Copper in grams per liter
Dump solution out of flask. Dry and weigh empty flask. Fill up flask back to the ring with solution. ...
23-1-2008 at 22:20
by: evil_lurker
Repairing My West Condenser
Best I can recall they go UPS actual cost so its not that bad i.e. $10-20 per order.
23-1-2008 at 01:30
by: evil_lurker
Repairing My West Condenser
Each type of condenser has a specific use and and function.

For refluxing and distilling low boil ...
22-1-2008 at 23:42
by: evil_lurker
Repairing My West Condenser
Actually I'd start by using a glass cutter to scratch around the outside of the jacket. Then hit it ...
22-1-2008 at 21:45
by: evil_lurker
Repairing My West Condenser
Welcome to the wonderful world of broken laboratory glassware.

My advice: Garbage it and buy a ne ...
22-1-2008 at 20:23
by: evil_lurker
Need a new vacuum gauge... suggestions?
Ok now I think I understand.. when a vacuum is pulled on the apparatus, the mercury is allowed to fl ...
19-1-2008 at 14:42
by: evil_lurker
Need a new vacuum gauge... suggestions?

Is this what your talking about bio?

And is ...
18-1-2008 at 19:23
by: evil_lurker
Need a new vacuum gauge... suggestions?
I need new digital vacuum gauge... and am looking for something that will not break the bank... any ...
16-1-2008 at 23:12
by: evil_lurker
acetonitrile synthesis
[quote][i]Originally posted by Siddy[/i]
Does this work:

MeOH + HCN > CH3CN + H20

Methanol ...
14-1-2008 at 01:12
by: evil_lurker
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