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Pentaerythrite-Pentaerythritol 99% Source
Buying 1.7 kg of pentaerythritol wouldn't be the greatest idea since it's got very little uses outsi ...
10-6-2016 at 19:48
by: NeonPulse
Interesting filtering idea - Using a string/wick to siphon/filter solution via gravity??
This does work but very slowly. Very slow. It's not a new idea but it is a working concept if the wi ...
8-6-2016 at 17:08
by: NeonPulse
Gun design
Surprisingly this thread has not been locked yet. It's a rather dangerous idea. Perhaps a simple can ...
6-6-2016 at 16:58
by: NeonPulse
Chemicals with a strong smell
Sulfuric acid isn't that bad compared to many others. There's just too many- there's at least ten mo ...
27-5-2016 at 16:18
by: NeonPulse
New Energetic Materials - Current Research
Looks like Nitrogen rich explosive is back.
23-5-2016 at 17:20
by: NeonPulse
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
Indeed. I'm surprised he lasted this long. The rant in the prepublication thread was a bad move. He ...
8-5-2016 at 16:48
by: NeonPulse
White sediment/precipitate in Cu + H2SO4 + H2O2 reaction
Anhydrous copper sulfate can't exist in water. It is made by strongly heating the hydrated copper su ...
3-5-2016 at 22:33
by: NeonPulse
Rosco, did you have a patent number for that or is it one of them things that " those skilled in the ...
2-5-2016 at 17:05
by: NeonPulse
Yes. I can say that I do. I made Hg azide in tiny amounts in plastic vessels. I used Mercury 1 nitr ...
28-4-2016 at 22:54
by: NeonPulse
It does have a pretty bad rep but I I found the copper II azide to be less sensitive as I first thou ...
28-4-2016 at 22:33
by: NeonPulse
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
It's the acid copper salt. It's colour is much paler than the picture portrayed but the camera seem ...
24-4-2016 at 22:51
by: NeonPulse
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
Ok so it has been quite a journey from pool chemicals, urea, sodium bicarbonate and hydroxide , ammo ...
24-4-2016 at 01:54
by: NeonPulse
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=446129&tid=10575&author=Laboratory of Liptakov]Electroplating of copper cone? Very i ...
20-4-2016 at 04:50
by: NeonPulse
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=445783&tid=10575&author=Microtek]Perhaps you could try it with a higher RDX/PETN con ...
17-4-2016 at 17:08
by: NeonPulse
Tetramines and others
Any self respecting chemist would not mess with a large amount of silver fulminate in glass. Or even ...
16-4-2016 at 22:16
by: NeonPulse
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Continued: some loose packed PETN was used to fill the cap well and to Fill the spaces in the top of ...
16-4-2016 at 21:07
by: NeonPulse
Unconventional Shaped Charges
So it's been a while since this thread has had a post so here goes: Recently I did a test of a cyclo ...
16-4-2016 at 20:29
by: NeonPulse
Short question / quick answer - Thread
The ETN , EGDN-NC mix is not really a plastic mixture in the sense of the word but basically a blast ...
16-4-2016 at 04:48
by: NeonPulse
extraction of copper nitrate
It will take a long time! I had a small vial of the stuff in an hydroxide dessicator box and it took ...
9-4-2016 at 16:05
by: NeonPulse
When Chemistry Goes Wrong
[rquote=444693&tid=63645&author=Keith Fletcher]I heated up a 200 mg sample of Mannitol Hexan ...
9-4-2016 at 00:45
by: NeonPulse
Crystal growth and preparative details of nitrophenols (stypnic, picric acid)
The styphnic acid produced in the video was far superior to the powerlabs procedure I tried before t ...
7-4-2016 at 17:00
by: NeonPulse
OTC ammonia in OZ
Wikipedia is wrong there surprisingly! No pharmacy in Aus will stock ammonia that strong if at all. ...
3-4-2016 at 03:59
by: NeonPulse
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
I'm curious about this mentioned compound on the bottom of this page: ...
2-4-2016 at 23:28
by: NeonPulse
Short question / quick answer - Thread
I was wondering if anybody knows of a Tetryl synthesis that requires 70% nitric rather than the80% s ...
31-3-2016 at 18:36
by: NeonPulse
buying from China
[rquote=443550&tid=42695&author=JJay]Reacware is definitely pretty awesome. Compared to Desc ...
29-3-2016 at 03:29
by: NeonPulse
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