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BIODIESEL - cheapen your gasoline
A couple of articles to add to the conversation - The first one is an overview of miscellaneous pyro ...
13-11-2007 at 21:02
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Al/Mg/Ti identification?
My dad gave me a 5-lb coffee can full of metal turnings for my birthday (no cheapo 4th of july next ...
12-11-2007 at 13:32
by: Intergalactic_Captain
More on PbO2 electrodes
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but the attached file has a bit of info the use of tantalum as ...
31-10-2007 at 09:28
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Need info on KClO4 propellants
Wow...didn't think this would prove to be such a popular thread.

Microtek - I like the idea with ...
30-10-2007 at 20:11
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Need info on KClO4 propellants
Ahh...That story makes a bit more sense now.

Any idea what this outer wax is called? I know what ...
18-10-2007 at 10:44
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Need info on KClO4 propellants
Yeah, I checked out the Galcit stuff...Seems to be just KClO4/asphalt. Once the team discovered NH4 ...
18-10-2007 at 08:59
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Need info on KClO4 propellants
Not sure if this belongs here or in miscellaneous, so mods take note and move if necessary...

Any ...
17-10-2007 at 12:51
by: Intergalactic_Captain
A project everyone can pitch in on! Writing the book on chemistry.
Not to be an ass, but just some drunken ramblings...

I do appreciate the effort put forth by ever ...
25-6-2007 at 22:40
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Best method of producing Cu(I)Cl?
Hmm...The CuSO4/NaCl/Cu(s) method GC gave seems to be the most economical at the moment. For copper ...
22-6-2007 at 17:22
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Best method of producing Cu(I)Cl?
I'm in need of a small amount of CuCl, and am unsure of what would be the best method of producing a ...
22-6-2007 at 14:23
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
Yeah, a little more knowledge of what I'm doing wouldn't hurt...Only problem is that I'm usually thi ...
21-6-2007 at 13:30
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
You were typing while I was editing...Otherwise you'd have seen the one I just posted. Also, my dou ...
21-6-2007 at 12:49
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
This may be a stupid question, but why would I need an autoclave? Beilstein hits only showed 125-15 ...
21-6-2007 at 12:10
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
Wow...Thanks. One thing, though, the portion you quoted from my last post was focused on isolation ...
20-6-2007 at 11:48
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
The problem with alkoxide formation is that it is basically an equillibrium reaction with water form ...
20-6-2007 at 06:10
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
Interesting... Would you happen to have any refs on this?
19-6-2007 at 12:09
by: Intergalactic_Captain
LiOCH3 to replace NaOCH3?
Question is pretty straightforward. Desired end product is syringaldehyde from 5-bromovanillin. Al ...
19-6-2007 at 11:33
by: Intergalactic_Captain
100th post and electromethylation.
What did you use for electrodes? I dug up an article a while ago on the anodic methoxylation (sorry ...
13-6-2007 at 05:57
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Melt-Phase NaHSO4/xNO3 nitration of p-dichlorobenzene?
Just gave it a shot in a 8:2:1 ratio - 150g NaHSO4, 25g KNO3, 20g p-DCB. The p-DCB was in slight ex ...
8-6-2007 at 08:24
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Melt-Phase NaHSO4/xNO3 nitration of p-dichlorobenzene?
Attached is the article I mentioned regarding methanol, but I can't seem to make heads or tails of i ...
8-6-2007 at 05:37
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Melt-Phase NaHSO4/xNO3 nitration of p-dichlorobenzene?
Guess I wasn't clear enough - I want mono-nitrated paradichlorobenzene...2,5-dichloronitrobenzene. ...
7-6-2007 at 19:51
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Melt-Phase NaHSO4/xNO3 nitration of p-dichlorobenzene?
The question is pretty straight-forward. I've been looking over some articles on p-dcb nitration, a ...
7-6-2007 at 19:21
by: Intergalactic_Captain
how to thouroughly clean copper?
Strip off all the caulk and soak the copper in a tub of salt and vinegar...Hot vinegar works the bes ...
24-5-2007 at 05:07
by: Intergalactic_Captain
Ring nitrated nitrostyrenes?
No, I'm not intending on ingesting the stuff...It'd probably be quite an energetic poison, though. ...
21-5-2007 at 18:13
by: Intergalactic_Captain
1,4-Dioxane - Anyone here use it?
Damn...That's just horrible, in so many ways. Kind of reminds me of a conversation I heard a couple ...
19-5-2007 at 11:50
by: Intergalactic_Captain
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