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Replacing ice blocks with brine bottles?

i do the same but with freezer ice bricks, i have ...
29-12-2018 at 10:32
by: Tsjerk
Replacing ice blocks with brine bottles?
Use something the can withstand the brine freezing and allow it to freeze, this way it would be much ...
29-12-2018 at 06:47
by: Tsjerk
Determining gasoline volume - best method
18 measurements means 18 times the inaccuracy. Weighing is as precise as your balance is.
27-12-2018 at 06:07
by: Tsjerk
Determining gasoline volume - best method
Weigh a ""gallon", and afterwards determine density by weighing a known volume.
27-12-2018 at 05:02
by: Tsjerk
Sensitive substance from fiction?
And to detonate you have to absorp it in cotton and give a heavy blow with a hammer. Just hitting a ...
25-12-2018 at 05:55
by: Tsjerk
Who has the GC/MS?
Yes, ok, you could check for hydrolysis. But as your asa comes from pills I don't expect much more t ...
25-12-2018 at 05:50
by: Tsjerk
Who has the GC/MS?
I don't think you will pick up the expected contaminations with gc/ms. Or in other words, the sample ...
25-12-2018 at 01:20
by: Tsjerk
Alright looking for insight
[rquote=568283&tid=116811&author=Outback1850]Thanks for the quick replys. My question is, wh ...
24-12-2018 at 11:47
by: Tsjerk
NaH2PO2 from China on Ebay?
Email addresses are not automatically shown, you have to tick a box to do so.
24-12-2018 at 11:32
by: Tsjerk
Alright looking for insight
From what I understand the shared orbitals are fully delocalized and truly form two (here blue and y ...
24-12-2018 at 08:24
by: Tsjerk
Can we travel back in time really?
[rquote=568225&tid=117013&author=Antineutron]Please do not reply to this post if you are neg ...
24-12-2018 at 08:17
by: Tsjerk
I wouldn't start purifying road quality CaCl2, unless you really like recrystallizations, it is OTC ...
24-12-2018 at 04:30
by: Tsjerk
Removing BrCl from Bromine

24-12-2018 at 04:16
by: Tsjerk
Extraction of ASA from Pills
When I did this I didn't powder the pills, this way, when the ASA is soaked out the cellulose sort o ...
24-12-2018 at 03:56
by: Tsjerk
Removing BrCl from Bromine
[rquote=565550&tid=114728&author=hacker] I'm not filtering Br[sub]2[/sub]!![/rquote]

Why ...
21-12-2018 at 02:59
by: Tsjerk
Vinegar not reacting completely?
What do you mean with 2 batches combined?
20-12-2018 at 23:02
by: Tsjerk
LiAlH4 vs NaAlH4
[rquote=564544&tid=112378&author=Nakhimov] LAH is actually cheaper at sigma than NaAlH4. Pre ...
18-12-2018 at 16:21
by: Tsjerk
synthesis of 2-bromobenzoyl chloride
What are you resources? 2-bromobenzoic acid?
18-12-2018 at 15:57
by: Tsjerk
Removing fishy smell from air - possible?
As said above exhaust ventilation is the way to go. And if it stinks it is rotten. A proper fish ret ...
18-12-2018 at 15:50
by: Tsjerk
Fischer indole synthesis is nice and famous synth to run. Microwave is not necessary as it will run ...
17-12-2018 at 14:13
by: Tsjerk
Caffeine particles crashed out after saturation - 400mg filled 25ml H2O w/ crystals
I have seen organic compounds crystallizing in very voluminous ways from water. And the other way ar ...
17-12-2018 at 14:08
by: Tsjerk
Caffeine particles crashed out after saturation - 400mg filled 25ml H2O w/ crystals
Maybe, just guessing, you have either a salt of caffeine, or a salt formed with moisture and CO2 fro ...
17-12-2018 at 09:54
by: Tsjerk
Post #2000 and an apology for accidentally deleting a thread
Don't forget Melgar uses shills to work against you @JJay!
15-12-2018 at 11:46
by: Tsjerk
Lot of Chemglass flasks - anyone interested in any of these?
how much for the lot?
15-12-2018 at 08:52
by: Tsjerk
Need advice from experienced pyro
[rquote=562935&tid=111525&author=TGSpecialist1]Personally, I'd use 300-400 g of flash powder ...
15-12-2018 at 04:19
by: Tsjerk
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