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What all lab equipment would I need for my own at home laboratory?
From those steps you want to complete it looks pretty obvious your trying to make meth or some other ...
22-7-2010 at 13:58
by: Picric-A
Heating Plastic Chemical Bottles
Once I ordered 100 g of a po ...
22-7-2010 at 13:44
by: Picric-A
Heating Plastic Chemical Bottles
[rquote=182996&tid=14189&author=turd][rquote=182992&tid=14189&author=Picric-A]Every ...
22-7-2010 at 13:04
by: Picric-A
Heating Plastic Chemical Bottles
[rquote=182994&tid=14189&author=unionised]When the stuff was put in the bottle it must have ...
22-7-2010 at 10:34
by: Picric-A
Heating Plastic Chemical Bottles
Every chemical i have ever bought that requires to be slightly above R.T to be usable (eg, t-butanol ...
22-7-2010 at 10:07
by: Picric-A
Cleaning Glassware W/Acid-base Washes
I have tried citric, oxalic and sodium dithionite and none have worked!
I cant get a soft brush in ...
21-7-2010 at 14:50
by: Picric-A
Cleaning Glassware W/Acid-base Washes
I have just bought a reflux condensor which was fairly heavily stained yellow. I am guessing these a ...
21-7-2010 at 12:22
by: Picric-A
Buchi R-134 rotary evaporator
When i was looking for info on my Buchi rotovap i emailed Buchi and they sent me an electronic copy ...
19-7-2010 at 12:50
by: Picric-A
Synthesis of Solid Calcium Hypochlorite
Alkyl hypochlorites are not dangerous/explosive if made in a controlled manner as described in the a ...
19-7-2010 at 11:25
by: Picric-A
Pepper to Piperine problem
My final set of photos for this synthesis;

After obtaining the crude oily piperine the solvent wa ...
18-7-2010 at 09:51
by: Picric-A
Pepper to Piperine problem
It was 20ml of piperine solution made form 250ml ofo piperine solution so i called it more concentra ...
18-7-2010 at 09:38
by: Picric-A
Pepper to Piperine problem
Hey peach, more pics are comming, i just ran into some problems so had to repeat the whole extractio ...
17-7-2010 at 08:10
by: Picric-A
Yellow impurity in nitrobenzene?
@Kmno4- colourless nitrobenzene does not exist... the actual compound itself is yellow in colour.
14-7-2010 at 11:34
by: Picric-A
Synthesis of Solid Calcium Hypochlorite
Industrially calcium hypochlorite is made by passing chlorine into a Ca(OH)2 slurry then drying.
th ...
14-7-2010 at 02:05
by: Picric-A
Where to buy PTFE bottles in NZ
all of the nitric acid 70% is sold to me in HDPE bottles and it holds up fine,. I have stored myn fo ...
14-7-2010 at 02:01
by: Picric-A
Pepper to Piperine problem
Now for the update.

After extracting the ethanolic piperine solution (150ml) it was evaporated do ...
13-7-2010 at 17:28
by: Picric-A
Yellow impurity in nitrobenzene?
Nitrobenzene itself is pale yellow however darker yellow samples are indicative of the dinitro impur ...
13-7-2010 at 13:16
by: Picric-A
Pepper to Piperine problem
I attempted the extraction of piperine from pepper today.

This extraction was performed in a Soxh ...
13-7-2010 at 13:10
by: Picric-A
Yellow impurity in nitrobenzene?
The yellow colour is almost certainly dinitrobenzene, a yellow solid. I suggest distillation under s ...
13-7-2010 at 09:13
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (2)
[rquote=182188&tid=12054&author=Nicodem][rquote=182183&tid=12054&author=Satan]"Howev ...
11-7-2010 at 15:24
by: Picric-A
The short questions thread (2)
Does anybody know where i could find a chart for the solubility of piperazine freebase in a variety ...
11-7-2010 at 07:54
by: Picric-A
oxalic acid synthesis
[rquote=181896&tid=14126&author=entropy51][rquote=181834&tid=14126&author=condennnsa ...
8-7-2010 at 10:19
by: Picric-A
oxalic acid synthesis
There are hundreds of wrriten examples of this reaction, ie, vogel.
The yield is not the best (off ...
7-7-2010 at 13:31
by: Picric-A
oxalic acid synthesis
[rquote=181837&tid=14126&author=JohnWW]Sucrose + nitric acid is liable to give you the nitra ...
7-7-2010 at 10:33
by: Picric-A
Ozonelabs 500 chemical Clearance Sale!
I have just recieved my order from Ozonelabs.
Very easy to deal with, highly reccomended!
4-7-2010 at 08:58
by: Picric-A
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