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Extracting & separating Pt, Pd and Ag from USSR capacitors - hos is best?
To dissolve Pt alloys, along with all other metals present, you would need aqua regia, which is a mi ...
25-5-2010 at 10:42
by: JohnWW
Reduction of Azines
P.S. Regarding Raney nickel for hydrogenations, see recent posts in this thread: ...
25-5-2010 at 03:22
by: JohnWW
Reduction of Azines
It looks as if you require a reduction that is also an hydrogenation. It could be done with some met ...
23-5-2010 at 19:16
by: JohnWW
Has one of our members died?
COCl2 is used in the industrial manufacture of polycarbonate polymers, by reaction with diols or dip ...
23-5-2010 at 14:31
by: JohnWW
4N,3N,2N gallium
What would the impurities in Ga metal be? Most likely Al, because most Ga produced is obtained as a ...
22-5-2010 at 01:42
by: JohnWW
Wet Alkali Fusion of Zircon
A plain cast iron crucible is liable to lose a substantial amount of Fe into solution with a hot con ...
21-5-2010 at 15:01
by: JohnWW
disposing of chloroform and hydrogen chloride
As for chlorinated or brominated hydrocarbon solvents, I would attempt to recover them, most likely ...
19-5-2010 at 01:14
by: JohnWW
Recrystallizing NaOH
Unless the NaOH is totally dry, and opened and handled under dry and CO2-free N2 or Ar, it will not ...
19-5-2010 at 01:02
by: JohnWW
How to convert ferrovanadium (82%) in vanadium pentoxide
[rquote=178131&tid=13849&author=unionised]Incidentally, I know you can extract Fe(III) from ...
17-5-2010 at 15:38
by: JohnWW
Cerium (III) Oxide
Transitions of that unpaired 4f electron in Ce2O3 would make it fairly strongly absorb UV light, and ...
16-5-2010 at 18:49
by: JohnWW
NH4ClO4 for sale
That is a known high explosive! What about shipping? What sort of transport or courier firm would ag ...
14-5-2010 at 04:42
by: JohnWW
Ammonia by the haber process--tabletop chemistry
Why use rare and expensive Li for such a purpose? You could just as easily use Na, although it does ...
13-5-2010 at 23:57
by: JohnWW
Drying Ether for Grignard
That should do it, if the amount of CaCl2 is sufficient. To find out how much CaCl2 would be needed, ...
12-5-2010 at 14:21
by: JohnWW
extraction and detection of polyacetylene "requesting"
No more than 64 Kb of that file can be downloaded, even after repeated attempts. Can you please uplo ...
12-5-2010 at 13:42
by: JohnWW
Ammonia by the haber process--tabletop chemistry
As well as high pressure, it would, ideally, require a transition-metal catalyst which absorbs large ...
12-5-2010 at 13:30
by: JohnWW
White vinegar to acetic acid
Distillation is usually used industrially to concentrate and purify CH3COOH, after initial productio ...
11-5-2010 at 07:43
by: JohnWW
For sale: Lithium Aluminum Hydride 99% (pelletized)
The importation of plutonium is absolutely banned in my country. Ships carrying the stuff, in the fo ...
11-5-2010 at 07:32
by: JohnWW
AP Exam in Three Days??!?
The pressure and temperature greatly affect the yield, as per equilibrium constants, of NH3 in the H ...
11-5-2010 at 00:14
by: JohnWW
For sale: Lithium Aluminum Hydride 99% (pelletized)
But WHAT illegal drug(s) can LiAlH4 (generally used to reduce carboxylic acids and ketones and aldeh ...
8-5-2010 at 20:27
by: JohnWW
Has one of our members died?
I wonder if something like that could have happened to Megalomania, the founder and owner of http:// ...
7-5-2010 at 18:52
by: JohnWW
The short questions thread (2)
[rquote=177481&tid=12054&author=entropy51](cut) Get a Merck Index; pure gold.[/rquote]I hav ...
7-5-2010 at 18:45
by: JohnWW
stock solution for iron analysis
Probably not, because it is too susceptible to hydrolysis, except in VERY acid solution (with an exc ...
7-5-2010 at 05:10
by: JohnWW
nutrient for yast
That being the case, with higher alcohols able to be produced by several methods of fermentation, No ...
7-5-2010 at 05:02
by: JohnWW
Ethanol production and purifycation
This subject is currently being discussed in this thread under Reagents & Equipment Acquisition: ...
7-5-2010 at 03:44
by: JohnWW
nutrient for yast
As an alternative to distillation of an aqueous solution of ethanol obtaining by alcoholic fermentat ...
7-5-2010 at 03:30
by: JohnWW
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