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Just a simple physics question.... [quote] From Wikipedia
The joule is a derived unit defined as the work done,or energy ... |
8-10-2005 at 10:11 by: Blind Angel |
Caro's Acid-an archive It make Peroxysulfuric Acid, H2SO5, search on this forum for Caro's Acid, i think there is a go ... |
2-10-2005 at 15:27 by: Blind Angel |
How do you ship beaker? As i said it usually were lot, so 3 bearker broken on about 15 other kind of piece doesn't rea ... |
27-9-2005 at 07:40 by: Blind Angel |
Subjects Of A Questionable Nature What about the concept of illegal = harder to make and get precurosr = more challenging to do.
A lo ... |
26-9-2005 at 13:47 by: Blind Angel |
How do you ship beaker? I've ordered three time over ebay for glassware lot and most of them had beaker in them, and mo ... |
26-9-2005 at 13:04 by: Blind Angel |
What to do during an emergency Even though, ScienceMadness is mostly about chemistry, I think that it's also a good repository ... |
20-9-2005 at 11:36 by: Blind Angel |
What to do during an emergency What to do during an emergency?
I remember that there was a very nice post on The-Hive about what t ... |
19-9-2005 at 21:18 by: Blind Angel |
how to by a tropinone??!?! why don't you extract it from Datura Stramonium?
And what is the use of tropinone except induc ... |
19-9-2005 at 17:55 by: Blind Angel |
GOD v science There are already some thread about that in the forum, but to answer some of you question.
About th ... |
15-9-2005 at 11:28 by: Blind Angel |
can I extract carbon from ethanoic acid? 3500° i think, but at this temp ±500° is no big deal |
11-9-2005 at 10:33 by: Blind Angel |
the end of Red Devil Lye this kind of thing didn't help:
... |
8-9-2005 at 04:20 by: Blind Angel |
Dichloromethane ? Tetra = 4
Di = 2
so tetrachloromethan is a methane with 4 H substitued by Cl (CCl4) and Dichlorome ... |
5-9-2005 at 14:09 by: Blind Angel |
skunk pee Musk is certainly is, it allow the perfume to stay longer. Ever tried to get rid of the skunk odor? ... |
3-9-2005 at 09:26 by: Blind Angel |
Help obtaining a legal chem ?? Wow, nice site, they even have Melanotan and much more, thx solo. |
17-8-2005 at 20:42 by: Blind Angel |
What is EDDA ? Diacetic acid or diacetate ? So dumb from me, when i wrote that i told myself that there was something wrong with this answer but ... |
14-8-2005 at 10:06 by: Blind Angel |
What is EDDA ? Diacetic acid or diacetate ? Diacetate is the diacetic ester so it's both the same thing |
9-8-2005 at 17:35 by: Blind Angel |
What do to with KMnO4? thx, for the info, i'll try some to see.
First test: it burn pickle (turn then black/brown) |
3-8-2005 at 18:45 by: Blind Angel |
What do to with KMnO4? What do to with KMnO4?
I just bough 2,27kg (5lbs) of KMnO4 for 36$CAD and I was wondering what to ... |
3-8-2005 at 11:53 by: Blind Angel |
New chemistry forum for Hive Bees Well Orgy can be a little foul manered sometimes right, but he's such a long timer in chemistry ... |
27-7-2005 at 16:46 by: Blind Angel |
Benzoic Acid, Carbamid>Benzamid>Anilin? Translation:
Example of urea acidolysis
Formamide: 15,8 g of formic acid heated with ... |
25-7-2005 at 18:08 by: Blind Angel |
Acquired resistence of bacteria to UV I don't think so, though I can't explain, maybe because it attack directly the membrane. B ... |
20-7-2005 at 14:57 by: Blind Angel |
mmmm what do you think? well he's from gatineau (Canada) and he seem to ship mostly to canada, so I don't think it ... |
10-7-2005 at 19:51 by: Blind Angel |
Advice on Pond Pump for aspirator setup? Oxydro: I'm here to convert you to metric system.
Repent yourself demon, the old english sys ... |
9-7-2005 at 09:19 by: Blind Angel |
A history challenge Actually I was kicking out opponent using Papaver Somniferum extract, refined with vinegar. And I� ... |
29-6-2005 at 14:09 by: Blind Angel |
A history challenge No saltpeter? Too far from china it seem
Maybe try Coal (Not in the list but pretty sure that it ... |
28-6-2005 at 16:20 by: Blind Angel |
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