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Your favorite primary?
You didn't mention that when recommending it to the world.

Molten, ETN becomes as sensitive as T ...
30-6-2019 at 12:09
by: Tsjerk
Your favorite primary?
So you're heating a borderline primary with a borderline secondary in amounts that suffice to functi ...
30-6-2019 at 11:51
by: Tsjerk
Sulfuric Acid in UK
Only half a kilo Christ that’s not much. ...
30-6-2019 at 11:37
by: Tsjerk
Sulfuric Acid in UK
I know one can perfectly make TATP with 12% H2O2, but you have to start somewhere, don't you?

Thi ...
30-6-2019 at 08:06
by: Tsjerk
Manganese heptoxide in very low concentration
I found this strange difference between the SM wiki and

[url=https://en.wikiped ...
30-6-2019 at 07:24
by: Tsjerk
(Boc)2O, di-tert-butyl dicarbonate
(Boc)[sub]2[/sub]O, or di-tert-butyl dicarbonate is available for me, but would cost me 180 euro for ...
29-6-2019 at 13:07
by: Tsjerk
Life after detonation
In Germanic languages -id or -ide at the end of a word means -like. So opioid means opiate-like
28-6-2019 at 07:48
by: Tsjerk
How to separate copper (l) and (ll) chloride
Bubble air through it so you don't have to separate anymore.
28-6-2019 at 07:11
by: Tsjerk
Vacuum aspirator using DMSO
Fractionated diesel fuel?
25-6-2019 at 05:31
by: Tsjerk
Cleaning copper oxides from Native Copper?
Use acetic acid (couple percent) and table salt (0.5%). I used this on copper coins and those are sh ...
22-6-2019 at 13:56
by: Tsjerk
best route from energy to glucose
Go for photosynthesis, although maybe not the most efficient, sunlight is free and photosynthesis is ...
22-6-2019 at 13:52
by: Tsjerk
Your favorite blasting cap design
What is wrong with dextrinated lead azide? You only need a grain to set of PETN, of which you only n ...
22-6-2019 at 09:17
by: Tsjerk
Making Anilite
Tsjerk you're a jerk[/rquote]

I know

[Edited ...
22-6-2019 at 01:03
by: Tsjerk
Do we need a separtate forum for lab safety and waste treatment?
[rquote=613500&tid=149927&author=Sulaiman]A general purpose reference database would be fant ...
21-6-2019 at 06:59
by: Tsjerk
Using Sodium ethoxide to improve azide yeild
I would try to get dry NaOH, the stuff I get is dry, at least not more than 0,5% water. And it is ju ...
21-6-2019 at 05:37
by: Tsjerk
Making Anilite
Try a bit harder yourself, did you do any research? Nobody here is going to help you if you don't sh ...
21-6-2019 at 03:25
by: Tsjerk
D-glutamate / d-glutamic acid acquisition
Yep, that is what I found. I asked a friend if she could have a look at her lab, I know they do some ...
20-6-2019 at 04:44
by: Tsjerk
I found that elemental boron is inert to this aggressive chemical bulldozer
I guess given enough time boron is not inert to piranha.
19-6-2019 at 07:58
by: Tsjerk
Distillation of animal products?
Salts (as many compounds exist in mixtures) don't distill readily. Many compounds, for example carbo ...
18-6-2019 at 23:01
by: Tsjerk
I found that elemental boron is inert to this aggressive chemical bulldozer
You would think that someone with over 1400 posts would know a post with no references and with triv ...
18-6-2019 at 16:02
by: Tsjerk
D-glutamate / d-glutamic acid acquisition
Does anyone know a source for d-glutamate or d-glutamic acid?

I'm trying to get into enantiosele ...
18-6-2019 at 10:22
by: Tsjerk
Hypothetically drinkable ethanol from methylated spirits
[rquote=615561&tid=74507&author=Pumukli]I read somewhere that ethanol and higher alcohols ar ...
18-6-2019 at 08:40
by: Tsjerk
I think the point made by Yamato71 is that you don't need to crystallize it. And does it really matt ...
17-6-2019 at 15:04
by: Tsjerk
I wouldn't call RDX insensitive, any blasting cap can set it off.
17-6-2019 at 08:08
by: Tsjerk
Distillation of animal products?
You can distill alkyl amines from rotten fish, some more even worse smelling crap comes over with it ...
17-6-2019 at 08:04
by: Tsjerk
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