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a glitch
Your heart may have leapt momentarily like mine did this morning when I attempted to visit the board ...
22-4-2005 at 10:15
by: Polverone
very curious
Where are you located, and is it customary for hazmat and safety managers of your locale to turn to ...
22-4-2005 at 00:31
by: Polverone Down
I didn't realize until that description that Who's Online was actually clickable and showe ...
19-4-2005 at 20:42
by: Polverone Down
Can you clarify? I don't know what you mean about viewing threads under who's online. What ...
19-4-2005 at 20:18
by: Polverone
No, BromicAcid, you are mistaken. If anything, I should be paying for high-quality posts like your m ...
18-4-2005 at 17:16
by: Polverone Down
There were database problems on the server, fixed by a hard restart of the database. This obviously ...
18-4-2005 at 11:33
by: Polverone
Thank you, ordenblitz! Thank you, BromicAcid! I need to get my PayPal account verified (I didn' ...
17-4-2005 at 21:00
by: Polverone
Thanks, Hodges! Also, thank you to the others who have donated! I just checked my PayPal account for ...
17-4-2005 at 17:04
by: Polverone
HTTPS explanation
HTTPS is secure (encrypted) HTTP, hypertext transfer protocol. If we buy a dedicated IP address, I c ...
17-4-2005 at 12:05
by: Polverone
Go [url=]here[/url] to make a donation. I had to put the fo ...
16-4-2005 at 23:47
by: Polverone
DirectNIC received my letter and transferred the domain name to me. It appears that sciencemadness.o ...
15-4-2005 at 19:35
by: Polverone
Welcome back, axehandle!
We've missed you!
14-4-2005 at 10:59
by: Polverone Down
Our old web host, Bravidio, controlled our domain name, which was registered by Bravidio on my behal ...
11-4-2005 at 13:45
by: Polverone
atmospheric combustion of Al (foil)
Does a catalytic amount of HgCl2 destroy unlimited pure aluminum? I know it won't oxidize an un ...
9-4-2005 at 13:05
by: Polverone
Subscript days are numbered?
They will be more common when richer text input systems become more common. Old-style BBS systems an ...
7-4-2005 at 15:54
by: Polverone
What is the most ignorant thing you have ever done while conducting an experiment?
Uber luminal: you need to post pictures of your arc melting setup and regale us with more entertaini ...
5-4-2005 at 21:34
by: Polverone
A few goodies
Hydrogen peroxide is the source of all sorts of bubbling fun. Many metals and metal compound will ca ...
2-4-2005 at 15:11
by: Polverone
Sciencemadness is moving!
I'm not sure what has caused that. I have posted a query about it on the Micfo message boards.
1-4-2005 at 18:28
by: Polverone
How suspiciously interesting.
I fear that this is an early April Fool's joke, like last year's "strange lead compou ...
31-3-2005 at 17:57
by: Polverone
Sciencemadness is moving!

I haven't changed URLs for things because ...
25-3-2005 at 17:27
by: Polverone
Crucibles and Metalcasting
[quote]Ellern's discussion on p. 279 of "Military and Civilian

&qu ...
23-3-2005 at 19:11
by: Polverone
Copper oxides removing...
I second the salt and vinegar suggestion. Dilute HCl will also work well. I remember cleaning many p ...
23-3-2005 at 15:08
by: Polverone
my guesses
We'll see much heavier use of nuclear power. Wind power will also be more heavily used. Reproce ...
22-3-2005 at 13:49
by: Polverone
aaannnd that's the end of that.
Goodbye, nutbar. The suggested change of password will take place now. Old members message me for th ...
19-3-2005 at 18:36
by: Polverone
good grief

please can anyone help ?

also wrong:

pLeASe cAn AnYoNE HELP ?


Please, c ...
19-3-2005 at 18:20
by: Polverone
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