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Nitrogen: The perfect killer? Since the title of my first version of this thread was boring and got no responses, I decided to use ... |
4-9-2012 at 04:31 by: killswitch |
nitroglycerin [rquote=256433&tid=949&author=ksj_6808]NG is not suitable in pure form in large quantities, ... |
15-8-2012 at 15:16 by: killswitch |
Phosphorus trichloride Can phosphorus pentoxide be heated in the presence of chlorine to produce phosphorus chlorides? |
15-8-2012 at 13:51 by: killswitch |
Forensic indicators of nitrogen asphyxiation? Nitrogen presents a unique hazard in the laboratory due to the insidious nature of nitrogen asphyxia ... |
15-8-2012 at 13:16 by: killswitch |
A Call to Action: Removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the Dept. of Homeland Security's List of Scheduled Chemicals. [rquote=244420&tid=19482&author=gregxy]It would make more sense to try and remove the regula ... |
2-6-2012 at 09:41 by: killswitch |
Phosphorus trichloride I'm trying to make triethyl phosphite, so I need the phosphorus chloride rather than the sulfur chlo ... |
15-5-2012 at 10:41 by: killswitch |
Phosphorus trichloride I have been trying to devise a hobbyist method for producing this substance for some time now. In my ... |
6-5-2012 at 10:54 by: killswitch |
Best way for getting high density ? [rquote=247470&tid=17695&author=Hennig Brand]Picric acid can be melt-cast for highest densit ... |
6-5-2012 at 09:27 by: killswitch |
Best way for getting high density ? I have a question regarding picric acid. Is crystallization from solution the best method for acquir ... |
3-5-2012 at 09:42 by: killswitch |
Science equipment looking for a home He's still got stuff left after a whole year? |
10-4-2012 at 13:27 by: killswitch |
Endless HNO3 loop? It is my understanding that the addition of small quantities of urea to concentrated RFNA forms nitr ... |
10-4-2012 at 13:22 by: killswitch |
MeNO3 (Methyl Nitrate) Synthesis [rquote=242810&tid=18949&author=niertap]
Just speculation, but acetone seems like something ... |
7-4-2012 at 21:18 by: killswitch |
H2O2 Regulation [url=]A thread detailing the question ... |
7-4-2012 at 21:07 by: killswitch |
Accidents... That first video of some Eastern European kid blowing his fucking hand off was taken down within a f ... |
7-4-2012 at 20:47 by: killswitch |
Cleaning up your crap Any tips on using Caro's acid or base piranha for cleaning glassware? |
7-4-2012 at 20:28 by: killswitch |
Novelty explosives No amateur will ever synthesize that in its pure form, even if purification is possible via practica ... |
7-4-2012 at 20:23 by: killswitch |
A Call to Action: Removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the Dept. of Homeland Security's List of Scheduled Chemicals. [rquote=244113&tid=19482&author=watson.fawkes][rquote=244085&tid=19482&author=killsw ... |
5-4-2012 at 14:35 by: killswitch |
Cleaning up your crap I feel like this is a part of energetics that is almost never touched on in places where amateurs ca ... |
5-4-2012 at 10:20 by: killswitch |
A Call to Action: Removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the Dept. of Homeland Security's List of Scheduled Chemicals. [rquote=243425&tid=19482&author=watson.fawkes]First, you wouldn't cool the whole truck but r ... |
5-4-2012 at 09:40 by: killswitch |
Drying IPA - easiest method What about drying isopropanol with anhydrous copper sulfate? Would that be too acidic? I ask because ... |
31-3-2012 at 10:05 by: killswitch |
Energetic derivatives of cyanuric acid? I'm interested in how removing one or more of the hydrogen atoms would affect the behavior of the co ... |
31-3-2012 at 07:42 by: killswitch |
Energetic derivatives of cyanuric acid? [rquote=243368&tid=19540&author=Nicodem]No it is not.
But you can still UTFSE if you are un ... |
31-3-2012 at 07:32 by: killswitch |
Energetic derivatives of cyanuric acid? I was toying with the idea of an HNO3 generator that functioned via pyrolysis of urea and came acros ... |
30-3-2012 at 10:40 by: killswitch |
A Call to Action: Removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the Dept. of Homeland Security's List of Scheduled Chemicals. [rquote=243266&tid=19482&author=Magpie]Perhaps the vision of Mr Zazi in Colorado pushing a s ... |
30-3-2012 at 10:12 by: killswitch |
Urea pyrolysis [rquote=243244&tid=19532&author=weiming1998]
If you have glass tubes, a beaker, a three-nec ... |
30-3-2012 at 10:04 by: killswitch |
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