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Acid Strengths - Sulfuric VS Hydrochloric
the temperature of the reactions aside - i guess sulfuric acid would be considered the most "reactiv ...
12-9-2006 at 17:08
by: jimmyboy
Obtaining Potassium Nitrate
why is everyone in such a huff over potassium nitrate? can't you just oxidize ammonia gas with heate ...
11-9-2006 at 21:04
by: jimmyboy
Acid Strengths - Sulfuric VS Hydrochloric
its from Wiki

i was thinking maybe it ...
11-9-2006 at 19:44
by: jimmyboy
Acid Strengths - Sulfuric VS Hydrochloric
just a random thought - i find that hydrochloric acid has a lower Ka (Acid Ionization Constant) than ...
10-9-2006 at 19:34
by: jimmyboy
Nitrogen inflated tires !
this is a total crock - i can't believe it even merits a second thought - our atmosphere is 80 perce ...
8-9-2006 at 14:43
by: jimmyboy
tannic acid salt
what book did you get all that solubility data from? :)

nevermind - you got it off the MSDS

[Ed ...
5-9-2006 at 12:54
by: jimmyboy
Nitrogen inflated tires !
thats ridiculous - someone is making money at dumb people's expense.. heh
25-8-2006 at 05:40
by: jimmyboy
H2O2 from sodium percarbonate
maybe i should reword - trying to obtain concentrated peroxide from this would not work very well (h ...
24-8-2006 at 07:50
by: jimmyboy
H2O2 from sodium percarbonate
using barium for this is a total waste of time - if you wanted peroxide just oxidize the barium itse ...
24-8-2006 at 04:16
by: jimmyboy
Chemistry researching - looking for older patents
well it would help if i knew german - nein sprecken sie - i found one for canadian patents as well
22-8-2006 at 02:46
by: jimmyboy
Chemistry researching - looking for older patents
thanks - i finally figured out how to use the US Classification numbers and came up with a patent fr ...
20-8-2006 at 22:55
by: jimmyboy
Chemistry researching - looking for older patents
The USPTO archives pretty much cover everything up to 1970 - but i am looking for the older patents ...
20-8-2006 at 19:58
by: jimmyboy
Acetone and ammonia?
from what i understand it will make diacetonamine and triacetonamine - a mixture of the two - couldn ...
17-8-2006 at 23:17
by: jimmyboy
Phenol from Paractemol (Acetominophen)
nevermind found my info in this thread ...
17-8-2006 at 01:09
by: jimmyboy
Phenol from Paractemol (Acetominophen)
wouldnt it just be better to put aspirin in sulfuric acid to separate the acetic acid/salicylic -- t ...
15-8-2006 at 18:06
by: jimmyboy
a Simple ph meter
yes - it would work but then you have metal contaminating your solution -- i guess you could always ...
19-7-2006 at 19:33
by: jimmyboy
Id like to make a HUGE smoke cloud
i kind of detect sarcasm in that post.. (punk)

i have kind of wanted to improvise some impact smo ...
19-7-2006 at 19:16
by: jimmyboy
Id like to make a HUGE smoke cloud
red p would be the best by far -- now only if i had a red phosphorus tree out back...
18-7-2006 at 11:59
by: jimmyboy
Id like to make a HUGE smoke cloud
another good way is newspapers soaked in ammonium nitrate or potassium chlorate and then dried -- it ...
17-7-2006 at 11:54
by: jimmyboy
Improvised Sodium Hydroxide
yeah i just threw that in there because i saw a few old texts saying the oxide would be formed with ...
5-7-2006 at 15:36
by: jimmyboy
Complete Rhodium archive found on eMule !
me as well - i would appreciate if it was reupped to the ftp - i only have a cruddy partial copy - a ...
4-7-2006 at 23:47
by: jimmyboy
Improvised Sodium Hydroxide
yet another good way - but requires alot of heat is just decompose sodium carbonate -- it will form ...
1-7-2006 at 17:25
by: jimmyboy
Visited by the police today
getting a license or registration wont help - and trying to reason won't either -- the public is jus ...
28-6-2006 at 12:59
by: jimmyboy
Copyright expiration
scan them and share if they are worthwhile - freedom of information is wonderful - just dont put you ...
20-6-2006 at 13:40
by: jimmyboy
Water to Fire....
no i checked closely - no thread like this - hmm aluminum and iodine crystals will catch fire? that ...
15-6-2006 at 16:24
by: jimmyboy
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