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C-Anfo: Prilled or powdererd?
Although this thread has been dead for some time now, I was lucky enough to have some jpegs, htmls a ...
23-6-2006 at 03:16
by: enhzflep
Cold Fusion...........revisited
[EDIT: Regarding the link posted by Rosco above]

Please, pardon my ignorance.

Are we (who have ...
23-6-2006 at 02:26
by: enhzflep
Electrorheological Fluid
YT2095 - Refferences I've read mentioned the use of silicone oil and applied voltages in the kilovol ...
23-6-2006 at 01:42
by: enhzflep
Electrorheological Fluid
Well, other than Sony is considering their use in a new generation of games-console controllers, and ...
19-6-2006 at 23:31
by: enhzflep
My hotplate, she has a problem
All the hotplates we used at Uni and high-school smelled rather ferral if one was lucky. If one was ...
18-6-2006 at 23:12
by: enhzflep
35% H2O2 technical grade
I have in front of me a 1L bottle of "Hi Lift Creme Peroxide For Hair 40 Vol - 12%"
It stat ...
7-6-2006 at 04:55
by: enhzflep
35% H2O2 technical grade
As Rogue Chemist pointed out, hydroponics stores are the place to get the stuff. In Aus, 500ml 50% H ...
6-6-2006 at 23:06
by: enhzflep
Unconventional Shaped Charges
I realise this isn't exactly what you asked for, but if given the time and inclination ...
24-5-2006 at 20:45
by: enhzflep
Rh bath - cleaning
Hmmm - mmmmmm -mmmmmmmmm.
Yeah, not bad my friend.
No problem.

In a word, no.

The problem is ...
23-5-2006 at 02:44
by: enhzflep
Considered LE or HE?
I knew one particular individual, who is usually very particular, and would never light a match towa ...
22-5-2006 at 07:16
by: enhzflep
is this right?
As far as Boiling Points go, I have 3/5 & 5/8 of no idea... ;)

However, for the density of th ...
21-5-2006 at 22:09
by: enhzflep
Unconventional Shaped Charges
:o :o
Now, [b]that[/b] is a pretty picture.:D
From previous experiments with last month's flavour ...
19-5-2006 at 00:00
by: enhzflep
is this right?
You'll have to do a spreadsheat yourself to check, since I don't recall exactly. And may in fact, en ...
18-5-2006 at 19:36
by: enhzflep
Can't open the lid
Yup, thats right. Itwas RFNA - not WFNA. Should have mentioned that. sorry.
If I'm in no particular ...
18-5-2006 at 17:45
by: enhzflep
Can't open the lid
With regards to the production of NC, the most succes I've had in its production, involves the addit ...
18-5-2006 at 02:29
by: enhzflep
High Explosives Calculator
RE: pressure formula.
Great, thank-you very much. Haven't checked to see if it's the ...
17-5-2006 at 23:27
by: enhzflep
Human/Ape Crossbreeds
Hasn't it been found already that there are fewer gentic differences between some humans and some ap ...
17-5-2006 at 22:37
by: enhzflep
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Shit, God dammit. So those pics I've seen of a hand missing fingers were from you Boomer, the very o ...
17-5-2006 at 19:42
by: enhzflep
Rh bath - cleaning
What exactly do you mean midas?

Is your bath contaminated?

If so, best option is to tip down d ...
17-5-2006 at 02:57
by: enhzflep
solubility of zinc in molten aluminum
-They aren't very soluble solids much under the melting point, but the liquids are [b]infin ...
16-5-2006 at 20:46
by: enhzflep
Soldering using a carbon rod
Seen a similar technique used to secure parts that are adverse to the application of heat.
I've see ...
15-5-2006 at 18:20
by: enhzflep
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Yeah, thanks again nitro. Turns out I had the wrong sort of wheels in the garage ;)
The blutak's be ...
15-5-2006 at 16:16
by: enhzflep
precipitating silver chloride from nitric acid?
63% HCl eh?
Commercial HCl is 33%. Up to %40 if you're [b]really[/b] lucky.
Sure, it's infinitely ...
15-5-2006 at 05:47
by: enhzflep
Effects of Plasticizing
Did another test last nite, involving the effects of plasticizing a
relatively low density powder. ...
15-5-2006 at 05:11
by: enhzflep
Unconventional Shaped Charges
The drop-forging method would also be very nice IMHO. With a potential of
reducing the number of jo ...
14-5-2006 at 17:16
by: enhzflep
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