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ETN synthesis without H2SO4
IMO, the advantage of nitrating with only highly concentrated HNO3 (95+ %) is that you avoid sulfuri ...
18-8-2023 at 01:22
by: Microtek
You can convert it to urazine by heating the hydrochloride which yields hydrazine hydrochloride as a ...
17-8-2023 at 00:33
by: Microtek
New Klapötke patent for melt castable EM
So, as the title indicates, I recently stumbled on a patent by prof. Klapötke about bis(nitratoethy ...
16-8-2023 at 12:58
by: Microtek
ETN recrystalization issues
Butane as in C4H10 ? Or are you talking about a derivative (an alcohol or a ketone maybe?) that is a ...
14-8-2023 at 06:07
by: Microtek
Is it necessary to fractionate PETN for plasticizing?
You don't need to control the fractions, a distribution of grain sizes will naturally form durin ...
12-8-2023 at 04:54
by: Microtek
Is it necessary to fractionate PETN for plasticizing?
PETN is not soluble in gasoline. The crushing is done mechanically, such as with a motar and pestle. ...
10-8-2023 at 22:38
by: Microtek
NHN based improved primary composition
It is easy to make a military equivalent detonator. The classical number 8 is 2 grams of a compositi ...
10-8-2023 at 22:35
by: Microtek
Is it necessary to fractionate PETN for plasticizing?
Bimodal powders are necessary for the highest density because spheres (free flowing powder is roughl ...
10-8-2023 at 09:06
by: Microtek
Problems detonation of the mixture PETN/NG
If you are at all serious about energetics research, you should move away from all organic peroxides ...
10-8-2023 at 08:38
by: Microtek
NHN based improved primary composition
Cut a off a small piece of wooden board and drill a hole matching your cap all the way through, taki ...
8-8-2023 at 22:10
by: Microtek
Unconventional Shaped Charges
The liner thickness should be about 1-1.5% of the diameter at the base of the cone, so the optimal t ...
8-8-2023 at 22:04
by: Microtek
NHN based improved primary composition
I would think it was backwards. The point of a compound detonator is to have a small amount of prima ...
7-8-2023 at 22:55
by: Microtek
Problems detonation of the mixture PETN/NG
I don't know this publication and so, can't really comment on the quality. There are some red flags ...
6-8-2023 at 23:15
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
I can certainly try them at some point, but I don't have high hopes; they are usually less impressiv ...
5-8-2023 at 08:37
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
I have been doing a few tests on the copper variant (CuCP). It is indeed capable of powerful detonat ...
4-8-2023 at 08:56
by: Microtek
Unconventional Shaped Charges
Interesting. How did you produce the liner? Also, that is a lot of EGDN, please be careful of both a ...
2-8-2023 at 08:22
by: Microtek
Problems detonation of the mixture PETN/NG
Ester formation is a reversible equilibrium reaction, so boiling it with water and anything that can ...
31-7-2023 at 17:30
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
Same as with magnesium. It is related to the concept of hard and soft acids and bases, which is in t ...
27-7-2023 at 03:38
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
It will be some time before I have an opportunity to test anything else, but yes, more experiments w ...
26-7-2023 at 16:43
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
I prepared the copper analogue to NICP. It is a very visually pleasing reaction yielding a beautifu ...
26-7-2023 at 03:09
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
Well, I'm not quite certain about that. It is true that NAP is slightly less sensitive, but both of ...
25-7-2023 at 16:31
by: Microtek
A powerful,unreported new primary explosive--NiCC
I have experimented a little with the perchlorate variant. I found that preparation was easy and hig ...
23-7-2023 at 11:02
by: Microtek
Glycine Perchlorate
Ah, ok. Good to know we are on the same page regarding molten ETN. I think the application of ionic ...
3-7-2023 at 22:59
by: Microtek
Glycine Perchlorate
Molten ETN is not an ionic liquid (since it is not an ionic compound), but of course that is mostly ...
3-7-2023 at 00:07
by: Microtek
Glycine Perchlorate
I can report that, from my own experiments, glycine perchlorate is quite hygroscopic. It does melt a ...
30-6-2023 at 01:46
by: Microtek
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