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Chemistry Wiki Attempt

I just use Adblock. Everyone should use ...
19-6-2014 at 07:51
by: arkoma
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Thanx, jock88! I came up on a bunch of Mg Chloride yesterday (ice melt) and just HATE not seeing my ...
18-6-2014 at 15:43
by: arkoma
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Quick question:

Eloctrocell bumping 5volts, max amps with MgCl2 electrolyte. Mg(ClO3)2 expected ...
18-6-2014 at 13:59
by: arkoma
Can we convert non food grade reagents into food grade using crystallization only
[b]Off Topic, sort of[/b]

[quote]Tobacco smoking is the most important single source of cadmium e ...
17-6-2014 at 06:06
by: arkoma
Question on setup of electrochemical cell
I've used a "salt bridge" tube, clay flower pots, and gore-tex. By far (for me) easiest, most troub ...
16-6-2014 at 17:33
by: arkoma
Can we convert non food grade reagents into food grade using crystallization only
[rquote=334700&tid=30588&author=aga]The original Question is clear.

This is in the Beginn ...
16-6-2014 at 15:25
by: arkoma
Can we convert non food grade reagents into food grade using crystallization only
15-6-2014 at 22:59
by: arkoma
Pictures of members.
my daughter-in-law DARED me to take the "free tour" at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch (yes, the one from ...
15-6-2014 at 11:15
by: arkoma
Soda-acid fire extinguisher
my older brother used to use these for catalytic hydrogenation. Back then we still thought it was " ...
15-6-2014 at 08:29
by: arkoma
Vanadium: The metal that may soon be powering your neighbourhood
Wow--this mine is only about 150 miles east of me on US50 "The loneliest Road in America"

[quote] ...
15-6-2014 at 08:16
by: arkoma
Extraction of Lycopene
[b][size=3]Off Topic[/size][/b]

I've GOT Lyme, courtesy of an Oklahoma tick. Shit has "settled" ...
14-6-2014 at 20:29
by: arkoma
The Short Questions Thread (4)
[rquote=334419&tid=25055&author=Cheddite Cheese]Yes, but not by much. The density of air wil ...
14-6-2014 at 08:13
by: arkoma
Can we convert non food grade reagents into food grade using crystallization only
borderline flame war fellas--------

I just consulted my "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" where ...
14-6-2014 at 08:10
by: arkoma
The Short Questions Thread (4)
Is my hydrometer/specific gravity affected by altitude?
14-6-2014 at 07:04
by: arkoma
how was chemistry performed in the 1800's, prior to analytical equipment?
Newton's Principia was published in 1687! Not chemistry, but :o:o Occasionally the human race is " ...
14-6-2014 at 06:32
by: arkoma
Household uses of reagents
[rquote=334387&tid=30641&author=zts16]Haha, that's funny. I was rather unhappy when my dad d ...
14-6-2014 at 01:49
by: arkoma
Household uses of reagents
[rquote=334382&tid=30641&author=numos]if you have a soot stain, like from a candle that does ...
13-6-2014 at 20:23
by: arkoma
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Is the specific gravity of liquids affected by altitude?

edit---oops, wrong quick questions thr ...
13-6-2014 at 17:03
by: arkoma
Household uses of reagents
i KNOW people from Hinkley, California (Erin Brokovich) chrome(VI) is no fucking joke.

Back on ...
13-6-2014 at 16:40
by: arkoma
Paper for chromatography
Yes, acetone (I like the way "dimethyl" rolls of the old tongue LOL)
13-6-2014 at 15:46
by: arkoma
Nitroaldol reaction
[rquote=334304&tid=30621&author=Dr.Bob] The key to good science is stating what you did cle ...
13-6-2014 at 07:41
by: arkoma
Paper for chromatography
Seems I now have a "sponsor". Paper on the way!!!

@forgotten--I just found that out (vapors) yes ...
13-6-2014 at 06:00
by: arkoma
Paper for chromatography
Excellent suggestion, UC!! I would NEVER have thought of it.
12-6-2014 at 16:53
by: arkoma
Paper for chromatography
@AGA & Artemus: washed some strips of paper in D-H2O, Ligroin, and Dimethyl Ketone. Getting rea ...
12-6-2014 at 15:40
by: arkoma
Nitroaldol reaction
meh, contribute, hang out, productively post and the "powers that be" will let ya in "whimsy" where ...
12-6-2014 at 12:05
by: arkoma
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