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Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
I don't have a spa. What is the advantage of us ...
21-3-2016 at 17:20
by: Herr Haber
ghettoing a 3 necked flask/ vacuum setup
[rquote=442594&tid=64567&author=arkoma]spend $130US, wait 10 days and order from China. Get ...
20-3-2016 at 21:57
by: Herr Haber
Lab Gas Mask under $100 anyone?
Great. I don't plan on standing in a cloud of fum ...
20-3-2016 at 21:53
by: Herr Haber
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
Damn I would like some of the Lithium Hypoclorite !

Woelen, you might have stumbled unknowingly o ...
20-3-2016 at 21:21
by: Herr Haber
Lab Gas Mask under $100 anyone?
The thing is that the mask will probably not cost too much. I mentioned Israelis gas mask earlier, f ...
19-3-2016 at 16:01
by: Herr Haber
The only pipettes with bulbs I can think of are not graduated pipettes.
Instead they have a line ab ...
19-3-2016 at 14:39
by: Herr Haber
Lab Gas Mask under $100 anyone?
It's not the mask that will stop whatever you're breathing. It's the cartridge filter.
You can find ...
19-3-2016 at 14:35
by: Herr Haber
Detonator casings
[rquote=442087&tid=65619&author=Hennig Brand]An experimenter could probably easily make a li ...
16-3-2016 at 14:09
by: Herr Haber
Detonator casings
[rquote=442023&tid=65619&author=NeonPulse]Try these! That is if you are willing to risk impo ...
16-3-2016 at 13:59
by: Herr Haber
safe storage of PCl5
Woelen, get a gas mask !
I suppose that you have a suitable working environment, certainly better t ...
16-3-2016 at 13:35
by: Herr Haber
question about hot plate stirrer wattage
IMO the usual price difference for an LCD display would make me go for a normal analog one.
First, ...
15-3-2016 at 20:44
by: Herr Haber
safe storage of PCl5
[rquote=441923&tid=20633&author=Deathunter88]The problem with a lot of chemicals is that the ...
15-3-2016 at 12:35
by: Herr Haber
PbN6 and the use of dextrine
Unless I totally misunderstood every topic about LA on Sciencemadness [b]*needles are bad*[/b]

Th ...
15-3-2016 at 00:08
by: Herr Haber
Citric acid + Sodium bicarbonate
They are used for the underwater decoration e ...
14-3-2016 at 16:41
by: Herr Haber
Has anyone made a EBW setup.
[rquote=441803&tid=23466&author=PHILOU Zrealone]

-Ni(N2H4)3(NO3)2 --> this flashes-b ...
14-3-2016 at 14:06
by: Herr Haber
matter to energy
Wouldnt a romance between matter and anti matter be considered "direct conversion" to energy?. Let u ...
14-3-2016 at 13:47
by: Herr Haber
ETN Stability as primary explosive
[rquote=441489&tid=28378&author=Daffodile]Okay so to see how stable ETN is, I melted some, p ...
13-3-2016 at 19:30
by: Herr Haber
Separating Lufenuron from dog tablets
If it were me I'd eat it.
I had scabies some time ago. You wouldnt believe how appealing medicine f ...
11-3-2016 at 00:27
by: Herr Haber
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
Woelen, you are unfortunately right.

Back when I was Young I asked Santa for chemistry sets. Thes ...
10-3-2016 at 19:03
by: Herr Haber
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
Fortunately around here acetone can still be found in hardware store. Just checked the manufacturer ...
9-3-2016 at 21:40
by: Herr Haber
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
Wait.... acetone got banned also?
I thought it was only high concentration H202 that got banned.
5-3-2016 at 17:33
by: Herr Haber
He began his research on the Haber process long before there was even a Rumor of war. Sure, it was c ...
3-3-2016 at 09:19
by: Herr Haber
EM... why not? There are thousands of examples of people making EM on this forum for the kicks, for ...
2-3-2016 at 18:16
by: Herr Haber
welshwing's Thread of Many Questions
Maybe... but we dont all have a fume Hood.
I have a 385 cubic /meter / hour extraction with the inl ...
2-3-2016 at 16:01
by: Herr Haber
welshwing's Thread of Many Questions

It's probably an even BETTER idea to just wear the ...
2-3-2016 at 13:07
by: Herr Haber
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