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Suggestions for kg quantities of ZnBr2? [for zinc bromide batteries]
What a strange thread. Has everyone forgotten how to make hydrobromic acid?

To make ZnBr2, dissol ...
16-2-2020 at 08:02
by: clearly_not_atara
Possible OTC, 'safe' methylating agents
Yeah, TsOH synthesis is conceptually simple but technically difficult. TsOH must be in excess for th ...
16-2-2020 at 07:55
by: clearly_not_atara
Trimethyl Phosphate
Short answer: no.

Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Phosphoric acid is the wors ...
16-2-2020 at 07:49
by: clearly_not_atara
Reverse alpha decay?
The short answer is no; the long answer is that yes this happens occasionally but the cross-section ...
15-2-2020 at 12:33
by: clearly_not_atara
Possible OTC, 'safe' methylating agents
[b]wakatutu[/b]: Do you mean that you started with 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde? It's helpful to explai ...
15-2-2020 at 07:59
by: clearly_not_atara
A thought: since it seems like non-coordinating anions work better for the urea method, maybe ammoni ...
14-2-2020 at 20:26
by: clearly_not_atara
Making Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) from urea
I think it's interesting, but what can we do with it? Could you coat it on things? Could you make a ...
14-2-2020 at 06:45
by: clearly_not_atara
Looking for the most convenient preparation of ethyl mercaptan. Via ethyl chloride/sulfate?
fusso: For some stupid reason SM tells your computer that it is an "application/binary" file but it ...
11-2-2020 at 16:21
by: clearly_not_atara
Copper precipitation from a CuCl2 solution using Aluminum - the powder is all grey
The natural guess is CuCl; the problem with this guess is that CuCl is typically soluble in solution ...
11-2-2020 at 16:01
by: clearly_not_atara
Strontium nitrate from strontium carbonate
I don't know why all of these strange ideas are necessary. The simple method should work fine. It's ...
10-2-2020 at 20:12
by: clearly_not_atara
Possible OTC, 'safe' methylating agents
I think it could probably work, diglyme's protons are both relatively acidic by alcohol standards if ...
10-2-2020 at 18:18
by: clearly_not_atara
Looking for the most convenient preparation of ethyl mercaptan. Via ethyl chloride/sulfate?
I'm pretty sure that the easiest way is to form the Bunte salt with thiosulfate and then subject thi ...
10-2-2020 at 08:47
by: clearly_not_atara
machine for grinding cement?
HH: I looked around and Lortone describes its mill as a "rock tumbler". There are many reports of it ...
10-2-2020 at 06:51
by: clearly_not_atara
machine for grinding cement?
[rquote=630751&tid=154844&author=Sulaiman]before parting with lots of cash maybe a few small ...
9-2-2020 at 19:56
by: clearly_not_atara
a new OTC Mukaiyama-like coupling reagent from thiamin?
The link at the top of the post shows several examples with refs. A particularly dramatic example is ...
9-2-2020 at 08:44
by: clearly_not_atara
machine for grinding cement?
I’ve been trying to make a Sorel-type cement using reactive magnesia with potassium tetraoxalate. ...
8-2-2020 at 20:20
by: clearly_not_atara
Acetic anhydride preparation
Waffles is right, I’m still not sure why we get so many people wanting to try stuff we know doesn ...
7-2-2020 at 13:30
by: clearly_not_atara
a new OTC Mukaiyama-like coupling reagent from thiamin?

The Mukaiyama re ...
7-2-2020 at 11:17
by: clearly_not_atara
Isn't this a little gem?
If you make sodium perchlorate by electrolysis you should obtain a ppt of NH4ClO4 upon adding some a ...
6-2-2020 at 15:34
by: clearly_not_atara
Oxidation of phosphine to phosphorus
Woelen: I would think the greater risk involved with phosphine is not its toxicity, but its pyrophor ...
5-2-2020 at 20:35
by: clearly_not_atara
Extension of the Eschweiler-Clarke alkylation
It does not work with aldehydes other than formaldehyde, due to acidic aldol condensations.

It d ...
5-2-2020 at 08:52
by: clearly_not_atara
What's the cheapest metal powder to make?
You may be able to use molten zinc as a “solder” for aluminium, as they are quite soluble in eac ...
2-2-2020 at 20:33
by: clearly_not_atara
Distillation Setup for 1100°C (High Tmperature)?
How do you plan to distill through graphite?

I think you need to consider Inconel etc.
1-2-2020 at 14:57
by: clearly_not_atara
Why is sodium carbonate not used as starting point for hypochlorite/chlorate production?
Chloric acid is not stable with respect to decomposition:

2 HClO3 >> H2O + Cl2 + 2 O2 + ~27 ...
26-1-2020 at 19:11
by: clearly_not_atara
What is wrong with MDMA production nowdays?

Why would ANYONE here help out ORG ...
26-1-2020 at 12:22
by: clearly_not_atara
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