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Trouble with synthesizing HClO4
I would say yes, just make sure to be careful of possible carbon monoxide evolution during the disti ...
23-3-2020 at 17:38
by: clearly_not_atara
DIY C-virus masks. No politics, science only so we don't lose the thread again
tl;dr: soak polypropylene microfiber cloth in salt water and let dry. Should work with polyester. Wi ...
23-3-2020 at 06:31
by: clearly_not_atara
does fresh milk enzyme able to break down capsaicinoids from chili peppers?
The phrase "detergent effect" should give you all the information you need. Would be interesting to ...
23-3-2020 at 05:31
by: clearly_not_atara
Trouble with synthesizing HClO4
In distilling an aqueous mixture of oxalic acid and perchloric acid, one should take care to avoid i ...
22-3-2020 at 14:04
by: clearly_not_atara
Trouble with synthesizing HClO4
[b]unionised:[/b] Solubility product of MgC2O4 is 1.14 * 10^(-5). From Wiki, we have a solubility of ...
22-3-2020 at 12:07
by: clearly_not_atara
Trouble with synthesizing HClO4
Assuming you still have magnesium perchlorate, you could try adding oxalic acid and filtering.

B ...
21-3-2020 at 14:24
by: clearly_not_atara
Vanillin demethylation via aluminum tribromide -- still confused.
The literature is not wrong, but nobody bothers making acetonitrile and pyridine for this rxn. I'd i ...
21-3-2020 at 09:39
by: clearly_not_atara
A theoretical total synthesis of chloroquine I thought up this afternoon
The problem with chloroquine as an antiviral therapy is that it tends to inhibit the host immune sys ...
20-3-2020 at 18:35
by: clearly_not_atara
Better synthesis route to Favipiravir anyone?
CuReUS: elemental fluorine seems a bit bold for a substrate bearing an aldehyde. Likewise for a subs ...
20-3-2020 at 16:58
by: clearly_not_atara
Low denisty organic fluids for making immiscible bi-layers.
[quote] Cymenes are very similar to D-limonine, correct?[/quote]

Both cymene and limonene are mon ...
20-3-2020 at 08:19
by: clearly_not_atara
Stevens rearrangement
Yes, it must be fully substituted. Also, generally only benzyl or allyl groups migrate for some uncl ...
19-3-2020 at 12:22
by: clearly_not_atara
Better synthesis route to Favipiravir anyone?
I suspect that this reaction will be extremely difficult regardless of the chosen method of preparat ...
19-3-2020 at 10:25
by: clearly_not_atara
Vanillin demethylation via aluminum tribromide -- still confused.
chemistry007: The best method found by CycloKnight uses Al + Br2 in toluene with a slight excess of ...
19-3-2020 at 08:59
by: clearly_not_atara
Low denisty organic fluids for making immiscible bi-layers.
Maybe just make your ionic layer heavier by adding some KOTf or something as an electrolyte? (KOTf i ...
19-3-2020 at 08:38
by: clearly_not_atara
benzyl alcohol oxidation
Frankly I'm not sure; where I've seen this reaction before it's used for sensitive substrates and ex ...
18-3-2020 at 14:02
by: clearly_not_atara
benzyl alcohol oxidation
In order to achieve selectivity in this oxidation you need to reduce the proportion of benzaldehyde ...
18-3-2020 at 09:07
by: clearly_not_atara
Iodic acid from I2 and H2O2
An equilibrium is established, but under appropriate conditions IIRC it can be arranged to favor iod ...
16-3-2020 at 11:39
by: clearly_not_atara
separating propionyl chloride and acetonitrile
Acetonitrile reacts with HCl with or without carboxylic acids present:

https://www.sciencemadness ...
16-3-2020 at 05:33
by: clearly_not_atara
duff formylation -- alternative acids?
With acetic acid, the Duff reaction works only on phenols and anilines. But with trifluoroacetic aci ...
14-3-2020 at 11:30
by: clearly_not_atara
Blue gases?
[i]"Chromium tetrafluoride is a glassy solid which forms blue vapours when heated."[/i]

https://o ...
13-3-2020 at 19:31
by: clearly_not_atara
Purifying a formaldehyde solution w/ blue dye
You may be able to just convert it to hexamine and filter out the precipitate. The resulting hexamin ...
13-3-2020 at 17:31
by: clearly_not_atara
Starter reagents for Organic Chemistry
It's probably good to prioritize finding a source for dichloromethane. It's very hard to synthesize ...
12-3-2020 at 08:24
by: clearly_not_atara
Al(O-i-Pr) decomposition problem
I would suggest using monopotassium or monoammonium phosphate to displace the Al. According to the H ...
11-3-2020 at 17:44
by: clearly_not_atara
Rosco Bodine has been banned
With that, i'm outta here Even More Permanently (it's ...
11-3-2020 at 17:40
by: clearly_not_atara
Alpha-alkylStyrene from polystyrene
Selective monoalkylation of phenylacetaldehyde would probably require a Stork reaction. The subseque ...
10-3-2020 at 18:37
by: clearly_not_atara
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