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Basic Copper Carbonate - a Copper Series
Azurite can be made by slowly adding a copper sulfate solution to a solution of carbonate. The order ...
5-5-2020 at 01:33
by: Tsjerk
H2SO4/ HNO3 mix on my hand
There is usually a problem that the virus persists so ...
4-5-2020 at 02:10
by: Tsjerk
Worried that police are intercepting my packages, worried about knock on door. Or just COVID-19 shipping delays?
Or wash your magnesium with a little diluted HCl, rinse with water and methanol and dry over CaCl2. ...
29-4-2020 at 18:51
by: Tsjerk
2,2-bipyridine complexes
I made some 2,2-bipyridine complexes. I didn't isolated any of them yet, and I'm not completely sure ...
24-4-2020 at 03:24
by: Tsjerk
COVID-19 heat resistance ?
In the strict definition of life, viruses are not alive as they don't show any metabolism. Until som ...
23-4-2020 at 21:58
by: Tsjerk
COVID-19 heat resistance ?
Researchers from the University of Aix-Marseill ...
22-4-2020 at 21:16
by: Tsjerk
Synthesis of pure esters from long-chain alcohols using Fischer esterification
If you use xylene, you could do a simple reflux with your acid, alcohol and sulfuric acid and still ...
17-4-2020 at 01:50
by: Tsjerk
how to sythesize ammonium citrate
Ahh, desiccate... I read decant. Aiming for the correct amount and adding the rest of the components ...
15-4-2020 at 01:13
by: Tsjerk
how to sythesize ammonium citrate
It won't fizz, unlike eg carbonates where CO2 evolves.

You have to add two mols of ammonia to one ...
14-4-2020 at 03:25
by: Tsjerk
A minor but interesting side effect to social distancing.
Can this go to detritus? This has nothing to do with science.
10-4-2020 at 01:27
by: Tsjerk
Disinfection of hands with isopropanol from the coronovirus
What Woelen is saying... I have been in hospital for the last three days and have to go back every m ...
9-4-2020 at 08:29
by: Tsjerk
Synthesis of Potassium chromate and dichromate from Chromic oxide
You can buy 85% ammonium nitrate OTC. Just dissolve, settle, decant, boil to dryness and dry in an o ...
9-4-2020 at 03:22
by: Tsjerk
The mingling of Palladium and Arsenic
Nice write up! I'm not going to try any of this but it is always nice to see posts like this.
8-4-2020 at 23:30
by: Tsjerk
The Short Questions Thread (4)
I found some 2,2-bipyridine! Some ideas to do some nice coordination chemistry with it?
1-4-2020 at 07:56
by: Tsjerk
Synthesis of 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene
Btw, how do you know it is not ortho-chloro-nitrobenzene? Or heavily contaminated?
31-3-2020 at 03:14
by: Tsjerk
Synthesis of 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene
This must be the most ghetto video/setup I have ever seen :) I love it.

What are you going to do ...
30-3-2020 at 06:06
by: Tsjerk
Calcium chloride recrystallization
I meant; dry your solvent with the CaCl2 as it is now, filter and then distill your solvent to get r ...
29-3-2020 at 12:12
by: Tsjerk
Calcium chloride recrystallization
Can't you distill after drying? I don't see your route going anywhere.
28-3-2020 at 13:32
by: Tsjerk
Preparation of Thalidomide
[rquote=633178&tid=154991&author=karlosĀ³]@Tsjerk, Thanks for the suggestion with the microw ...
27-3-2020 at 06:20
by: Tsjerk
$10000 can buy what chemicals?
That is about two year salaries in China, just expect mass inflation. You won't be able to buy much ...
26-3-2020 at 01:56
by: Tsjerk
Suggestion : Buy yourself an oxygen generator NOW
You will want some pain meds with that if there is now hospital if you want to go for home treatment ...
25-3-2020 at 07:59
by: Tsjerk
Political message in signature?
What would the difference between politics in a message and politics in a message.... Oh, wait, ther ...
23-3-2020 at 01:25
by: Tsjerk
Trouble with synthesizing HClO4
I like the above calculations.
22-3-2020 at 13:19
by: Tsjerk
People inadvertently making explosive disinfectants
I once tried to eat that type of corn... I thought corn was disgusting for the next 15 years. It is ...
22-3-2020 at 00:07
by: Tsjerk
Better synthesis route to Favipiravir anyone?
Does anyone have a full synthesis of remdesivir? Not because I want to produce it but because i can' ...
21-3-2020 at 12:13
by: Tsjerk
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