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Ultra glittery SbI3 after vacuum drying :)

More pictures of the synthesis in the [url=http://www ...
13-8-2012 at 14:44
by: Mailinmypocket
I've been wanting to try this synthesis for a long time but never really felt like crushing antimony ...
13-8-2012 at 14:36
by: Mailinmypocket
New Amateur Way to Prepare Pyridine
[rquote=257052&tid=20145&author=Dr.Bob]Or you could just buy the bottle of pyridine on Ebay ...
13-8-2012 at 12:12
by: Mailinmypocket
249 Lemons!1!!
[rquote=257050&tid=21166&author=Poppy]Here they are! Ready to bake!

Obs.: Did you pickled ...
13-8-2012 at 11:19
by: Mailinmypocket
249 Lemons!1!!
Steam distillation of the zest goes quite well, although I should have said orange/lemon oil and per ...
12-8-2012 at 19:53
by: Mailinmypocket
249 Lemons!1!!
Grate the zest off all of them and do a huge extraction of limonene!
12-8-2012 at 16:40
by: Mailinmypocket
How pure is denatured alcohol?
If you can find a local chemical supplier that supplies things like industrial cleaners, germicidals ...
10-8-2012 at 06:31
by: Mailinmypocket
palladium extraction
[rquote=256609&tid=21041&author=wal1978]Can any one tel me whats THE best way to make aqua r ...
9-8-2012 at 05:14
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
[rquote=256499&tid=14644&author=Endimion17]Oh, Mailinmypocket, if you could only take a macr ...
6-8-2012 at 15:02
by: Mailinmypocket
Freshly grown tin crystals
Made some floating tin sponges tonight, this is the underside of the first one made in 10 minutes. I ...
6-8-2012 at 13:31
by: Mailinmypocket
process for preparation of 2-methoxyethylbenzene
Is something wrong with you? If you [i]have in your mind[/i] that you are in a professional forum th ...
1-8-2012 at 12:38
by: Mailinmypocket
process for preparation of 2-methoxyethylbenzene
[rquote=256013&tid=21012&author=traumenz]HONEY it say :

Sorry, you are not permitt ...
1-8-2012 at 12:24
by: Mailinmypocket
Latest chemical order?
Purely for element collecting purposes, gallium source just started carrying it recently and I've al ...
31-7-2012 at 20:54
by: Mailinmypocket
Repair of draft shield on Sartorius B120S balance, help!
[rquote=255940&tid=21004&author=gutter_ca]The last time I had an analytical balance calibrat ...
31-7-2012 at 12:47
by: Mailinmypocket
Latest chemical order?

I just got 3 lbs NaOH(boring) and 25g thallium which was kind of neat to find :)
30-7-2012 at 12:01
by: Mailinmypocket
Best and worst smelling chemicals?
I really like the smell of phenol, sort of mediciney and also smells like new plastic... Can't be he ...
25-7-2012 at 16:25
by: Mailinmypocket
Problem with a stuck rubber stopper ...
I have had luck using a really long floor screw... I stabbed it into the cork and then screwed it in ...
25-7-2012 at 15:52
by: Mailinmypocket
Pretty Pictures (1)
I put together a weather glass a while back and it is supposed to react to weather conditions with d ...
23-7-2012 at 16:06
by: Mailinmypocket
"Chemical free" wonder cleaner goes on sale...
@weiming1998: That makes sense, I had no idea that's how homeopathic products work (well... If they ...
23-7-2012 at 08:04
by: Mailinmypocket
"Chemical free" wonder cleaner goes on sale...
I thought I would show this to you guys, it's called head-on... a homeopathic "remedy" which is supp ...
23-7-2012 at 05:04
by: Mailinmypocket
Buying chemicals online canada
It's been mentioned to death on the forum already but in additional to the above mentioned, there is ...
22-7-2012 at 16:41
by: Mailinmypocket
properties and reactions of tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene
Also, sulfur dissolves nicely in trichloroethylene
17-7-2012 at 10:50
by: Mailinmypocket
Preparation of Hydrazine Sulfate (Hofmann Degradation)
After much frustration due to foaming issues I found a synthesis for hydrazine sulfate in SM member ...
16-7-2012 at 09:42
by: Mailinmypocket
Ethylenediamine with a red tint
Try making some transition metal complexes with it to see if it performs reasonably![/quote ...
16-7-2012 at 04:28
by: Mailinmypocket
Ethylenediamine with a red tint
Dont really know what could be causing the red color, mine is a fairly old bottle and the color is a ...
14-7-2012 at 11:56
by: Mailinmypocket
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