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Simplest Colorimeter
As promised I figure I'll show a 'real world' chemistry example of the instrument in use.

The ex ...
22-6-2015 at 12:23
by: smaerd
Simplest Colorimeter
So I found a nice little house for the colorimeter. Craft stores in the US sell boxes called "paper ...
21-6-2015 at 11:07
by: smaerd
Home method for alcohol in urine test.
Marquis reagent will not work for this. It might light up for urea or something though...

I'm not ...
21-6-2015 at 10:03
by: smaerd
Preparation of p-Toluidine
Nice work MagPie.

Chem Player you make great videos!

I've always preferred the Tin/HCl reducti ...
21-6-2015 at 09:28
by: smaerd
help with equipment id
I have absolutely no idea what that is. My guesses are,

1) flux capacitor

2) specialized equip ...
17-6-2015 at 21:20
by: smaerd
I know who owns the sun...
NedsHead - But then shouldn't all the solar panel people be paying her for the energy output :P?
17-6-2015 at 16:51
by: smaerd
Simplest Colorimeter
So I got the Hamamatsu S10784 PIN photodiode. It's maybe slightly better in the amp's out vs light i ...
16-6-2015 at 11:29
by: smaerd
A cheap oil bath
Way cool thanks for sharing! I had no idea this item existed
14-6-2015 at 05:41
by: smaerd
Building a Syringe Pump?
I still haven't worked out the V-block thing, but I realized I completely forgot to share the code a ...
13-6-2015 at 06:30
by: smaerd
Lithography/Lab On a Chip for the Masses
So I haven't implemented dual layer functionality yet. What I mean is, resetting the pen when a new ...
11-6-2015 at 12:29
by: smaerd
Simplest Colorimeter
Nice find there aga, I thought they discontinued those IC's :).

IrC - There are people on this f ...
10-6-2015 at 17:11
by: smaerd
removing peroxides from thf with ferrous sulfate
Basic Alumina works well. I relied on it solely last semester for a research project after I was met ...
10-6-2015 at 14:07
by: smaerd
Lithography/Lab On a Chip for the Masses
Hey aga sorry for the delay in response I just got back to investing some more time into this projec ...
10-6-2015 at 11:07
by: smaerd
Simplest Colorimeter
Both of those have about double the A/W rating of the BPW34. The photosensitivity is pretty darn goo ...
10-6-2015 at 06:48
by: smaerd
Steel/Glass Interface
blogfast25 - it's just a gummy solid. When I used it I was destructively distilling sodium benzoate ...
9-6-2015 at 14:35
by: smaerd
Help with Python program to control pump via electronic eye feedback
BromicAcid - It sounds like there is some kind of casting error. Hehehe, no floats are a data type w ...
9-6-2015 at 14:25
by: smaerd
It's all about chemistry
I don't see the forum going downhill at all. The prepublication section has been very active the las ...
9-6-2015 at 13:52
by: smaerd
Building a polarimeter
m1tanker78 - I probably could devise a way to do that using something like that. Maybe use an altern ...
9-6-2015 at 13:37
by: smaerd
Simplest Colorimeter
IrC there is nothing wrong with that idea. I just gave your idea shot using a LTC1050 op-amp and a B ...
9-6-2015 at 13:20
by: smaerd
Steel/Glass Interface
I can also vouch for fireplace putty.cement. It does what it's supposed to do, withstand high temper ...
9-6-2015 at 13:13
by: smaerd
drying with MgSO4
I don't know about you all, but when my solvent is dried by say MgSO4 I can decant 95+% of the solve ...
9-6-2015 at 08:06
by: smaerd
Building a polarimeter
Aga - I'm gonna save up so I can get a nice used one. Something that I can get like 10+MHz that way ...
8-6-2015 at 17:27
by: smaerd
Building a polarimeter
M1tanker78 - I think it would be. This is because interrupts do not really occur on the rPi. If they ...
8-6-2015 at 10:25
by: smaerd
Gelling agents
I'm not sure if this is helpful at all but the paint stripper that people distil dichloromethane fro ...
8-6-2015 at 05:58
by: smaerd
Gold Refining Karat Scrap Complete Process - VIDEO
kadriver - that was a really great video! I was always curious how people handled gold recovery. Whe ...
7-6-2015 at 18:19
by: smaerd
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