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Iodine ASC crystals for sale
Something like iodine should be easily able to be smuggled across the U$-Canada border, especially o ...
25-6-2010 at 14:08
by: JohnWW
High Yield Hydrazine Synthesis?
You would have to bubble the hydrazine, or add it in aqueous solution, slowly into a cold reasonably ...
25-6-2010 at 14:03
by: JohnWW
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
Was Julio Avalos given a "fail" grade in Organic Chemistry 300 as the result of that ether explosion ...
25-6-2010 at 13:56
by: JohnWW
Quinone to make Energetic Compound
Has anyone actually synthesized those two molecules, and lived to tell the tale?

[Edited on 25-6-10 ...
25-6-2010 at 13:52
by: JohnWW
What is this glassware used for?
That sort of manifold arrangement in photos 1 and 2, with several outlets from a long cylinder, is d ...
24-6-2010 at 17:28
by: JohnWW
New Energetic Materials - Current Research
[u]ADN – New Oxidizer for an Environmentall ...
23-6-2010 at 18:23
by: JohnWW
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
Something spontaneously flammable in both O2 and N2 like t-butyl lithium should be handled only in a ...
23-6-2010 at 07:25
by: JohnWW
[rquote=180641&tid=259&author=The WiZard is In][rquote=2829&tid=259&author=Polverone ...
22-6-2010 at 17:53
by: JohnWW
The short questions thread (2)
Salts of univalent oxy-anions are usually soluble, but it appears that Ba(MnO4)2 is an exception.
22-6-2010 at 15:41
by: JohnWW
Seperation of metals: how does this work?
I presume that you want to extract the germanium from raw, as-smelted but unpurified, zinc, as germa ...
22-6-2010 at 14:44
by: JohnWW
Beyond Cool: Making Galena!
I thought that crystals of germanium were used for that.
21-6-2010 at 13:49
by: JohnWW
Bad days in the lab or with glassware?
The moral of that story is that concentrated perchlorates (along with chlorates, bromates, perbromat ...
21-6-2010 at 13:46
by: JohnWW
According to pentazole, HN5, and the cyclic resonance-stabili ...
20-6-2010 at 14:31
by: JohnWW
Reactions to Easily make new Precursors
PtF6, in the above reactions, formed by direct reaction of Pt with an excess of F2, is EXTREMELY rea ...
18-6-2010 at 12:50
by: JohnWW
Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine ?
Unless you are rich enough to bribe your way out, that is, ScienceSquirrel. China, including its Pig ...
17-6-2010 at 08:35
by: JohnWW
Feynman lectures on physics - the complete audio collection
I downloaded those MP3s, plus the Feynman PDFs, on Torrent a few months ago, a total of 3.21 Gb. Her ...
17-6-2010 at 00:31
by: JohnWW
chlorine trifluoride
ClF6+, as the hexafluoroantimonate salt, can be made only either by heating ClF5, F2, and SbF5 toget ...
16-6-2010 at 01:29
by: JohnWW
Electrolysis of NaCl in glycerol
Na metal reacts vigorously with alcohols, such as glycerol, to form alkoxides, with evolution of H2.
15-6-2010 at 09:19
by: JohnWW
Police notified about buying beakers!
Actually, that chap is offering 25 kg bags of NaNO2, not NaNO3. NaNO2 is used commercially as a pres ...
15-6-2010 at 09:15
by: JohnWW
I have heard of an instance, several years ago, of radioactive cobalt-60, used as a gamma-ray source ...
15-6-2010 at 00:38
by: JohnWW
Police notified about buying beakers!
[rquote=179946&tid=13990&author=not_important]Always have to laugh at Texas [quote](K) a tra ...
14-6-2010 at 09:07
by: JohnWW
Police notified about buying beakers!
All those laboratory glassware and heating etc. items listed by the Wizard above, quoting Texa$ $tat ...
14-6-2010 at 09:01
by: JohnWW
Police notified about buying beakers!
Mewrox99, in case you are not already aware of it, the New Zealand Pigs are as corrupt as hell! They ...
14-6-2010 at 03:14
by: JohnWW
What is the most dangerous OTC chemical?
I have a small jar of calomel (mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2), supplied by BDH, which I bought in Auckl ...
13-6-2010 at 17:53
by: JohnWW
What is the most dangerous OTC chemical?
[rquote=179853&tid=13986&author=not_important]Water - kills 4000 to 8000 people a year in th ...
13-6-2010 at 14:06
by: JohnWW
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