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Thoughts On Anodes
Current density follows the same pattern regardless of resistivity. There must be a surface effect ...
18-11-2008 at 15:09
by: 12AX7
Perchloric acid preparation
McMaster sells hastelloy hardware, but no sheet, surprisingly. Washers up to 2" o.d.

18-11-2008 at 10:46
by: 12AX7
Ammonia Flower Chemistry
You can do something like that with methylene blue indicating Na2CO3 titration. The solution change ...
18-11-2008 at 10:43
by: 12AX7
Ammonia Flower Chemistry
Cu(2+) is almost always square planar. Hence (NH3)4, (H2O)4, Cl4, etc.

I agree, the color change ...
18-11-2008 at 02:14
by: 12AX7
X-PRIZE Foundation: Energy and Environment
Probably the same electrolytic barrier thing they've been using, an electric double layer. Which I ...
17-11-2008 at 13:51
by: 12AX7
X-PRIZE Foundation: Energy and Environment
[i]Inner shell electrons[/i]?


As soon as you start speaking of ionized atoms (or similarly ...
16-11-2008 at 23:29
by: 12AX7
X-PRIZE Foundation: Energy and Environment
Congratulations on the video.

Capacitors, huh? Nah, cells are still the way to go. Build them s ...
16-11-2008 at 15:01
by: 12AX7
Thoughts On Anodes
Odd, Fleaker has spoken of melting Mg (pure Mg) with SO2 cover gas (produced by burning S added to t ...
15-11-2008 at 20:49
by: 12AX7
Niobium pentoxide wanted
Thermite, of course. Let's see, half a year ago, that was right around the height of his KClO3-enha ...
15-11-2008 at 13:46
by: 12AX7
Thoughts On Anodes
No, I'm sure it would clog with KClO3.

You might get away with that with NaCl, but rock salt is a ...
15-11-2008 at 10:35
by: 12AX7
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
Ligand formation is about electron donation, although not usually as strongly as in chemical bonding ...
13-11-2008 at 11:12
by: 12AX7
Exotic Primaries - Complex Salts
Perchlorate isn't a ligand. It is an (almost "perfect") anion. You should recognize the compound i ...
13-11-2008 at 08:31
by: 12AX7
Another home lab gets busted...
Considering the circumstances, the article seems to be relatively calm and rational, compared to the ...
12-11-2008 at 13:38
by: 12AX7
Thoughts On Anodes
[quote][i]Originally posted by Swede[/i]
I have some very basic questrions... Given say 4 liters of ...
11-11-2008 at 10:51
by: 12AX7
The lead salts preparation thread!
Sure, PbCl2 is nice and volatile. Just don't do it in a steel pipe (unless you want crusty holes an ...
10-11-2008 at 13:13
by: 12AX7
Anodes for FFC Cambridge Process
Silicate and borate anions, I'm thinking. Both are present as neutral salts (SiO2, B2O3), but there ...
10-11-2008 at 13:07
by: 12AX7
Anodes for FFC Cambridge Process
Sounds like the anode is being passivated then. Boron carbide perhaps?

Interesting structure on ...
9-11-2008 at 21:40
by: 12AX7
power-transistors as rectifiers ?
[quote][i]Originally posted by chief[/i]
Well, the voltage supply is 30 V with center-tap, and that ...
9-11-2008 at 21:30
by: 12AX7
power-transistors as rectifiers ?
Ah, except that normal diodes, like 1N4001, aren't passing thirty amperes.

Yes, you should have c ...
9-11-2008 at 11:10
by: 12AX7
Thoughts On Anodes
For asymmetrical current distribution to do that, it would have to be considerable indeed, I'm think ...
7-11-2008 at 07:45
by: 12AX7
The lead salts preparation thread!
HCl will increase chloride ion concentration resulting in PbCl2 fouling the anode. The only acid yo ...
6-11-2008 at 20:51
by: 12AX7
Thoughts On Anodes
Are you pumping cold solution or hot solution? The better idea would be to pump hot solution so it' ...
6-11-2008 at 20:42
by: 12AX7
power-transistors as rectifiers ?
[quote][i]Originally posted by gregxy[/i]
If you want to use them as diodes, tie the base to the co ...
6-11-2008 at 20:37
by: 12AX7
Thoughts On Anodes
Hmm... interesting...

Hydride implanation? Hydride is lower density = expands on the near face ( ...
6-11-2008 at 08:28
by: 12AX7
power-transistors as rectifiers ?
2N3055 is rated at 10A, and doesn't work real well at that. The best you could do is tie B and E to ...
6-11-2008 at 07:49
by: 12AX7
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