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Can butane melt silver?
good to hear but if all ells fails go with the millennia tried and true method charcoal and a fan!
7-1-2018 at 05:16
by: XeonTheMGPony
[Metalurgy] Homemade steel body armor
[rquote=502474&tid=79432&author=unionised][rquote=502452&tid=79432&author=joseph6355 ...
3-1-2018 at 16:57
by: XeonTheMGPony
ETN synthesis problem
here they are a mixture of ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate, so I dissolve in ammonia then filte ...
2-1-2018 at 17:56
by: XeonTheMGPony
Most Efficient Way of Making HCl?
hardly dangerous providing you take your time to make a dedicated system for it.
1-1-2018 at 11:38
by: XeonTheMGPony
ETN synthesis problem
should be no out gassing, just a steady rise of temp at each addition. Allot of cold packs are doped ...
29-12-2017 at 08:48
by: XeonTheMGPony
Sodium azide toxicity
[rquote=501855&tid=79308&author=nezza]It's an interesting question and thanks for the answer ...
29-12-2017 at 08:20
by: XeonTheMGPony
So I bought an (Agilent) HP 5890 gas chromatograph...

Seems cotter fields a verity or rather covers a group of ...
29-12-2017 at 08:00
by: XeonTheMGPony
So I bought an (Agilent) HP 5890 gas chromatograph...
[rquote=501611&tid=79261&author=zts16][rquote=501598&tid=79261&author=aga]Reboot mus ...
29-12-2017 at 07:46
by: XeonTheMGPony
An Interesting Find on Ebay
not the best I've ever seen, cooling section seems a bit short, pot design is poor.

I'd not touch ...
23-12-2017 at 05:54
by: XeonTheMGPony
Diethyl Ether Storage
Inside joke, my dog gets very possessive even of other people so friends just started calling her "t ...
23-12-2017 at 05:49
by: XeonTheMGPony
Diethyl Ether Storage
I just give my wife a bit of sausage and she's happy, mind you collies don't use the fridge or freez ...
22-12-2017 at 17:39
by: XeonTheMGPony
Volcanic CO2 riddle
[rquote=501252&tid=79106&author=Chemvironment]There is a HUGE difference between weatherman ...
22-12-2017 at 17:29
by: XeonTheMGPony
Volcanic CO2 riddle
I'd like to note we're all so killing off one of the carbon sinks, known as deforestation! So we nee ...
21-12-2017 at 03:48
by: XeonTheMGPony
Failed attempt at making NO2Cl
while looking into RDX production and methods of getting absolute HNO3 they referenced extracting th ...
21-12-2017 at 03:41
by: XeonTheMGPony
ETN synthesis problem
Seems pretty low, I did allot of 17g runs and usual return was 23grams products that no3 group is we ...
19-12-2017 at 03:31
by: XeonTheMGPony
Mirror neurons and their ability to help learning physical activities
no as the motor controls and movement memory is driven by the cerebellum, only thing one gets from t ...
19-12-2017 at 03:23
by: XeonTheMGPony
Large Li-ion battery packs, compact jump starters and truth in advertising?
In the logging camps we just made one from taking an alt from a d8 excavator and throwing a Honda en ...
17-12-2017 at 07:15
by: XeonTheMGPony
Haloform with Calcium Hypochlorite (70%)
I've had very consistent results just following the erowid method. Bit tedious but very good convers ...
17-12-2017 at 07:04
by: XeonTheMGPony
Large Li-ion battery packs, compact jump starters and truth in advertising?
lead acid batteries form whats referred to as a surface charge, it forms fast and leaves fast.

So ...
16-12-2017 at 07:09
by: XeonTheMGPony
Would a matter replicator from star trek be possible to create? What problems are there from this idea other than energy?
in startreck it is direct energy to mass conversion, theoretically doable as we have don the revers ...
11-12-2017 at 16:26
by: XeonTheMGPony
Peristaltic Pumps are amazing !
large inkjet printers have small pumps in them used for head cleaning, all so used in commercial lau ...
9-12-2017 at 06:12
by: XeonTheMGPony
Ammonium persulphate disposal
electrolysis? drive the reaction by chosing the target to be plated with an electrical potential whi ...
5-12-2017 at 03:36
by: XeonTheMGPony
Fuming HNO3 distillation from drain cleaner + KNO3

MUSICMusic and Talking at the same timeYour taste in music is not my taste in music, when ...
3-12-2017 at 06:30
by: XeonTheMGPony
K2 thermocouple and distillations
you can fuse the sensor right in to the glass, use borosilicate, as waste to go to all that work to ...
1-12-2017 at 03:27
by: XeonTheMGPony
My vacuum pump
Pump > Aspirator > Bucket

you're converting pressure to velocity, and that high speed jet s ...
22-11-2017 at 15:26
by: XeonTheMGPony
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